Achievements Update?

Anyone else get their achievements updated today? I completed all of episode 2 yesterday, before the achievements on Steam came out, but I logged on today to get them updated and it says I've got none of the achievements. Do I have to do the whole thing again?


  • edited February 2015

    Same thing happened to me. Luckily, I'm letting a friend of mine play the game on my laptop today, so I'll have them soon.

  • Damn. Maybe I'll make a second save and have two different story lines going to get all the achievements, makes a good chance to make different decisions.

    Michael7123 posted: »

    Same thing happened to me. Luckily, I'm letting a friend of mine play the game on my laptop today, so I'll have them soon.

  • This happened to me as well. I wondered what was up when I logged on Tuesday. Oh, well. I must play the episode again!

  • More reason to do it!

    This happened to me as well. I wondered what was up when I logged on Tuesday. Oh, well. I must play the episode again!

  • Rather odd indeed. Maybe they'll fix it?

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