Revenge...what is it good for?

After hearing Lady Forrester talk about killing "Whitehill babes in their cribs", I feel like this whole "getting even" thing is just going to be too costly.

When I truly think about it...why do I even hate Ludd Whitehill as any playable Forrester? Because he is a craven coward? greedy? loud? obnoxious? likes to spit on the graves of dead people(especially Forrester's)? Not qualities of a good person but not really worthy of death either or I would have hated and wished everyone dead in king's landing.

Most of the bad stuff that befalls the Forrester's was done by the Bolton's. Gared's family was killed by Boltons men and they were mostly responsible for the success with the red wedding that lead to Gregor's death and Rodrik's maiming. Ethan was killed by Ramsey Bolton and even if the Whitehills wanted to take away the Ironwood, it was the Bolton's who gave them half despite the warning they would leave none left after a few years.

I get the feeling we can't see the forest for the trees as the Forrester's....the true enemy should have always been the Boltons but I feel as if both families are going to kill other and only the bolton's will win out in that case.


  • “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”

    That's not meant that you're getting revenge against two people ;-).

    But this is Game of Thrones and nothing is ever that we'll see. I wonder if we'll get Ryan's PoV to get some new insight onto the Whitehall's so they aren't all bad(Though Asher does have Gwen as his forbidden love) and who know, Griff could be nice. But yeah, things will be complicated but hey, Whitehalls, Boltons and Freys deserve death :)

  • Judging from the previews for Episode 3, it can be inferred Gryff is not nice at all.

    XtremeOne1 posted: »

    “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” That's not meant that you're getting revenge against two people ;-). But

  • what is it good for?

    Killing each and every Whitehill bastard there is.

    Except Gwyn...She seems alright.

  • Revenge is needed if the House Forrester is going to survive. They will starve without their iron wood.

  • Personally, I think they are worried Gryff might be worse then Ramsey (unlikely) and think he is coming just to torment them. We don't actually see Gryff in the preview at all, just the Mira/Royland/Duncan/Rodrik/Lady Forrester freaking out about Gryff's arrival. I think this will only highlight what I said about the "Revenge" thing and will just make things worse in the long run.

  • How does Revenge tie into keeping the Ironwood? Let's say the Bolton's were to give back the Ironwood but would tolerate no reprises against the Whitehills, would you still risk it all just to fulfill an old fend?

    lindblom posted: »

    Revenge is needed if the House Forrester is going to survive. They will starve without their iron wood.

  • edited February 2015

    I feel simpathetic for Gwynn.

    Does this mean i will not kill her along with her family if i have to?

    Hell no.

    “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”

    counts only if there is someone left to swear revenge on you.

  • I gave into my pride and chose not to kneel that fat Whitehill scum. Afterwards, Gwynn came to meet Rodrick regarding his little brother Ryon and that she is taking care of him.

    So, I would avoid killing her, if possible. I do owe her for taking care of Ryon.

    Endrik posted: »

    I feel simpathetic for Gwynn. Does this mean i will not kill her along with her family if i have to? Hell no. “Before you embark

  • Those words were definitely foreboding the choices you're gonna have to make towards the end. Is every Whitehill worth killing?

  • yes

    ninoobz posted: »

    Those words were definitely foreboding the choices you're gonna have to make towards the end. Is every Whitehill worth killing?

  • Good one. Gwyn seems nice to me, but in westeros bad things happen to good peoples :P i hope rodrik will take revenge for his father and brother. I think we may see a confrontation between asher and rodrick about gwyn's future. anyway good episode and fucking EPIC ending. Talia has a GREAT voice

    Endrik posted: »

    I feel simpathetic for Gwynn. Does this mean i will not kill her along with her family if i have to? Hell no. “Before you embark

  • The Boltons could probably not care less to be honest. As long as they get their ironwood they won't give a shit about who is supplying them with it.

    How does Revenge tie into keeping the Ironwood? Let's say the Bolton's were to give back the Ironwood but would tolerate no reprises against the Whitehills, would you still risk it all just to fulfill an old fend?

  • Well, I'm hoping the end of the series will imply that the surviving members of House Forrester will indeed go after the true enemies, the Boltons.
    As you pointed out, they are the ones who did the greatest harm to the Forresters, though their attention may not have been so focused on the denizens of Ironrath had it not been for the jealous bleating of Lord Whitehill.

    I believe the books imply that the Forresters join Stannis' army for their campaign against the Boltons. Perhaps Rodrik, Asher or others will get the opportunity to run Roose and his bastard, Ramsay, through before the end of the war?

    (The Boltons are definitely the greatest enemies, but I still want to make Lord Whitehill tremble and whimper before the story is over.)

  • She is likable. Too bad I will have to snap her neck like I did to that guard in Yunkai.

    what is it good for? Killing each and every Whitehill bastard there is. Except Gwyn...She seems alright.

  • At this point, it's not just about revenge. This is about justice. The only reason I won't use a [Kill Lord Whitehill] option is if I'm playing as Asher, and Gwyn begs for his life. If I'm playing as Roderick, he dies.

  • edited February 2015

    EDIT: nevermind

  • edited February 2015

    definitely agree with you, revange sucks and doesn't really help anything...although i will most likely kill Ludd if given the chance, can't say for certain though. His reaction to Ethan being stabbed in the throat is "You brought this on yourselves". i want to kill him for THAT.

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