Episode 3 Release Date Discussion- PC/Mac/PSN US Mar 24 - Xbox 360/One/PSN EU Mar 25 - iOS Mar 26

Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
edited September 2016 in Game Of Thrones

Alt text

Release Dates:

  • PC/Mac - March 24th
  • PS4/PS3 NA - March 24th
  • PS4/PS3 EU - March 25th
  • Xbox One - March 25th
  • Xbox 360 - March 25th
  • iOS - March 26th
  • Android - March 26th


Update: March 20th

Update: March 18th

Update: March 13th

Update: March 10th

Update: March 6th

Update: March 4th

  • Episode 3 was rated 16+ at the New Zealand Office of Film & Literature Classification. (Thanks to Bloody Eugene for sharing)

[Tweeted prior to release of Episode 2] Update: January 19th, 2015

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  • edited February 2015

    I am the first one!

    Can't wait for episode 3! Guys where is the hype?! :D

  • This might have been a teaser for Episode 3? I don't know, but it seems likely.

    Update: January 19th, 2015

  • Uhh...That was quick.

    This might have been a teaser for Episode 3? I don't know, but it seems likely. Update: January 19th, 2015 * Teaser Tweet from Job:

  • That was posted a month ago I think.

    Crips posted: »

    Uhh...That was quick.

  • This thread? We usually make them around the same day as an Episode premiere - or if not, the day after.

    Crips posted: »

    Uhh...That was quick.

  • Almost certinally. The Preview for episode 3 had Asher and co walking into the cave followed by a dragon's growl... so...

    Also, by guesswork, of TFTB comes out within the next two weeks, we can expect a month's break and then episode 3 of GoT of TFTBL followed by a week or two's wait and then the next episode of whatever..

    This might have been a teaser for Episode 3? I don't know, but it seems likely. Update: January 19th, 2015 * Teaser Tweet from Job:

  • Nah, the tease, but I now see that it's from month ago...

    Well! Here goes Tales, right? :D

    This thread? We usually make them around the same day as an Episode premiere - or if not, the day after.

  • Fuckin' potatoes...

  • This is gonna be good, gonna wait until Episode 2 comes out tomorrow so I can get some better context before I go and speculate about the third episode.

  • Purple Wedding! Dragons! Gryff Whitehill! Hype!

    I'm also thinking Jon Snow will probably take Gared with him to Craster's?

  • Who's fucking potatoes?

    Fuckin' potatoes...

  • Message from the Wall here. Met a guy who said he fucked some potatoes....

    Green613 posted: »

    Who's fucking potatoes?

  • First week of April I'm calling it.

  • When is it out for australia (psn) starting to get really angry that we dont have it yet and its already midday on the 4th of feb, tell tale should really say the times of when its releasing for each region.

  • So....two episode and still no nudity or sex scenes....I'm disappointed :P

  • Are we there yet?

  • Now our watch begins...Again...

  • Iron from ice.

  • I'd be excited if I could play it on Xbone!

  • This. I was excited to play episode 2 on Xbox one I had watched a playthrough and had all my choices thought out but when I went to play I noticed i couldn't and it pisses me off. I'm sick of all the bugs on the xbox one version. Probably gonna see if I can get a refund.

    I'd be excited if I could play it on Xbone!

  • Yeah, I've been really disappointed with the Xbone versions. Might get it for my 360 instead.

    This. I was excited to play episode 2 on Xbox one I had watched a playthrough and had all my choices thought out but when I went to play I n

  • It was a great epiosde, I hope episode 3 will be even better!

    Alt text

  • I would gess that episode 3 will be released on 7th of april. It's few days before Game of Thrones season 5 starts.

  • I'm a whirlwind of emotions after I finished the latest episode. Man did they follow up Iron from Ice strongly, the pace was just perfect for what we needed. Can't wait for The Sword in the Darkness to come out and see how my choices in this episode turn out in the next one.

  • April at the earliest. To be honest I'm glad I want the game to be good

  • Thread: Rough estimate of when we'll see Episode 3?

    Yes, I know we've just finished Episode 2... But I NEED 3 haha. Will we have to wait another 2 months or is there a chance we'll see it sooner?

  • Gah! I can`t wait! xD
    I wish I could help with the episode somehow to get it finished quicker. :P

  • I know the fell bruh.

    WardenKing posted: »

    Gah! I can`t wait! xD I wish I could help with the episode somehow to get it finished quicker. :P

  • I figure you're being sarcastic but I don't mind the fact there isn't any at all. This story is really strong and making up for it.

    So....two episode and still no nudity or sex scenes....I'm disappointed :P

  • I know the fell

    Is that you Bran :P

    Crips posted: »

    I know the fell bruh.

  • Episode 2 was downright amazing IMO. Awesome story/character development, awesome new characters, and I'm all already hyped for Episode 3. Way to go Telltale, keep up the good work!

  • Thread: Sooo... E.3.....Comming out soon?

    I need to know!! I hate waiting for games!! Ughhh any info on when its comming out??

  • It's only been a day, we'll probably get news in a month, or at least vague tweets that usually just say "soon".

    ZzShadowzZ posted: »

    Thread: Sooo... E.3.....Comming out soon? I need to know!! I hate waiting for games!! Ughhh any info on when its comming out??

  • edited February 2015

    Just played episode 2, it was great. I can't see why it's lagging so much and the sound bits getting repeated from times to times, but I really like the story, so it makes all these minor problems less anoying.

    Episode 3 will come out on March 11th. ;)

  • It was well hidden on the psn store for the EU. Make sure you go to the game page for GoT

    _jt_____ posted: »

    When is it out for australia (psn) starting to get really angry that we dont have it yet and its already midday on the 4th of feb, tell tale should really say the times of when its releasing for each region.

  • I dowloaded it in Australia at about 9:00am yesterday. I couldn't find on my PS4's Playstation store. I did find it on the PSN website on my computer, bought it there and it started downloading straight away.

    _jt_____ posted: »

    When is it out for australia (psn) starting to get really angry that we dont have it yet and its already midday on the 4th of feb, tell tale should really say the times of when its releasing for each region.

  • Fuck no. We already know what will happen in crasters from the books and the show.

    ninoobz posted: »

    Purple Wedding! Dragons! Gryff Whitehill! Hype! I'm also thinking Jon Snow will probably take Gared with him to Craster's?

  • How do you know?

    Beowulf71 posted: »

    Just played episode 2, it was great. I can't see why it's lagging so much and the sound bits getting repeated from times to times, but I re

  • It had to be said.

    Cody_nara posted: »


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