Creepy Maester

Is anyone else kind of suspicious of the maester? I try not to trust anyone but Duncan clearly had Lord Forrester's trust about the North Grove and Ser Royland doesn't seem like the untrustworthy type - just unpredictable. The maester was the one to suggest ransoming Ironwood in Episode 1...also, the fact that we got to choose whether or not to drink the milk of the poppy seemed important to me. I stayed awake because I wanted to know what the maester was doing to me. Maybe I'm being paranoid, I just feel like if anyone was going to turn out to be a traitor, it would be him.


  • He did seem a bit suspicious, but until I have any solid evidence against him, I'm treating him like the good old happy fun-time Otengryn.

  • I don't think he's up to anything. I just think he gives bad advice.

    "Give them our ironwood!"

    "Remind her your schlong still works!"

  • I'm wary of him for sure. Duncan doesn't trust him, and he was assigned to House Forrester rather than being bound by friendship or birth.

  • Also he looked at your penis to see if it still worked.

  • Yeah...I would had a lot more questions for him than "how would you know?"

    Also he looked at your penis to see if it still worked.

  • Creepy? I'd say perverted, but soooo funny xD

  • edited February 2015

    GOT version of Crane?

    Crips posted: »

    Creepy? I'd say perverted, but soooo funny xD

  • Hahahahaha :D

    GOT version of Crane?

  • Nah. He's a cool dude

  • After the first episode, I did seem suspicious of him, but after this episode my fears have been somewhat diverted and he seems like a trustworthy guy. Hopefully this won't come to bite me in the ass later (but I know it will).

  • I actually thought he wanted to keep me a cripple, because of the tools he used, so I refused his milk of the poppy to keep an eye on him. But eh, not sure what to make of him yet.

  • Hopefully this won't come to bite me in the ass later

    I know you're talking about something else, but seeing the Maester after this episode, he might bite you in the ass :DDDDDDDD

    After the first episode, I did seem suspicious of him, but after this episode my fears have been somewhat diverted and he seems like a trustworthy guy. Hopefully this won't come to bite me in the ass later (but I know it will).

  • I had the same feeling, sometimes he seems really suspicious...

  • Nah, he is just socialy awkward. He is young, and spent the entire life in the citadel studying. So he is very knowledgeable, but not when it comes to people. Which is why he went all "The ladies of that age all.." :D

  • edited February 2015

    Never had any reason to suspect him. I see it that way:

    • Royland sees things the Military way
    • Duncan sees things the Strategical way
    • The Maestre ? He sees things as a Civilian would. Offer Ironwood and they'll probably go ! That's something a Civilian would think, just give them what they want and be done with it, something like that. He can even crack a joke to make Rodrick feel a bit better.

    He saved Rodrick's leg, stood up somewhat against the people who tried to enter during the operation (which is a fucking stupid thing to do, even moreso in medieval times where there are no sterile-rooms.

    Like I said, no reason to distrust him at all so far.

  • That's EXACTLY what I thought! My injuries were a stab wound in the leg, wounds to the face, and getting crushed by a horse...I didn't see why he needed to use what looked like bone saws.

    ninoobz posted: »

    I actually thought he wanted to keep me a cripple, because of the tools he used, so I refused his milk of the poppy to keep an eye on him. But eh, not sure what to make of him yet.

  • I don't think I have any reason to distrust him, but at the same time I will keep an eye on him. I know he's gonna keep an eye on me...

    Alt text

  • I distrust him..
    What happens if you refuse milk of the poppy ?

  • You stay awake for a bit longer, then Lady Forrester and Duncan come in and everyone talks about your injuries before you pass out from the pain. So not much different from just drinking the milk of the poppy in the first place.

    jedimagic posted: »

    I distrust him.. What happens if you refuse milk of the poppy ?

  • I was really suspicious of him (still am actually), and so when he offered me the 'Milk of the Poppy', I was like

    'Bitch please, GTFO'

    Maybe he is trustworthy...then again noone is :P

  • Hey, that second one isn't bad advice.

    I don't think he's up to anything. I just think he gives bad advice. "Give them our ironwood!" "Remind her your schlong still works!"

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah, same. When I woke up and saw those, I was expecting one or both of my legs to be amputated. I figured Rodrick's wounds had festered or something like that. At the very least I expected Rodrick to never walk again.

    But I still trust him; he adds some needed humor to the scenes he's in.

    imlarroca posted: »

    That's EXACTLY what I thought! My injuries were a stab wound in the leg, wounds to the face, and getting crushed by a horse...I didn't see why he needed to use what looked like bone saws.

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