Gared's fault?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Is it Gared's fault that got Ethan killed?Is it Gared's fault that Lord Whitehill came to Ironrath and cause trouble?Will all of the things that are happening now still happen if Gared left those men who are killing his family?


  • No, it isn't Gared's fault. The reason Ethan got killed was that Lord Whitehill was already causing trouble. The power in the North had shifted. Had the Starks been in power, Whitehill would never have bothered the pig farmers. But it seems Whitehill was just looking for a fight. He saw an opportunity to gain control over his enemies. If it hadn't been for Gared, he probably would have find another excuse to provoke the Forresters. He would have taunted and taunted them just long enough for them to respond, and then he would still bring Ramsay into the game.

    So the situation is simple: after the Red Wedding, the Forresters just ended up at the wrong side. That's what gave their enemies the opportunity to turn on them.

  • They weren't killing his pigs they were killing his family

  • Hehe.Even though they are pigs I still think they are part of Gared's family lol

    Poogers555 posted: »

    They weren't killing his pigs they were killing his family

  • edited February 2015

    Gr8 pic m8 i r8 8/8

  • Ah,okay.Thank you.

    Rogarth posted: »

    No, it isn't Gared's fault. The reason Ethan got killed was that Lord Whitehill was already causing trouble. The power in the North had shif

  • Good post.

    Also the Whitehills were already up to mischief before Gared returns to Ironrath. When Gared staggers home he finds Whitehill (and Bolton) men looting his family's farm, and his entire family is dead or dying. So even before Gared makes it back to Ironrath, the Whitehills were harrying the common folk who owed fealty to the Forresters. That is then followed up by the Whitehill men attacking Gared. He was well within his rights to defend himself, and can't really be blamed for not showing mercy to a man who who had just murdered his family, including a sister who is more than a child.

    Lord Whitehill just uses Gared as a convenient excuse for his actions.

    Rogarth posted: »

    No, it isn't Gared's fault. The reason Ethan got killed was that Lord Whitehill was already causing trouble. The power in the North had shif

  • Who doesn't love bacon?

    Hehe.Even though they are pigs I still think they are part of Gared's family lol

  • Faster than me!

    Scaeva posted: »

    Who doesn't love bacon?

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