Which Forrester will bite the dust...?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Next? (fixed cause spoilers). Any predictions?

I think Lady Forrester is very killable a character



  • edited February 2015

    None :c

  • If they kill Lady Forrester off, they will not do it without her killing Gryff or Lord Whitehall. It seems to be the way she is going. Then again I can imagine they would want to get their money's worth out of Lara Pulver, so she can't die too early

  • edited February 2015

    I think Lady Forrester will die in Episode 4 or 5, I just can't see her dying in 3 or making it to 6. I think Ryon and Talia will live. Between Asher and Rodrick, I think at least one of them will die. Not sure about Mira though.

  • Rodrick. We all know what happens when you have a wedding in Game Of Thrones. I also have a feeling Elissa Forrester or Mira could be possible candidates. Asher, has some way to go and I don't know if Telltale has the guts to kill Ryon because George hasn't killed Rickon, at least not yet.

  • Well, I have no fucking idea who will "Bite the dust"

    But I know which Whitehill soldier is going to bite the Pillow.

  • I'm hoping no one, but that's completely foolish. I guess Ryon, I feel at some point Whitehill will kill him.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited February 2015

    I'm not sure about that, they seem to be trying to turn Ryon to their side.

    I'm hoping no one, but that's completely foolish. I guess Ryon, I feel at some point Whitehill will kill him.

  • Lady Forrester, Ryon, and Asher sadly.

  • Depends whether or not there's a season 2.

    If there isn't Lady Forrester will be next, because of Elaena and the marriage and everything meaning there would be two 'Lady Forresters'. Not really a good reason but it'd be confusing otherwise.

    If there's a season 2 I'm willing to bet Telltale will play the long game and none of them will die.

  • edited February 2015

    I think Rodrik may die at the end of this season, or later due to his pride and confidence.

    I doubt Mira will get killed considering she is the only eyes and ears we have in King`s landing at the moment.

    Beskha may die any moment, Malcom too.

    Talia will probably be raped by Gryff or something...possible suffer, but not die.

    Gared will probably survive, since he is the only one at the wall, though could be ending up dead by the end of this season.

    Ryon will probably be held hostage for a very long time, who knows what effect that will have on him.

    Lady Forrester may end up dead after she does something outta nowhere, possibly to some Whitehill, maybe to Lord Whitehill himself, his sons or maybe Gwyn.

    But who is next in line to die first of these...I`d say Lady Forrester as well actually.

  • I have a feeling all the Foresters will die in the end, except Gared (Although I guess he isnt a Forester)

  • Unless he is a hidden bastard. :P

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I have a feeling all the Foresters will die in the end, except Gared (Although I guess he isnt a Forester)

  • Gared Tuttle, the accepted bastard of father, Garet Tuttle, brother of Duncan Tuttle, castellan of Ironrath to Lord Gregor Forrester, husband of Lady Forrester, mother of Rodrik Forrester, eloped to Elena Glenmore, brother-in-law to recently deceased Ethan Forrester, twin of Talia Forrester, friend of Gared Tuttle.

    Mystery Solved.

    WardenKing posted: »

    Unless he is a hidden bastard. :P

  • Lady Forrester and Ryon are most likely to go imo. Asher might break into the Whitehill fortress to rescue Ryon, and arrive just in time to see Whitehill kill him. Idk, just a scenario I thought up that'd fit the source material.

    It's Game of Thrones though, so hell if I know.

  • I think Rodrick or Asher will die next, personally. With Asher coming back to Ironrath eventually, I think there are too many "controllable" characters in one place, if that makes sense. I think Lady Forrester will sacrifice herself in some way to keep House Forrester alive.

  • Yeah, maybe Ryon kills one of his own...wouldn't that be a twist worthy of the series?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'm not sure about that, they seem to be trying to turn Ryon to their side.

