"Who the fuck bought a vita anyway"
Because you said who bought a vita so I answered
There's a reason why people don't buy stu… moreff. Main one for the Vita is that no one gived a fuck.
I don't have an answer to that that's way 2edgy for me
Running around trying to fit in, wanting to be loved. It doesn't take much, for someone to shut you down. When you build a shell, build an army in your mind. You can't sit still and you don't like hanging around the crowd, they don't understand.
I'm not sure. I loved both of them especially Arianne. And yeah they cut Stoneheart but I can live without her. The directors Benioff and Weiss are straying off from the books for some reason, I think because they want to change some things, and maybe there are too many characters but still, those three were pretty big. The casting that I saw only showed Doran, Trystane, Myrcella, The Sand Snakes, and Areo Hotah. I don't know if that's all the new cast but I hope not.
I haven't heard this song in ages, thanks for that.
smacks with bread
you got stabbed!
congresso expresso garden of the x x x o, guardian of the y o s o
s o s o yes-o
Not edgy, I didn't say that to be different. That's a fact. No one gave to shits about the Vita lol
but tomorrow is another story
Running around trying to fit in, wanting to be loved. It doesn't take much, for someone to shut you down. When you build a shell, build an army in your mind. You can't sit still and you don't like hanging around the crowd, they don't understand.
Ugh I love this. Season 5 where are yooouuuuuu
( ͡° ͜ ͡°)
I heard they cut Quentyn and Arianne. :C
What?? Why? ;-; I was excited to see Arianne :c
They also cut Lady Stoneheart too I think v_v
i think this song stuck into my brain
I'm not sure.
I loved both of them especially Arianne. And yeah they cut Stoneheart but I can live without her. The directors Benioff and Weiss are straying off from the books for some reason, I think because they want to change some things, and maybe there are too many characters but still, those three were pretty big. The casting that I saw only showed Doran, Trystane, Myrcella, The Sand Snakes, and Areo Hotah. I don't know if that's all the new cast but I hope not.
He Who Shall Not Be Named Confirmed.
@TDMshadowCP I was talking about my boi @BlueShadiw but don't worry I still love u 2
I did some tutoring when I was younger, too. It was actually kind of fun. They weren't armed and snarling, though.
When TWD back on
is it only me who likes One ok Rock?
i love this song

Lanoisse for Peh Teel
Page 1776
freedom intensifies
eagles calling
@ComingSoon @Markd4547
What's that about Emma Watson and Disney characters Madd! she is the perfect choice it was only a matter of time anyway :P
Emma Watson confirmed as a disney princess >:D
XD awesome
@Markd4547 @ComingSoon
Holy shit, Jack Black. XD
xD that video's amazing, lmao
when season 3 announce, we dance like that xD
pg 1776
Potato intensifies
Shitty beer shared around
Ireland :'D
I'll get the clothes!
I'm back, people...
Kinda. Don't expect me on too often. I'm keeping up on school and faith.
XD Jack Black and those god-like moves
How to summon a demon