Game Of Thrones Episode 2 Xbox one/PS4 Discussion

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

OK Has Anyone who downloaded the episode 2 of GOT?Got what they wanted in episode 2 cause I didn't I mean downloaded episode 2 from the xbox store cause that where the GOT episode page took me and my surprise my choices were not shown in the episode 2 I mean I didn't make a decision that wasn't mine I did Allie myself to lord tyrion,but it didn't show that in beginning of episode 2 I mean when it says previously on GOT I didn't make that decision and I didn't name Ser Royland has my sentinal WTF I did in the second save file,but not my first save file what's going on?Plz fix it telltale and Should i uninstall my episode 2 of GOT or keep it?Cause I can't play it with decisions I didn't make in it


  • I'm on PS4 and my choices didn't carry over either. I stopped playing episode 2 in the middle of it. No point of playing if my choices don't matter. I'm going to reinstall it to see if that fixes it.

  • I already try that it didn't work.Although Telltale did say it working to fix the problem hopefully soon cause I want to play my GOT episode 2

    I'm on PS4 and my choices didn't carry over either. I stopped playing episode 2 in the middle of it. No point of playing if my choices don't matter. I'm going to reinstall it to see if that fixes it.

  • Yep same thing happened to me :/ really disappointed as I really wanted to play through the whole game with my own choices, I thought that was what a save file was for, not gonna play ep 1 again, just gonna wait for ep 3 and hope my choices from ep 2 still carry over :P

  • I'm still looking for a refund.

  • Oh, I'm not looking for a refund, I still think it's an awesome game, I'm just disappointed about the choices. :P

  • loads of people appear to be having this problem ...any one heard anything about when they will patch it??

  • Considering it's been 2 months and episode 1 choice tab still hasn't been fixed it might be awhile.

    the_batt posted: »

    loads of people appear to be having this problem ...any one heard anything about when they will patch it??

  • yeah plus online your choices won't register so when you check only like 2 appear. So wonder if saves in general are screwed...well I'm not playing till an update...would be nice if they acknowledged the problem!!!

    Considering it's been 2 months and episode 1 choice tab still hasn't been fixed it might be awhile.

  • the_batt posted: »

    yeah plus online your choices won't register so when you check only like 2 appear. So wonder if saves in general are screwed...well I'm not playing till an update...would be nice if they acknowledged the problem!!!

  • Shouldn't have happened in the first place they need to actually test their game.

    Dracorious posted: »

    Telltale has acknowledged the problem.

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