  • I honestly feel it wil be a while but overall

    Asher or Rodrik will have one alive and one dead not according to choice

    Mira will be determinant

    Ryon will be determinant

    Gared will be dead

    Talia will be alive

    Everyone else.... unsure

  • I think all the Forresters will die outside of Ryon and Talia. I think Roderick will die somewhere down the line more likely episode 5 or 6 and he'll go out like a hero in the inevitable war that due to continuity the Bolton's will win. Asher I think will be open ended. I think he'll die for some and live for others. For me? He's prolly gonna die cuz I'm gonna play that dude as the ultimate bad ass and have him just take any challenge. I feel like that's gonna end up getting him killed however.

  • edited February 2015

    Predictions on who will die:

    Asher. He is going to end up the Sonny Corleone of the Forrester clan.

    Lady Forrester.

    I think Ryon will be determinant. Being a hostage of the Whitehills makes his situation precarious when the Forresters do eventually move on them. I think whether he lives or dies will probably be determined by player choices.

    Duncan Tuttle & Ser Royland

    Uncle Malcolm

    Predictions on who won't die:

    Rodrik. I think killing him off is too predictable, in that A Song of Ice and Fire/ Game of Thrones fans have been conditioned to expect the hero to die, and to expect that weddings end disastrously. I'd bet on Telltale subverting that and having Rodrik survive as Lord of House Forrester. Also they've already crippled him, so he's not coming out unscathed. I have a hunch they might go the Wyman Manderly route with him, and have Rodrik the Ruined get vengeance in a clever fashion.

    Mira. She's the only Forrester in King's Landing and offers a different perspective from all the other Forresters. If she dies I'm thinking it will be a last episode determinant rather than something like Ethan.

    Gared. The North Grove Must Never be Lost. I think he's going to be key to House Forrester's survival.

    Talia. I just have a hunch that one twin will survive.

  • At least one of the protagonists. I feel like they'll fill up the remaining spots back to five characters if they ever do a season 2

  • edited February 2015

    Ultimate list of character death predictions:

    1. Gared - Alive
    2. Lord Forrester - Dead
    3. Bowen - Determinant on choice
    4. Norren - remain unknown
    5. Gared's family - Dead
    6. Britt - Dead
    7. Duncan - Determinant with Royland
    8. Royland - Determinant with Duncan
    9. Lady Forrester - Dead
    10. Talia - Alive
    11. Maester Otengryn - Dead
    12. Ethan - Dead
    13. Ryon - Determinant on player choices
    14. Lord Whitehill - So fucking dead
    15. Mira - Alive
    16. Coal boy - Determinant on choice
    17. Margaery - Alive
    18. Sera - Alive
    19. Cersei - Alive
    20. Tyrion - Alive
    21. Erik - Dead
    22. Malcolm - Dead
    23. Ramsay - Alive
    24. Joffrey - Dead
    25. Asher - Determinant with Rodrik
    26. Beskha - Dead
    27. Tazal - Dead
    28. Rodrik - Determinant with Asher
    29. Gryff - Dead
    30. Cotter - Dead
    31. Finn - Dead
    32. Frostfinger - Alive
    33. Jon Snow - Knows Nothing
    34. Elaena - Alive
    35. Lord Andros - Alive
    36. Andros' other guy - Alive
    37. Damien - Dead
    38. Gwyn - Alive
  • As it says when you don't time your actions in the game...Valar Morghulis.

  • I think that out of the main characters the biggest chance of not surviving has Rodrik. He's weak physically and with the wedding coming. But it won't be that soon. After Ethan's death I don't think any playable character will die soon.
    Out of the rest characters I think Malcolm will die next ep.

  • Hey. Malcolm crossed the Narrow Sea fast as hell! Everything is possible!

  • I guess you're right. In Game of Thrones you can never know, especially if it's made by telltale ;d

    Hey. Malcolm crossed the Narrow Sea fast as hell! Everything is possible!

