Talia's Song Lyrics.

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I was so moved by this song.

From ice, from ice, we Forresters born,
To ice we all return.
Father, brother, I've sworn, I've sworn,
To guard this rest you've earned.

May kings and queens melt down their crowns.
A pyre on Aegon's hill.
In floods of gold, I pray they drown,
For all the blood they spilled.

Mance, sound the horn of winters past
Call starving giants forth.
Urge cannibals to break their fast,
On wardens of the North.

Eastern mages empty the veins,
Of beasts across the sea.
Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains,
To bring Ethan back to me.

Snow grabbed me from my mother's grasp,
To claim me as his prize.
Ethan freed me from Ramsay's clasp.
The rival lords locked eyes.
The rival lords locked eyes!

Fight on, fight on, Ethan the Brave,
Old gods bear steel with you.
Our lord, my twin, a hero's grave.
So iron grows anew.
Still iron grows anew.


  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2015

    Glad you liked it. :-)

    The third stanza is actually "Mance, sound the horn of winters past" as in "Mance Rayder should use the Horn of Joramun to summon giants from the ground to eat the Boltons." Talia's got a vengeful streak.

  • Ahh right :), thanks!

    ArthurV posted: »

    Glad you liked it. :-) The third stanza is actually "Mance, sound the horn of winters past" as in "Mance Rayder should use the Horn of Joramun to summon giants from the ground to eat the Boltons." Talia's got a vengeful streak.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited February 2015

    I love the version if you're Ethan the Wise.

    Watch on! Watch on!


  • I remember the song being a little different in my playthrough. Maybe I misheard it

  • It does slightly change according to your choices :)

    I remember the song being a little different in my playthrough. Maybe I misheard it

  • It's funny, she asked Ethan to promise not to change. Now she's changing.

    ArthurV posted: »

    Glad you liked it. :-) The third stanza is actually "Mance, sound the horn of winters past" as in "Mance Rayder should use the Horn of Joramun to summon giants from the ground to eat the Boltons." Talia's got a vengeful streak.

  • Woah! That's awesome! How many versions are there? :)

    ArthurV posted: »

    Nope! There are different versions of the song based on your choices. Also the lyrics OP posted are the ones from the credits rather than the shorter in-game version.

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Nope! There are different versions of the song based on your choices. Also the lyrics OP posted are the ones from the credits rather than the shorter in-game version.

    I remember the song being a little different in my playthrough. Maybe I misheard it

  • The song I got had a line about 'Bearing my neck for Ser Ilyn' or something along those lines, which I thought was a nice shout out to Ned.

  • This made me tear up a bit, actually. You could feel Talia´s emotion through that. Wonderfully done.

  • Life is a bitch, isn't it?

    Hbh128 posted: »

    It's funny, she asked Ethan to promise not to change. Now she's changing.

  • I got chills first hearing that song.

  • Anyone knows where I can read the full lyrics, with all the optional stuff?

  • Talia's gettin' kinda creepy there in the third stanza. I never actually paid attention to but a few of the lyrics till now.

  • Talia gets pretty damn dark in that song.....

    2nd verse she's hoping they drown in motlon gld

    3rd verse shes hoping mance blows the horn and giants crush the enemies and canniabls eat them

    4th verse shes saying she would perform any kind of dark blood magic so ehtan would come back

    Also how exactly does Talia know all these things? I know books could have 2 in it but 4 is in essos and 3rd is impossible mance isnt in history books

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Being a proper lady educated in a castle, Talia's well-read and has heard a lot of tales. Mance Rayder is known throughout the north as a legendary traitor to the Night's Watch. The following passage is from the very first page of the first book:

    "The man had been taken outside a small holdfast in the hills. Robb thought he was a wildling, his sword sworn to Mance Rayder, the King-beyond-the-Wall. It made Bran's skin prickle to think of it."

    And bloodmagic is something people are aware of in Westeros. People tell stories about the Dothraki and Qartheen. Some Westorosi have an orientalist streak. There are even rumors of bloodmagic happening in the North. The World of Ice and Fire confirms that blood sacrifices to the weirwood trees were common prior to Aegon's conquest.

    Talia gets pretty damn dark in that song..... 2nd verse she's hoping they drown in motlon gld 3rd verse shes hoping mance blows the h

  • She doesn't realize that change is necessary and good because she hasn't grown up yet.

    Life is a bitch, isn't it?

  • She asked him not to change not because she doesn't understand the necessity of change but because if he had lived longer they probably would have grown apart. I think she just wanted to delay the inevitable. Most of us do at some point or another.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    She doesn't realize that change is necessary and good because she hasn't grown up yet.

  • This is such a great song. What's up with the second episodes of TellTale Games' games having great songs? Walking Dead Season Two had the amazing In the Pines as well.

    I'm hoping we get a free download for this one too.

  • Yes, Telltale, this would be amazing ! I'd totally download it.

    This is such a great song. What's up with the second episodes of TellTale Games' games having great songs? Walking Dead Season Two had the amazing In the Pines as well. I'm hoping we get a free download for this one too.

  • im glad you are sticking around to answer everyone's questions

    ArthurV posted: »

    Being a proper lady educated in a castle, Talia's well-read and has heard a lot of tales. Mance Rayder is known throughout the north as a le

  • this song hit me so hard... please telltale MORE!!!!!!!!

  • its on youtube!

    This is such a great song. What's up with the second episodes of TellTale Games' games having great songs? Walking Dead Season Two had the amazing In the Pines as well. I'm hoping we get a free download for this one too.

  • Man I was like: Ok, Rains of Castamere, you were symbolic. This one is pure awesomeness.

  • Sure. But I would MUCH prefer an official release for many reasons.

    jsizzle posted: »

    its on youtube!

  • edited February 2015

    ^ What he said.
    Im glad you dropped some insight on the project. It is much appreciated, and i thank you for it.

    jsizzle posted: »

    im glad you are sticking around to answer everyone's questions

  • edited February 2015

    This is the second scene Telltale has made thats made me shed a tear. Her song was just so majestic, I wouldn't be able to live without my little brother. The scene was just beautiful

    Alt text

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    Four versions of the lyrics/music. Also some of the visuals change slightly based on what your choices were in this episode. For example Gared may or may not have a nasty black eye.

    Woah! That's awesome! How many versions are there?

  • Urging the Cannibals to eat the Boltons. Not that I blame her but Tallia is slowly snapping. She's going to kill someone by the end of the series even if it's herself. I do

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