Betrothal to Elaena, Margaery's help

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So did you won Rodrik's betrothal to Elaena? Because I was in the minority(37.2%) who won it and made me wonder... you can actually fail?

Edit: Another question for those who didn't ask for Margaery's help in the first episode.

Is she willing to help you with the letter or you're on your own?


  • edited February 2015

    Yep. I failed.

    You either forge a letter while playing as Mira, or offer Elaena the Ironwood. Other choices lead to fail. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Oh, you can fail allright, actualy she will only marry you if: Mira sends the letter, or Rodrik offers a part of the ironwood to her father. So you will have compromise something for her hand, she is a practical lady after all.

  • I failed, I didn't have Mira forge the letter and told her I love her thinking that would do it but it didn't work.

  • I offered them the Ironwood. So almost 63% of the players don't have an alliance with them? Interesting

  • So the letter option works? Or only if Mira have the seal?

  • Yea, i guess it's one of those choice wich are not defining but will definitely help or hinder later on, depending an how different events unfold

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    I offered them the Ironwood. So almost 63% of the players don't have an alliance with them? Interesting

  • It worked for me, and i didn`t have the seal.

    So the letter option works? Or only if Mira have the seal?

  • Maybe the fate of House Forrester will really depend on how many allies we can get and on Asher's leading skills. It would be awesome to see different outcomes, but I don't think it's possible for certain reasons.

    Sh4ark posted: »

    Yea, i guess it's one of those choice wich are not defining but will definitely help or hinder later on, depending an how different events unfold

  • I failed but I'm happy with my choice: I could tell her that I loved her and this is what I think it will really matter at the end if they'll decide to marry each other, not a letter from King's Landing or an offer of half Ironwood.

  • I'm in the minority that convinced her. I went with the offer of ironwood because it seemed fair. I'd rather share it with allies than with the Whitehills.

  • I did all the options in my several playthroughs, and I doubt a union with her will hold by offering Ironwood, especially if Whitehill decides to take all the ironwood from the Forrester as he says he will. Probably the most solid way to get her is to forge the letter, but that will most likely cause trouble for Mira and displease Elaena.

  • It's not hard to convince someone of marrying into a family who's going down the drain - they need to gain something.

  • When Lord Whitehill barged in I thought he'll say he wants Elaena to marry his son, Gryff... But if this alliance turns out bad then I'm done being nice..

    WardenKing posted: »

    I did all the options in my several playthroughs, and I doubt a union with her will hold by offering Ironwood, especially if Whitehill decid

  • Unless they decide to elope, its ultimately up to her father. Lysa couldn't just marry Petyr even though she loved him(even if he didn't love her back) because her father wouldn't allow it due to his low-nobility status.

    Miklaus posted: »

    I failed but I'm happy with my choice: I could tell her that I loved her and this is what I think it will really matter at the end if they'll decide to marry each other, not a letter from King's Landing or an offer of half Ironwood.

  • Its specifically said I believe that the alliance for their houses is to defeat the Whitehills meaning they'd get the ironwood afterwards.

    WardenKing posted: »

    I did all the options in my several playthroughs, and I doubt a union with her will hold by offering Ironwood, especially if Whitehill decid

  • edited February 2015

    I failed.

    I didn't send the letter because I didn't want to lose Margaery's favor [might come in handy when it really counts], and I didn't offer the ironwood because I'd already offered it to Tyrion. Mira is only relatively safe in King's Landing because she works directly under Margaery, imagine if her betrayal of forging the letter gets her fired from her position? I'm almost sure she'd be a super easy target then. I do think that in the future our actions might determine Mira's fate.

    Also, I figured I couldn't go around promising to give everyone ironwood :T
    Imagine at the end game, everyone comes down on House Forrester to collect on our promises. Who knows how many more people we'll be able to promise ironwood to in the future EPs? lol
    But maybe I should...

  • With Tyrion, you make a deal to be the sole supplier of ironwood; not actually giving the crown the ironwood itself.