  • edited February 2015

    Okay, so Ethan and Gregor are already gone. That's already 1/4 of the actual family. Here come the predictions:

    Lady Elissa Forrester: Dead. I can see that she is kinda going crazy and desperate. I believe she'll probably make some desperate act or foolish mistake perhaps. Maybe she kills someone, Gryff for example, before going down. I'd say she will die in episode 4 or 5.

    Lord Rodrik Forrester: Alive. I think he will survive. I'm not sure of course, it's a very dangerous situation he is in being physically "ruined" and trying to lead a house under such pressure and danger.

    Asher Forrester: Dead. If I could only know if he spends the whole season in Essos or not. My prediction is based on assumption that he will return to Westeros. He will surely play a big part in the conflict with the Whitehills but I think he will die. Episode 5 or 6.

    Mira Forrester: Alive. I think she will stay the whole season in KL, perhaps finds a new alliance through Coal Boy (Varys). And her story will continue in season 2.

    Talia Forrester: Determinant. I think this will be something that depends on the decisions we make with Rodrik. If she dies I expect it will be episode 6.

    Ryon Forrester: Determinant. Same than Talia, maybe it will even be him or Talia choice.

    Malcolm Branfield: Determinant. Asher's choices decide his fate. Episode 3 or 4.

    Gared Tuttle: Alive. I think his story clearly is something that will go on to next season.

    Duncan Tuttle: Determinant. It's been all Duncan vs. Royland and I guess it will be the same with their surviving. Episode 5.

    Ser Royland Degore: Determinant. ^^

    Maester Ortengryn: Dead. I don't really know why or how but I think he will die. Episode 3 or 4.

    Coal Boy: Dead. I think he will die after he has done his part with bringing Mira to Varys (I assume he is Varys' bird.) And I don't mean that Varys would kill him. Episode 4.

    Sera Flowers: Determinant. I think she'll do something (rather big) against Mira and we get a choice to either leave her alive or go psycho and kill her. Episode 5.

    Gryff Whitehill: Dead. Well we haven't even met the guy yet but I think his role is to be a dickhead and die to make the conflict escalate. Episode 3.

    Lord Ludd Whitehill: Dead. He will die in episode 6. I hope....

  • Duncan, because once he dies, Gared is the only person who knows about North Grove.

  • Depends whether or not there's a season 2.

    If there's a season 2 I'm willing to bet Telltale will play the long game and none of them will die.

    Telltale signed a multi-title deal with HBO so its likely there will be a Season 2. They will probably keep most of the House alive and incorporate the Forresters being scouts for Stannis while his march on Winterfell.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Depends whether or not there's a season 2. If there isn't Lady Forrester will be next, because of Elaena and the marriage and everything

  • Lady Forrester is the only Forrester member with the name that I see dying as of right now.

  • Talia and/or Lady Forrester. They are building up their relationship with the player and it will crush us when it happens :{

  • Actually, I think they did a time skip with Malcolm crossing the Narrow Sea. I think Asher's storyline in Essos is ahead of the storylines happening in Westeros. .

    Hey. Malcolm crossed the Narrow Sea fast as hell! Everything is possible!

  • edited February 2015

    I can kinda see Rodrik getting Ned Stark'd around the end of the season.

    Alternatively, I can see Talia dying to send Rodrik right over the edge.

    • I think Gared will die in Episode 4, Sons of Winter, once he's completed his mission with the North Grove.
    • And then Asher in Episode 6, The Ice Dragon
    • Mira and Rodrick will survive for Season 2.
    • I believe that Lady Forrester will killed by Gryff in the next episode (3), The Sword in the Darkness, which will cause the Forrester citizens to revolt against the Whitehill soldiers and cast them out of Ironrath. Then I think
    • Ser Royland and Duncan will die in the final episode, defending Talia, Ryon, Mira, and Rodrick who are in the throne room.
    • Malcolm will probably sacrifice himself for Asher in Essos.
    • The Maester will survive for Season 2
    • Beskha will survive and will help the Forresters in Season 2 after Asher dies in Episode 6.
    • Talia and Ryon will be determinant. While playing Rodrick, you have to choose which to save in Episode 6

