What happens if...

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Rodrik refuses Talia's help in walking to the Great Hall? Is he able to make the long walk on his own, or does he stumble?

I had him accept Talia's help, both because he is devoted to his sister and because it didn't look like he could walk on his own just yet. I thought it would look worse for him to fall than to be seen leaning on his younger sister.


  • He supports himself on ryons sword.... its quite sweet really.

    He only stumbles inside the hall when going to sit down, there is a quick time event. Dont know what happens if you fail it

  • Interesting, thanks!

    I'm now having trouble deciding which one I like better for my canon playthrough.

  • He makes it to the hall as firewallcano says, it does however not make him look weak, as it would if you leaned on his sister.

  • I didn't care if I looked weak, I wanted my little sister with me.

  • That's how I feel when I took Talia's hand. Family support. They can mock all they want, them Whitehills, but someday soon, the Forresters will have the last laugh.

    Miklaus posted: »

    I didn't care if I looked weak, I wanted my little sister with me.

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