Your opinion on ******? (Spoilers)

What is your opinion on Rodrik being alive and that he is now a playable character?

I have read the theories about him being alive and I never believed it, yet when it turns out that he was indeed alive, I thought it was a wonderful choice. Firstly, if he was killed, it would have been a waste of a character, why suddenly kill off a character that you have written a codex about? Also, now that he is alive we get to play the lord of Ironrath again and this time, he have the means and the right impression to do so. And to Rodrik as a character, I thought he is excellent. He is wounded and you can relate to him because you feel his vulnerability, yet you know that he is strong because he have survived his injuries and managed to walk despite his wounds. I can't wait to play more of Rodrik.

I hope you guys have enjoyed the episode as I did. :)


  • There's alot of potential within Rodrick.. he has a good character and his voice acting is pretty darn good.

    I just hope the game won't kill him off that easily

  • I didn't want him to be alive because I thought it was silly how you can survive being crushed by a horse and stabbed. But I'm okay with it I guess, since he is at least very f**ked up.

  • Well he was stabbed in the leg which I believe is not one of the vital organs.

    I didn't want him to be alive because I thought it was silly how you can survive being crushed by a horse and stabbed. But I'm okay with it I guess, since he is at least very f**ked up.

  • It would still be a serious injury in those times. Plus it would be infected.

    Bullio posted: »

    Well he was stabbed in the leg which I believe is not one of the vital organs.

  • I figured he was alive before and really enjoy how they're doing it. I also liked that bit of yellow in his face scar that kinda emphasied it wasn't a badass scar, but an 'Oh god. What's what's wrong with your face!?' scar.

  • And thus he's crippled and infection does take some time to actually kill someone

    It would still be a serious injury in those times. Plus it would be infected.

  • I still like his scar. It doesn't make him ugly.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    I figured he was alive before and really enjoy how they're doing it. I also liked that bit of yellow in his face scar that kinda emphasied it wasn't a badass scar, but an 'Oh god. What's what's wrong with your face!?' scar.

  • People have survived worse.

    I didn't want him to be alive because I thought it was silly how you can survive being crushed by a horse and stabbed. But I'm okay with it I guess, since he is at least very f**ked up.

  • Agreed.

    BipedalP posted: »

    People have survived worse.

  • It makes him more badass

    I still like his scar. It doesn't make him ugly.

  • I didn't like the theories or even the thought of him coming back but I still think Telltale played it perfectly. I'm really glad they didn't play it like a huge reveal - i.e. Rodrik bashing down the doors at Ironrath to reveal he was still alive. It was at the beginning of the episode, not treated like a twist, and worked well for the entire episode.

  • well he could have survived the stabbing and the encounter with the horse.

    BUT: He could in NO way have survived the transport back to his family. He would have laid on the battle ground and/or on this cart for weeks(!) unconscious. He would have starved. Specially without water.

    This is ONE HUGE flaw in the game's story.

    Bullio posted: »

    Well he was stabbed in the leg which I believe is not one of the vital organs.

  • Yeah. The reveal of him being alive wasn't sudden. It was subtle one. It was a calm surprise.

    vctim posted: »

    I didn't like the theories or even the thought of him coming back but I still think Telltale played it perfectly. I'm really glad they didn'

  • I was hoping that the reveal will show him as a Walker.

    Yeah. The reveal of him being alive wasn't sudden. It was subtle one. It was a calm surprise.

  • I was against it, but after seeing him in Episode 2, I'm glad they brought him back. And now that he is back, he has to be the one to kill Lord Whitehill.

  • I am curious, what made you glad that he is alive in episode 2? :)

    I was against it, but after seeing him in Episode 2, I'm glad they brought him back. And now that he is back, he has to be the one to kill Lord Whitehill.

  • I loved play as Ethan, as in playing a Lord and making decisions for the house and standing up for it. So I love that you can play as Rodrik now even tho it is quite confusing that he survived.

  • Of all the protagonists in this episode and their stories, he was my favorite by far. The whole trying to convince Elaena to marry him was tense and made me nervous to try and pick the right options (which I didn't) and the conversation he has with Talia in his room after he wakes up was very well written. But my favorite part was saying, "I'm going to kill that man," just by offering that threat made Rodrik my favorite character so far.

    I am curious, what made you glad that he is alive in episode 2?

  • Well...As other forum members has pointed out, people have survived worse. I am not a doctor, but I have heard that once a human being enters unconsciousness their bodies can survive and endure a lot. I have read a story where a pilot in World War 2 have survive a free fall with no parachute due to being unconscious.

    gwendog posted: »

    I loved play as Ethan, as in playing a Lord and making decisions for the house and standing up for it. So I love that you can play as Rodrik now even tho it is quite confusing that he survived.

  • Rodrik is just plain badass. The fact that he managed to survive his injuries and managed to keep walking shows. :)

    Of all the protagonists in this episode and their stories, he was my favorite by far. The whole trying to convince Elaena to marry him was t

  • yeah I believe that but I mean, like Talia said since Ethan died it's been a few weeks, and Ethan became Lord when his father and brother died. so he must''ve been in some kind of coma for 2 weeks. I don't know, I loved the episode but doesn't make too much sense. :)

    Well...As other forum members has pointed out, people have survived worse. I am not a doctor, but I have heard that once a human being enter

  • I know what you mean. Well...Sometimes it is better to not think to much about it. Besides, it is still a fantasy setting and White Walkers and dead people doesn't make too much sense either. :)

    gwendog posted: »

    yeah I believe that but I mean, like Talia said since Ethan died it's been a few weeks, and Ethan became Lord when his father and brother di

  • i think they handled it perfectly, even if it's hard to believe that a seriously wounded man would have survived a 2 weeks trip without food or water... Rodrick was my favorite character by far and i think the best of him is that we see both his weakness and his strenght. Like his mother said, his body may be damaged but his spirit is like iron. I hope he will not fully recover at least until the end of the season.

  • I have to admit him returning at all is daft, he should be dead or they should have noticed he was dead if he wasnt.

    Though if they had to bring him back they did it in the best way possible

  • I was really surprised when he was alive I didn't think he'd survive a knife in his leg and a horse crashing on him But yeah he was a really fun character to play with he has lots of potential in him and the scar dose not make him look ugly he looks Like a real badass and I LOVE IT

  • I don't know if this was the case for everyone else, but Rodrik appeared - quite clearly - behind the other PCs on the main menu after I installed ep 2. I know that ruining a surprise that would've been revealed almost immediately anyway may not seem like a big deal, but it would've been more impactful in gameplay :l

  • I didn't recognize him at first, and thought he was Lady Forrester's brother, who was sent to retrieve Asher... so I got really confused. Then I got excited once his name was revealed. Lol. I'm glad he's back. I can say, I like all of the playable characters so far.

  • Lol, my sister also thought it was Malcolm, she only recognized Rodrik when I mentioned him.

    I didn't recognize him at first, and thought he was Lady Forrester's brother, who was sent to retrieve Asher... so I got really confused. Th

  • He may realize that next episode, and we have to cut his leg off.

    It would still be a serious injury in those times. Plus it would be infected.

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