The Betrothal

Do you think it was wise for Elaena to marry into House Forrester even with half the ironwood as a dowry? I have a feeling that by persuading her to marry Rodrik, we have doomed her as well. Are the Glenmores going down with us or are they saving us?


  • If you say 'The Glenmores stand behind us!' even if you convinced her to keep the proposal, she leaves without a word instead of complementing you, so I'm pretty sure even then she's in the realm of 'I really need to think about this.' Its more the Boltons are a problem than the Whitehills though, especially with the Glenmores' army. I'd even argue Mira getting a contract in King's Landing is the most important part of the house surviving.

  • The Glenmores (as nearly everybody in this game) wants Ironwood, that's it. Elaena said: "We can't risk everything", but in fact, the ironwood grove is just a winner's pie, but the risk is the same - it means all they want is the ironwood, but the risk itself doesn't matter anything for them. That's why I think the Glenmores can't be trustful allies - they will abandon Rodrik and his family if the Whitehills will offer them much more interesting preposition. Elaena and Rodrik's childhood and teen amorousness is the only thing that kept the Glenmores from betraying Rodrik, but I think it won't last long. So the Glenmores are NOT risking at all.

  • I suspect you are correct, and the contract in King's landing could be what saves the house. It doesn't really matter who has the Ironwood, if the Crown will only buy it from the Forresters. That fat merchant may be negotiating with Rodrik trying to move the Whitehill's Ironwood through the Forresters.

    It doesn't really make sense for the Glenmores to marry the Forresters, as once the marriage is completed, they will have very little choice but to commit their army. So, no, I don't think it was necessarily wise for Elaena, however, it is wise for Rodrik to marry her, as it gives him a new tool he didn't have before. As for the matter of will they go down with the Forresters, or save the Forresters, it doesn't really matter to me. If the Forresters go down, I'll happily bring down anyone with me on the way.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    If you say 'The Glenmores stand behind us!' even if you convinced her to keep the proposal, she leaves without a word instead of complementi

  • @JohnKersky They needed an exchange of power; ironwood for their soldiers. Considering the risks, I wouldn't say it was unreasonable of them to ask nor is it unreasonable to fear for their House if they bet on the losing horse.

    @HiroVoid, in my playthrough Elaena told Lord Whitehill that they would proudly stand by our side. But well, that was before that choice of words you mention. :P

    I'll have to admit though, it will be very interesting story-wise to find out that they are just trying to take advantage of the whole situation.

    JohnKersky posted: »

    The Glenmores (as nearly everybody in this game) wants Ironwood, that's it. Elaena said: "We can't risk everything", but in fact, the ironwo

  • Nope, how can you say no to this face

    Alt text

  • If you refuse to ask Margaery Tyrell for help in episode 1 will she help secure the betrothal in episode 2?

  • From what I heard, she says she'll talk to Olenna about talking to the family about marrying the Forresters, but it doesn't result in anything this episode.

    SaintMostov posted: »

    If you refuse to ask Margaery Tyrell for help in episode 1 will she help secure the betrothal in episode 2?

  • I don't know - the marriage is certainly risky, as it will likely lead to war with the Whitehills, but it's not necessarily a life-or-death risk for the Glenmores. It's possible they're powerful enough that they're confident they could win against the Whitehills, but it would be very costly, so they won't do it unless they get something of great value out of it. An alliance with a dwindling house won't cut it, but an absolute fortune might.

    That said, with Telltale Games, any gains derived by choices are almost always temporary - save a character, and they'll die a few episodes later, or never show up again. Unless Telltale is willing to go through a lot of work to deviate from that in this game, for this particular choice, the union or non-union of Houses Glenmore and Forrester is likely inevitable - either it will fall apart even if you secured the betrothal, or at some point Elaena or her father will change their minds and go ahead with it anyways, possibly after the Whitehills overreach and become vulnerable.

    I do hope I'm wrong on that count, or at the very least that the marriage can happen and survive long-term, because I enjoyed the dynamic there, and I think it's one that Telltale could really get a lot out of.

    Duruial posted: »

    I suspect you are correct, and the contract in King's landing could be what saves the house. It doesn't really matter who has the Ironwood,

  • Well, since there are no much Forrester soldiers left, it is assumed the Forresters may supply their Glenmore army with the ironwood, isn't it? What's the point of not giving your ally the ironwood supplies?

    ninoobz posted: »

    @JohnKersky They needed an exchange of power; ironwood for their soldiers. Considering the risks, I wouldn't say it was unreasonable of them

  • Aww, Wodwik!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Nope, how can you say no to this face

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