Pickable Items

We've all seen that in this first Episode, we could pick-up quite a few items, be it with Margaery or even, yes, Gared.

So I'm just wondering, did anyone take the extra medicine supplies on the table when Gared was being healed ? I was reluctant at first, considering the Maestre was right in front of me, but he didn't seem to care at all, so I took everything I could. Couldn't even take anything from Margaery considering I didn't want to burn my only chance of asking her for help, will do that later, when her position's solidified.

So, what did you take ? What do you think those Items will be used for ? Some regrets ?
I'm really interested in what the medicine could be used for, might seem minor at this point but we could save/help someone later on.


  • I took everything.

    TWD S2 taught me that stealing=good in the Telltale universe.

  • I took the medical equipment, but as Mira i only took the strange key, leaving the other thing alone. Don't wanna be in trouble with maergery if she finds out

  • I did the same.

    I took the medicine supplies. Maybe I have to change the bandage of my wound, who knows. And the maester must have seen it, but did not react, so I think it was ok to take it. ^^

    I did not take anything from Margaery. Hey, it's described that she is a dear friend and as long as it isn't proved she is not, I won't steal from a friend, that is the greatest hope for my whole family (at least at this moment).

    TWD S2 taught me that stealing=good in the Telltale universe.

    I try to make my decisions as the character I am playing. And Mira surely doesn't know TWD. :P
    If it is more difficult later, because I did not take the key, then I have to handle it the way it is.

  • I didn't know that we could even pick up the medical supplies till my second playthrough, so if we do get hurt and need them I'm screwed in my canon playthrough. I picked up everything I could take in Marge's room though :P

  • I assumed that I was supposed to pick all the items. I have played various RPG games where it is normal to loot everything you can unless clearly told otherwise.

  • A game once taught me: if you put a bucket on people's head, you can steal everything from them.

    Clord posted: »

    I assumed that I was supposed to pick all the items. I have played various RPG games where it is normal to loot everything you can unless clearly told otherwise.

  • Haha, indeed.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    A game once taught me: if you put a bucket on people's head, you can steal everything from them.

  • I took everything, the medical supplies (figured Gared could use them, and besides, if the Maester needer them, he would have stopped me) and the stuff on Margaery's table (figured it might help me down the road).

  • I stole all the medicines, but I am playing Mira as 100% loyal to Margaery, so I left all her stuff alone. It will probably screw me over in the future, but at least I am getting screwed over while keeping my honor =D

  • And we all know where honor leads... :P

    I stole all the medicines, but I am playing Mira as 100% loyal to Margaery, so I left all her stuff alone. It will probably screw me over in the future, but at least I am getting screwed over while keeping my honor =D

  • same here

    I stole all the medicines, but I am playing Mira as 100% loyal to Margaery, so I left all her stuff alone. It will probably screw me over in the future, but at least I am getting screwed over while keeping my honor =D

  • Yep. Mira gon' die. To balance that, I am going to make Asher a discoverable arsehole

    ninoobz posted: »

    And we all know where honor leads... :P

  • Dishonorable*

    Yep. Mira gon' die. To balance that, I am going to make Asher a discoverable arsehole

  • I'm telling ya, she ain't going to die, she's gonna be the killer

    Yep. Mira gon' die. To balance that, I am going to make Asher a discoverable arsehole

  • I took the herbs and bandages since I thought you had to. I never got an option to take anything with Mira since I didn't ask Margery for help.

  • took the supplies and took the key. I'm pretty sure i could die if i took the scroll lolol.

  • As Mira, I only took the key from the desk. Thought that it could help unlock something useful. I didn't take the seal because I thought that would lead to me getting into trouble.

    But, wait, are you serious? You can really take medical supplies from the Maester's table after bandaging Gared's leg? This, I did not know until know.

  • Has there been any pickable items noticed for the last episode other than the sack of food for Gared? I used the medical herbs and bandages from episode 1 on Cotter, which proved to be very helpful. I kept the gold I found on the dead body with Asher, instead of wasting it on giving it to Croft. Has anything else been helpful?

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