"previously on" doesn't match my choices

So i just started episode 2 and the video with the recap from ep 1 has a bunch of stuff different to what I did in my playthrough. Is there a generic video for everyone or has something gone wrong with my save?


  • Having played through a bit it seems my choices have been changed for ep2.
    anyone else get this problem?

  • what system?

  • Let me guess you're on Xbox one?

  • I am. I also replayed the last 2 sections of ep1 to get the right sentinel but even after that it reverted back to the wrong one when I restarted ep2.
    is there some bug with the xbox one version?

  • The game of thrones on Xbox one is really buggy, it seems TTG doesn't care. My recommendation, ask for a refund that's what I'm gonna do.

    mehigasf posted: »

    I am. I also replayed the last 2 sections of ep1 to get the right sentinel but even after that it reverted back to the wrong one when I restarted ep2. is there some bug with the xbox one version?

  • I am also on the One with this issue. None of my choices remained the same, even after restarted part 1 twice now. I hope they can fix this issue really soon, I was looking forward to chapter 2 a lot.

  • My choices don't match either and I'm on Xbox One. I chose Duncan as my Sentinel but the recap showed Royland and according to Talia, Ethan didn't try to stop Ramsey from taking her when I actually did. That's all I've done so far but I imagine other things won't match up as well.

  • I'm also having this issue but I'm on a 360.

  • Same here - on xbox one. A major buzzkill.

  • I'm having the same problem on xbox one -_-

  • Same here, Literally every choice I made in episode one had been changed, what a farce. Not just on the previously on section either, all through the episode. Better not happen on episode 3. Poor designing there telltale, really poor attempt.

  • I actually didn't notice during the "previously on" because I wasn't really paying attention, but during the game, I noticed that I had picked a different sentinel in the first episode than was in the second. I sort of chalked it up to my own spotty memory, but I was honestly sure I'd picked the other guy. And then later, Talia mentioned Ethan not even trying to save her, but I'm pretty sure I did.

    Glad to know it's an annoying bug and not my memory going!

  • Same here, broken...

  • Having the same problem...

  • Same problem but on ps3.
    I am so fucking tired of their horrible product quality, their non-existent customer service and their lack of information regarding their major fuckups.
    This is the last time you scammed me. Now its my turn exploiting you by pirate every other game you dish out in the future.

  • I've had the same problem. I played all of episode 2, it's great, but none of my choices carried over at all. I just replayed the end of episode 1 to double check my choices. Episode 2 has a busted import system, hopefully Telltale can fix this quickly.
    I'm on the Xbox One

  • Yes, happened to me. When I look on the website it doesn't register all my chioces- even in ep 2. This will probably happen again with my Xbox One and its annoying.

    mehigasf posted: »

    Having played through a bit it seems my choices have been changed for ep2. anyone else get this problem?

  • I had this problem as well. I just kept shutting the box down and trying again, and after 3 or 4 attempts it finally registered all the correct choices.

  • Same problem here on Xbox One. Would be nice if they at least acknowledged that there's an issue and that they're working on it. My experience is becoming terrible. Signing on to these forums to see what the problem was already spoiled a few scenarios that I'll have to pick from in E2. NOT COOL.

  • Me too Duncan was my Sentinel:/

  • Well I suppose they didn't double check the import system for the choices as so many players have the same problem. It is a downer as I thought it was my save that was corrupted and I started ep. 1 all over again for nothing, as I'm still experiencing the wrong choices when starting ep. 2..hope it will be patched soon.

  • yeh same thing I replayed whole of ep 1 just to be sure. Whats annoying is they haven't even said yep there is a problem we are working on it (well I can't find anything with them saying that) So are we just stuck with choices we didn't make or will they patch it? Bigger problem will be if its not the save import for ep2 thats not working but actually the way it is saving ep1 so the save file is actually recording the incorrect choices (this was a issue with other games I believe in past) . In which case I will have to replay ep1 for the 3rd time when they patch what ever it is.

  • This seriously worked? Because I just restarted the XBOX for the fourth time and I've got different decisions still carrying over

    Scaeva posted: »

    I had this problem as well. I just kept shutting the box down and trying again, and after 3 or 4 attempts it finally registered all the correct choices.

  • How were you able to make sure that your choices were finally correct?

    Scaeva posted: »

    I had this problem as well. I just kept shutting the box down and trying again, and after 3 or 4 attempts it finally registered all the correct choices.

  • You're able to check choices during the intro to the episode. Before it starts you get a brief recap on the last episode, that shows the choices like who you made Sentinel, whether Mira accepted Tyrion's deal, or how Lord Ethan responded to Ramsay.

    I was getting all three of those choices wrong, but after a few restarts it worked properly.

    CoD_FAN08 posted: »

    How were you able to make sure that your choices were finally correct?

  • edited February 2015

    Most of my decisions were fine, but the episode was still buggy as hell anyway. Every scene seemed to have at least one issue. Framerate issues are kind of expected at this point, but the audio was all over the place as well.

  • That's nice for you, but honestly you shouldn't have to restart a few times to get your stuff right. It should be right from the start IMO..

    Scaeva posted: »

    You're able to check choices during the intro to the episode. Before it starts you get a brief recap on the last episode, that shows the cho

  • Having the same problem! read on the forums here and it's seems everyone is having the same problem with the xbox one/360 and storing of the choices. Even if i check the website it says i haven't made any choices at all.. Played episode 1 more then just once to doublecheck. And it's still fucked up. Looks like its a problem with the syncing from the console and over to the telltale server? or is it stored locally ?
    I have some strange stuttering in graphics as well. :(

    From one game developer to another! please fix this!

  • Just thought about something. I noticed after finishing Episode 1 that I couldn't review my choices compared to everyone else's like in other Telltale games. Then my choices didn't carry over into Episode 2. And when I finished, I again wasn't given my choices to compare to everyone else. I got the popup saying to click OK to see the comparison, but when I pressed A it just went straight into the end credits. I know I was online, so I wonder if there's some bug in the game that's not registering my choices, and that's why I can't see them and they're not carrying over.

    This is probably the worst bug in a Telltale game I've seen yet. Up til now it was the bug in Walking Dead S1 in one of the later episodes that instead of loading my save to continue with that episode, it would start me at the beginning of episode one! O.o They eventually fixed that bug with an update, so I really hope they get their act together and fix this one, too. I mean, it's one thing to not be able to compare your choices after finishing an episode (there should also be a menu option to compare at any time, but I'm not seeing it anywhere in my menus), but not having your choices carry over from episode to episode pretty much defeats the purpose of the game, don't you think?

  • I agree. I'm just pointing out that it is possible to get it to work, if you don't want to wait for a fix.

    Kimitchii posted: »

    That's nice for you, but honestly you shouldn't have to restart a few times to get your stuff right. It should be right from the start IMO..

  • Same problem for Xbox one. Its also super buggy and graphics are really flat :(

  • Yeah I know, just hasn't worked for me...restarted like 10times, deleted the game + DLC, downloaded again, replayed ep.1 and still nothing lol...

    Scaeva posted: »

    I agree. I'm just pointing out that it is possible to get it to work, if you don't want to wait for a fix.

  • I'll be taking bets now. Which happens first - the release of episode three or the bugs in episode two are fixed? Five to one on episode three.

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