Achievements for Episode 2 on Steam?

I was going to play the game till I realized there are no achievements released for episode 2. When will the achievements be released?


  • edited February 2015

    I too would like to know when the achievements are coming. I don't want to have to play the episode twice, once for the story and a second time for the achievements.

  • Yeah, I want to play the game too. And I "can't" without the achiements. Well, I will wait for another 30 minutes, then I'll play no matter what

  • Still no achievements.

  • I'm still not seeing any achievements.

  • I would think that achievements should be up for Episode 2. Volunteer Moderators are not Telltale Staff members, but I'll see if I can't figure anything out.

  • I'm waiting for it to begin the episode so it would be very nice if the achievements gets there quickly. I don't understand why they didn't put it before the launch of the episode, like two days before.

  • To avoid spoilers, I guess.

    Fabolous313 posted: »

    I'm waiting for it to begin the episode so it would be very nice if the achievements gets there quickly. I don't understand why they didn't put it before the launch of the episode, like two days before.

  • You can change achievements titles and text. I see it with Payday all the time, a few days before the release of DLC they put up the achievements but with different names and then when the DLC goes live on Steam they put the correct titles and at the text.

    Tahon posted: »

    To avoid spoilers, I guess.

  • Did you find anything out?

    I would think that achievements should be up for Episode 2. Volunteer Moderators are not Telltale Staff members, but I'll see if I can't figure anything out.

  • Yeah I made a thread about this. Hope they get it fixed.

  • Achievements work now.

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