Gared in Episode 2 (Did you enjoy it?)

All of the reviewers seemed to think the story at the wall was boring, I found it really interesting and enjoyable- especially the fight with Finn and then the training sequence, really felt like you were trying to earn your place. I have a feeling Gared will be vitally important to the survival of House Forrester, but with him being in the Night's Watch I fear him assisting House Forrester might cost him his life, I can't wait to see how it pans out in Episode 3, the part at the wall was one of my favorite sections but all I all I thought the episode was fantastic, much better than the first. What did you think about Gared's story in episode 2?


  • I think that too. The bow-shooting was actually interesting and i really was like wtf when they searched the thief found nothing then he had the knife again:D

  • I thought it was a good introduction and enjoyed it, but like most introductions, there wasn't really much tension. Particuarly, I liked the two other brothers who I thought really helped fit the mood at the wall.

  • Yeah, I wonder if we're going behind the Wall next episode?

  • I'm less interested in the wall, and more interested in Gared holding so dearly onto the necklace. But watch, he'll die or she'll die and everything will be left unsaid and tragic and damn this universe.

  • Thoroughly enjoyed it, seemed as if most reviewers complained just for the sake of it.

  • I agree, it was a nice break from the tension and was well placed, Gared's shaping up to be a personal favorite of mine.

    Thoroughly enjoyed it, seemed as if most reviewers complained just for the sake of it.

  • Gared's part was actually my favourite. He's my favourite character, but also I'm interested in the wall. And it was a nice break from all the intense moments.

  • All the reviewers seemed to not like Garred's story but I liked it alot

  • I quite liked it, too but I have no idea how to be there. Shall I be nice and trusting to everyone or shall I be a dick. haha

  • Too right, just heed Jon Snow's advice- stand by your brothers when the time comes, and they'll stand by you.

    gwendog posted: »

    I quite liked it, too but I have no idea how to be there. Shall I be nice and trusting to everyone or shall I be a dick. haha

  • Gared and Ashers parts felt like intros. Good intros mind but still intros

  • I agree with what you mean, I wonder how they'll split screen time in future episodes- or does it just mean that certain episodes will be longer? I thought episode 2 was quite long.

    Gared and Ashers parts felt like intros. Good intros mind but still intros

  • edited February 2015

    I think they jumped around a bit to much this episode, too many seperate short scenes

    Brody100 posted: »

    I agree with what you mean, I wonder how they'll split screen time in future episodes- or does it just mean that certain episodes will be longer? I thought episode 2 was quite long.

  • I liked beating up what's his name, dude deserved it...Enjoy the black eye.

  • I felt like this episode was longer, too, and definitely jumped around a lot. Haven't decided if I like it or don't.

    Brody100 posted: »

    I agree with what you mean, I wonder how they'll split screen time in future episodes- or does it just mean that certain episodes will be longer? I thought episode 2 was quite long.

  • Gareds part was fine, it was not the best part but it was interesting. Rodricks and Miras parts where the best ones.

  • It was my favourite part of the episode. Telltale did a really good job with Finn and Cotter and I look forward to seeing them in the future.

  • We probably won't for a few episodes. Maybe at the end of Episode 4 we'll get word from Duncan that it's time to do our duty to House Forrester.

    Brody100 posted: »

    Yeah, I wonder if we're going behind the Wall next episode?

  • Finn was a prick this episode, hopefully he won't always be like that.

    I liked beating up what's his name, dude deserved it...Enjoy the black eye.

  • I've always found the Wall pretty interesting overall, so I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I think Finn is a perfect example of what people are typically like on the Wall.

  • yeah it was great better than epusode 1

  • It was okay. One of my favourite moments so far has been the whole potato discussion. That had me laughing for a good minute.

  • Im still pissed at IGN for scoring this episode so low...

    Its not CoD. Dumb folks, calling it boring.

  • I feel like I taught him a lesson about respect.

    Finn was a prick this episode, hopefully he won't always be like that.

  • I actually laughed when Frostfingers slapped him across the face.

    I feel like I taught him a lesson about respect.

  • Me too, I was thinking about how he totally deserved it...He got fucked up, so much for his tough guy routine.

    I actually laughed when Frostfingers slapped him across the face.

  • edited February 2015

    I liked it as well. I love Gared and I found the training sequences as well as the conflict with Finn and the friendship beginning with the thief (forgot his name) fun. I felt his story was about as fun as Asher's (but only because Asher's was so short).

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