The Forresters: Bannermen to House Stark or House Glover?

Hello, everyone! Does anyone knows for sure, which House, Stark or Glover, is the overlord of House Forrester in the game?

According to the books, House Forrester is sworn to House Glover (A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 42). In the TV series the Forresters are not mentioned at all. At Game of Thrones' Telltale page it is written that "House Forrester is a noble house from the Wolfswood in the north of Westeros. Bannermen to House Glover, they have always offered unswerving loyalty to the ruling great house of the North – the Starks." However, at the beginning of the game we see a note: “For thousands of years House Forrester have been loyal bannermen to House Stark." In the game House Glover is not mentioned, whereas the Starks are. For example, Lord Whitehill says that: "You Forresters have shit on us for generations. Well now the Starks are no longer around to have your back, are they." Also, in-game Codex tells us that “Lord Forrester was the lord of Ironrath and a bannerman of House Stark." I don’t think Gregor’s arm-wrestling with Galbart Glover means he’s sworn to the Glovers. It’s obvious that the Forresters don’t look like a minor House: they’ve got a valuable ironwood grove, and Rodrik Forrester was named by Robb Stark to lead the vanguard (according to Gared) – it’s strange that the eldest son of a minor lord was given such a great honor, but it seems quite logical if Lord Gregor was Robb's direct bannerman. So House Forrester's overlord is House Stark or House Glover in the game?


  • edited February 2015

    House Glover.

  • edited February 2015

    In the game they're bannermen to house Stark. So I'd say their overlord house is house Stark.

  • Only indirectly.

    They are bannermen to House Glover, who are/were bannermen to House Stark, but with House Stark exiled, the Glovers aren't even bannermen to them anymore.

    MosesARose posted: »

    In the game they're bannermen to house Stark. So I'd say their overlord house is house Stark.

  • edited February 2015

    Hmm... well I think it's still Glover. In the ep. 2 if you ask your counsil, as Rodrik, to call aid from their allies Duncan or Ortengryn mentions about Glovers not being able to help since Deepwood Motte is taken by ironborn. So that at least tells they haven't totally forgotten the Glovers in this game. I guess they are "loyal bannermen to Starks" because Glovers are loyal to Starks :D

  • Good catch.

    Hmm... well I think it's still Glover. In the ep. 2 if you ask your counsil, as Rodrik, to call aid from their allies Duncan or Ortengryn me

  • Bannermen to the Glovers who are bannermen to the Starks. Bannermenception.

  • The Forresters are bannermen to House Glover, but I think they are just as loyal to the Starks as most other Northern houses.

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