Who sera father

In episode 2 the lost Lord sera revals that she is a bastard and I presumed that flowers has the same meaning as snow "bastard" but who is her father so my question is who her father all we know her father was a powerful Lord who do you think her father is my choice is Lord Forrester your thoughts


  • Totally out there and unlikely, but if it was Littlefinger I'd flip my desk.

  • Fits in pretty neatly, similar to what happened to Lysa, only the child lived and the mother died. Also explains how a bastard got to such a high place (Sera said it was luck). Also a perfect agent to listen in on the Tyrells. The reason I say it is unlikely is because it's neither on the books or the show, at least so far.

    Totally out there and unlikely, but if it was Littlefinger I'd flip my desk.

  • You asked who her father is 3 times 4 counting the title...Why?....

  • I don't think we really know enough to make much of a guess. However, since we're guessing, I'm going to put Mace Tyrell's name out there, or another Tyrell, since the House was willing to overlook the fact and make Sera a handmaiden anyway.

  • It would be so cool if it was Lord Forrester, and Mira and Sera were sisters.

  • Unlikely it matters, this is setting up Sera's motivation she will do anything for a husband. Still the episode cemented her as a total pawn

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