    My predictions are that Mira will have to leave King's Landing because of the whole murder plot and she will go back to Ironrath. In Episode 6, the Whitehills will launch a final assault on Ironrath but Asher will show up with his army of sellswords. But the sellswords will be defeated and Asher will die in the battle. Whitehill and his men attack the throne room and Duncan and Ser Royland sacrifice themselves keeping Lord Whitehill out. Rodrick (who is too injured to fight), Mira (who has returned), Ryon, and Talia are hiding in the throne room. Lord Whitehill and a few soldiers attack the four of them and Mira and Rodrick are fighting but while your playing as Rodrick, you have to choose to save Talia or Ryon. Whoever survives will live to Season 2. At the last minute, the Glenmore's army will burst in and defeat the whitehills. You will have the choice to execute or imprison Lord Whitehill. Rodrick will have the choice to marry Eleana or just stay alliance partners with her. When the Boltons come to Ironrath, you use the North Grove (a large section of Ironwood trees north of the wall) as a bargaining chip to keep peace between the boltons and the forresters. In the end, Rodrick (and maybe Eleana), Mira, Ryon/Talia, the Maester, and Beskha will help rebuild Ironrath.

  • Jon Snow - Knows Nothing

    ^ I second this.

    Ultimate list of character death predictions: * Gared - Alive * Lord Forrester - Dead * Bowen - Determinant on choice * Norren - rem

  • Lol I had a fun time doing that :P

    Psyentifik posted: »

    Jon Snow - Knows Nothing ^ I second this.

  • edited February 2015

    I dunno... this series is taking place on a fixed time-scale, so Ryon isn't going to age to the point where most people will accept him being willing/capable of killing. That said, betraying his family, leading to someone's death? Very, very possible, even likely.

    Gared may very well not make it - he's not actually part of the family, and his function seems to be exploring the Wall, and finding out what's up with the North Grove. Once those are accomplished, he won't contribute the main plot anymore, so probably either a) he'll die, b) he'll desert, c) he'll become involved long-term with whatever the North Grove is, maybe as some sort of caretaker, or d) he'll cease to be a playable character. I very much doubt d) would happen when a) could - heck, any of them happening when a) could.

    logosdad posted: »

    Yeah, maybe Ryon kills one of his own...wouldn't that be a twist worthy of the series?

  • I like your prediction about Gryff and Lady Forrester. As the Whitehills have yet to kill a Forrester (Gregor was slain by the Freys and Ethan by Ramsay Bolton), I have a feeling Gryff is going to be the one to get the players to focus their hate entirely on the Whitehills. He's going to murder one of them.

    * I think Gared will die in Episode 4, Sons of Winter, once he's completed his mission with the North Grove. * And then Asher in Episode 6,

  • I... very much doubt that Talia will raped. That seems too extreme - to go there, with a good-aligned supporting character? The closest the series has got to that so far is either Sansa, where it was a threat that never managed to happen, or with Daenerys, where it lead to her positive relationship with Drogo and was an important part of her positive growth as a character. Both, at least in the TV version the game is based on, were significantly older than Talia is, and I very much doubt an interactive video game would cross that line where HBO hasn't.

    At most, it will be threatened, or it will look like it might happen, or it will look like or actually happen to Elaena (I feel like some sort of competition between Rodrik and Gryff is far more likely, and it going sour in a way that prevents the marriage from going forward would merge divergent choice branches for those who have the betrothal and those who don't). But I think Telltale probably knows that if they cross that line, a lot of people will put down the game for a long time, possibly for good. I might be one of them.

    WardenKing posted: »

    I think Rodrik may die at the end of this season, or later due to his pride and confidence. I doubt Mira will get killed considering she

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