Is Telltale "milking" their engine?



  • Yeah continuous Q mashing is just brain dead. They've been doing it for FIVE games in a row now. If this was Ubisoft or EA, people will be going for their throats!

    I agree with your assertion that greater engagement is required. Simple things like instead of always mashing Q, it changes to or alternates with anther key.

    The best though I feel is to simply remove themif they want to persist with the current form. The QTEs are just a "chore" to go through.

    Having to press X or move the stick left doesn't exactly make for exciting gameplay, so just leave it out. A part of that seems to b

  • TT is doing excellent things that is true! I mean the styles of TFTBL and GOT are very cool and I enjoy them. But I do think that when a small company starts to grow they will need to up their graphics. Fans won't always let the graphics slide and I think that day is coming sooner than TT thinks IMO

    Mercyva posted: »

    it doesnt bother me : telltale market themselves as STORY TELLERS. not look at how my game with no substance and the fantastic graphic lo

  • I was about to say that lol

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If it aint broke dont fix it?

  • If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

  • that bug has nothing to do with the faceless thing you posted and of course it has bugs almost all games do but ac unity was just an embarrassment

    Not really. I had to replay Ep.5 of TWAU because of a bug. "choice is empty". GoT got bugs too : it was saying Coming soon when launching

  • Lots of companies reuse and revamp their same engine for years, so I don't see what the big point is here? Ubisoft is on their fourth game using Anvil (if you count Victory,) Bioware used Aurora for years, and how many games has Rockstar used RAGE for? How about Havok, Crystal, and Unreal, how many games did we play in those engines?

    Gameplay does not and never will equal graphics. If it did, people wouldn't have played Tetris and Minecraft by the millions.

  • I don't know much about game engines but better graphics would be great. It is not much of a problem for most of their games but GoT has some graphic issues as well as audio issues. If a new or enhanced engine can fix these issues plus improve loading time, then they should do so.

  • The only problem I've ever had was the lag. Jurassic Park had it the worse, other games it's minor, but it's still there. Playing Walking Dead Season 2 right now on PS4 and even though it's still the smoothest TellTale game I've played it still has those moments between conversations or action where you can get a lag that takes you out of the experience.

    With all the business they have been getting recently I'm surprised they haven't upgraded yet. I'm going to guess that the mindset is that It would probably take too much time to make a new one anyway, plus with a new engine comes new problems. As I said, TellTale games still have glitches and lag but it's getting better. It's probably best they keep doing what they're doing to improve the engine they have because whatever they're doing is working.

  • I agree with this 100%. Just look at Life is Strange. Great Visuals.

    I think Telltale can improve on the visuals. I don't think Telltale will change it though.

  • Are game engines created by the studios themselves or are they built by independent engineers? If it is independent, then shouldn't a transition be smoother? Sorry, I'm very naive when it comes to game design/creation.

  • It can go both ways, and additionally, a studio can sometimes lend its engine for other studios to use.

    In this case, Telltale uses their own engine - The Telltale Tool. They've used it for every game they've made, and add iterative upgrades for the engine each game. Usually the upgrades are small, but some titles come with notable improvements to Telltale's engine - which of course benefits every other title that comes afterwards as well.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    Are game engines created by the studios themselves or are they built by independent engineers? If it is independent, then shouldn't a transition be smoother? Sorry, I'm very naive when it comes to game design/creation.

  • You are not alone in that. In GoT, even dialogs seem to be generic responses for all the options you have (and don’t make sense all the time). And all this not to mention how meaningless the choices in the last part where.

    You can make the story have the same result without making it look like the choices are not being considered (TWD did it very well).

    JeethWOLF posted: »

    Ya, I feel the art style is fun something different. Why go for breath taking graphics all the time there are other games for that, right.

  • It's fine, this way people with really old systems can enjoy the game too. And for what the games are, graphics really aren't important.

  • The engine is poor, but it helps reach the lowest common denominator. It can be played in the lowest of machines, and you can even play it on android. They reach a wider audience this way.

  • edited January 2015

    Well they KEEP it poor.
    There are PLENTY of features that can be quite easily implemented to make the graphics better.
    But TT insists on not improving it....

    Check this link to see how a simple, free, basic, almost at default settings shader suite (GEMFX) can improve the GoT graphics:

    (hold your mouse on it to see the differences)

  • The main reason I believe that Telltale's engine is "poor" is because that they want everyone to be able to play it on any platform on device that can play games, which I think is a very good thing for them.

    I don't have a huge problem with it so I don't get why everyone is freaking out. If it gets the job done well enough, then its good enough for me. The story and characters are more important to me in a game like this anyway.

  • Unfortunately, there are people that won't touch a game if it doesn't have Crysis 2 graphics.

    The main reason I believe that Telltale's engine is "poor" is because that they want everyone to be able to play it on any platform on devic

  • edited January 2015

    Unfortunately, there are people that won't touch a game if it doesn't have Crysis 2 graphics.

    Agreed, but thats their loss. Its another expectation for games that some fail to meet yet they can still be amazing games.

    Also, a game like this shouldn't be judged by its graphics, and to be honest I think people are overreacting about them. They are a bit blurry at times but overall they aren't that bad IMO.

    Unfortunately, there are people that won't touch a game if it doesn't have Crysis 2 graphics.

  • Ehe. Monkey Island didn't change his system in 20 years. If you have a story that you want to tell, and find out that the system you have works perfectly for it, It doesn't need to change.

    When telltale will make a run 'n gun game, they'll probably change system

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