"Something in return"

After the deal is made with Tyrion over agreeing to sell the ironwood, he tells Mira:

"However, you'd have to something for me in return. The terms will be fair."

Thoughts on this? I smell more espionage! :D
And I also think the people who stole the key will be very happy they did...


  • Ineresting, why the key what do you think its to?

  • The land of Chocolate and rainbows

    Ineresting, why the key what do you think its to?

  • edited February 2015

    I believe that Tyrion wants Mira to spy on Lady Margaery and give intel on her directly to him, and I think this is supported by the fact that he is known for having leverage on people so that they must spy for him. And by the fact he wouldn't tell you what he wanted yet, so I'm assuming that he won't ask you to do it until the ironwood is securely being traded with the crown. Then he could use it as leverage if he wished.

    Just a thought.

  • "Oh, I'm so sorry Lord Tyrion, I'm so busy planning for the wedding that I can't do that for you right now. Perhaps afterwards we could discuss that favour?"

    On a more serious note, I tried very hard to avoid allying with Tyrion because it seemed like a poor long-term option for Mira, better to save her influence for when it was really needed, and tying her fate to the Imp's seemed... ill-advised - but after episode one, Mira's negotiations are probably House Forrester's best hope for its immediate survival, so I guess we'll be dodging assassins for a while yet.

  • Probably the way into Tyrell turf?

    Ineresting, why the key what do you think its to?

  • My thoughts too After all its a Game of Thrones . For me any decision where Miras still breathing and helping her house is the right one. And besides I feel like that bastard daughter may be useful in untying your noose as it were. Fairly sure this gets her to atleast ep 4 but at somepoint the Forresters dont send for her I cant see her alive in the end. Then theres the coal boy not sure of anything but hes an agent for someone. Be pretty intersting were he to turn out to be say Tyrions bastard.

    maimed_dan posted: »

    "Oh, I'm so sorry Lord Tyrion, I'm so busy planning for the wedding that I can't do that for you right now. Perhaps afterwards we could disc

  • Not the land of tits and wine ?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The land of Chocolate and rainbows

  • Isn't the wedding coming up? I think any deal we make with him will fall through.

  • Yep, but I'm thinking he'll send us do something during the wedding or during a part of it while everyone is occupied.

    trd84 posted: »

    Isn't the wedding coming up? I think any deal we make with him will fall through.

  • Theoretically, Tyrion is the lord of Winterfell now. Considering the North hates all Lannisters, he needs the support of any possible northen house.

  • Very legitimate theory, and definetely food for thought.


    Too bad this won't happen because Tyrion gets arrested at the Wedding after Joffrey's death. :I

    Mowen posted: »

    I believe that Tyrion wants Mira to spy on Lady Margaery and give intel on her directly to him, and I think this is supported by the fact th

  • Is it bad that I thought the Imp's voice and the way he talked hinted that he was kind of referring to something sexual?

    Jayroen posted: »


  • The Forresters are in a really bad spot now though, they can hardly convince others in the North to support Tyrion anyway.

    fallandir posted: »

    Theoretically, Tyrion is the lord of Winterfell now. Considering the North hates all Lannisters, he needs the support of any possible northen house.

  • Tyrion is the Lord of the Coin, he choose who to buy ironwood so I will help him. I hope is nothing against Margery.

  • I highly doubt this arrangement will keep up, with the wedding looking to take place next episode, any plans or deals Tyrion has set in place will likely fall into the hands of someone else. This means unless the arrangements are set in motion before the wedding, that deal will be pointless.

  • They. Are. Going. To. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck!

  • edited February 2015

    I agree. The only way it would suck, is if it's something good for Mira and her family and because of Tyrion's imprisonment it will never happen. I don't see why Telltale would make an effort to have Tyrion say something like that otherwise. They want to see our hopes shutter :P

    I highly doubt this arrangement will keep up, with the wedding looking to take place next episode, any plans or deals Tyrion has set in plac

  • While Tyrion is imprisoned he might call on her and ask her to testify for him. I'm not sure if he had anything specific in mind when he said she'd need to repay him.

  • edited February 2015

    Perhaps she'll have to do something for him at the wedding to assist with the murder of Joffrey.

  • Tyrion doesn't have anything to do with Joffrey's death so unlikely, The Tyrells maybe could have her play a minor role in it but I doubt it.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Perhaps she'll have to do something for him at the wedding to assist with the murder of Joffrey.

  • Except Tyrion actually didn't have anything to do with Joffrey's murder (even though he wishes he did).

    Flog61 posted: »

    Perhaps she'll have to do something for him at the wedding to assist with the murder of Joffrey.

  • Tyrion had nothing to do with his murder though.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Perhaps she'll have to do something for him at the wedding to assist with the murder of Joffrey.

  • I hope we can change that.

    ninoobz posted: »

    The Forresters are in a really bad spot now though, they can hardly convince others in the North to support Tyrion anyway.

  • Oh okay, someone told me he did.

    ninoobz posted: »

    Tyrion had nothing to do with his murder though.

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