Just a Question about Episode 2.....

How long is this episode? I haven't played it for myself yet so I'm curious on the length. Many are saying that it's 90 minutes but some people said they clocked in at 2 hours which is really strange.


  • I would say it is minimum 90 minutes if you rush it a bit (Which I did, because I accidentally delete my saves). But if you take your time to explore things, it would easily go pass the 90 minutes.

  • edited February 2015

    It actually took approximately 110 minutes.

  • Did you rush it?

    It actually took approximately 110 minutes.

  • Shrugs* I had fun, and that's all that matters. You know a game is boring if you're focusing on the clock.

  • edited February 2015


    seanstin posted: »

    Did you rush it?

  • Yeah that is all that matters. Even if it is 90 minutes, for a 90 minutes episode, a lot was accomplished.

    Shrugs* I had fun, and that's all that matters. You know a game is boring if you're focusing on the clock.

  • I honestly wasn't paying attention to the time but it felt like it was shorter than the first episode

  • edited February 2015

    If it helps, I timed the episodes just so I could respond to this type of question. Last GoT Ep 1 playthrough took 114 minutes. Ep 2 took 105 minutes. I did pretty much do everything as I know. (Except I took the 'milk' when it was offered. Not taking it might extend one scene a bit.)

    Anyhow, I thoroughly enjoyed episode 2, which is what matters. Not the length.

  • I actually found myself hoping it would last longer. I enjoyed this episode immensely. Probably even more than all of the Walking Dead season 2.

  • edited February 2015

    It took me about 105 minutes But it felt even longer than the first episode, those quick scenes really help pick up the game's pace,

  • That's good to hear :)

    I actually found myself hoping it would last longer. I enjoyed this episode immensely. Probably even more than all of the Walking Dead season 2.

  • It took me an hour 45

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