    Pride posted: »

    I failed. I didn't send the letter because I didn't want to lose Margaery's favor [might come in handy when it really counts], and I didn

  • I do feel I messed that up a little...

    HiroVoid posted: »

    With Tyrion, you make a deal to be the sole supplier of ironwood; not actually giving the crown the ironwood itself.

  • That's just not how things work in Westeros. Marriage is more than two people declaring their love for each other. It's also a political arrangement, in which House Glenmore would tie their fate to House Forrester. And poppa Glenmore really doesn't feel like going to war for Rodrik, just because he told Elaena he loves her.

    Miklaus posted: »

    I failed but I'm happy with my choice: I could tell her that I loved her and this is what I think it will really matter at the end if they'll decide to marry each other, not a letter from King's Landing or an offer of half Ironwood.

  • Exactly. You can still supply the Crown with ironwood from your own half. And if that's not enough, you can buy ironwood from the Glenmores and then redistribute it to the Crown. They'll still get the ironwood they need, the Glenmores still get to profit from their half, and the Forresters still live to see another day.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    With Tyrion, you make a deal to be the sole supplier of ironwood; not actually giving the crown the ironwood itself.

  • Yes I don't remember promising something like that. If someone wants Ironwood they have to negotiate with Mira. Am I right? Tyrion wants something else..

    HiroVoid posted: »

    With Tyrion, you make a deal to be the sole supplier of ironwood; not actually giving the crown the ironwood itself.

  • Duude, I totally should have offered the ironwood to the Glenmores then x_x

    I think I just killed house Forrester, haha

    Rogarth posted: »

    Exactly. You can still supply the Crown with ironwood from your own half. And if that's not enough, you can buy ironwood from the Glenmores

  • He does actually say something like 'Still marrying into this wretched family? You could do much better. My son Gryff needs a bride...'

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    When Lord Whitehill barged in I thought he'll say he wants Elaena to marry his son, Gryff... But if this alliance turns out bad then I'm done being nice..

  • I failed. I told her I loved her when all she wanted was my damn Ironwood.

  • This won't be easy then..

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    He does actually say something like 'Still marrying into this wretched family? You could do much better. My son Gryff needs a bride...'

  • edited February 2015

    In times of darkness and survival, people are practical.

    When they talk about the Ironwood. Rodrik said that after they defeated the Whitehills, they will give half of the Ironwood to the Glenmores. Considering the Whitehills already have half (Before they forcefully took all of it), I thought the Glenmores were getting the Whitehill's share.

    I failed. I told her I loved her when all she wanted was my damn Ironwood.

  • I have 2 saves:

    • One where I failed the betrothal, hoping Margaery will indeed be able to help with that down the line.
    • One where I offered the ironwood and won the betrothal.

    I'm interested in these 2 outcomes, next episode can't come soon enough.

  • I was in the minority of people who succeeded as well.

    I didn't have Mira forge the letter because I thought that could too easily be discovered and risk sabotaging both an alliance with the Glenmores, and Mira's favor with Margaery Tyrell. Instead during Elaena's visit I had Rodrik promise half the Ironwood. At this point the house is fighting for survival and an alliance with the Glenmores is desperately needed, so giving up half the Ironwood is no brainer. Besides at that point the Whitehills had half of your Ironwood anyway. You're essentially promising her the half that Whitehill currently owns.

  • Yeah, I think they are getting their share. In my second save I was able to get the betrothal so I am curious to see how it is going to play out.

    In times of darkness and survival, people are practical. When they talk about the Ironwood. Rodrik said that after they defeated the Whit

  • 100% failed it. I couldn't betray Margaery because she's practically the only thing standing between Mira and death and I couldn't offer the Ironwood because I didn't want to just keep offering it to EVERYBODY. But seriously though, fuck Eleana. I understand why she didn't accept the betrothal but did she really have to get all pissy after I kissed Lord Whitehill's ring? Like, really, she came into my house, didn't even feel bad after I told her my family would die and then she even judges me for trying to see my kidnapped eight year old brother again?

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