Two Things I Didn't Like.
Bear in mind, I still enjoyed this episode very much:
Not as much Asher action as I hoped: This episode felt hyped on Asher, but sadly he didn't have as much time as I wanted.
Rodrik's return: I like Rodrik as a character. Really I do. But his return was Kenny esque when he really should have died. Nonetheless, I also wished that if we introduced, that it be in a Episode 3, possibly so we can get more Asher action.
What about you all?
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I felt like they delivered on Asher action in the first 10 minutes. It was bad ass, but they've got other characters to consider. I'm sure we'll see more of him whooping ass soon.
I agree. I just felt that the 10 minutes was short compared to the rest. Like noticeably shorter.
The 10 minutes existing and being cool, butnot have more of that kills me, you know?
Oh yeah, I would have loved to have more action with him and whatsherface. And I'm sure we'll get it. But I was pretty hyped to see what was going on in King's Landing and Ironrath too, so I wasn't too bummed. But I fully expect him to murder some fools in the near future.
To be honest I think they handled the Asher scenes pretty well. I think Telltale have a big story in store for him but this episode just wanted to introduce us to Asher and Beskha. They have to start his story somewhere and there really isn´t much going on in Yunkai. The fighting scenes were there mostly for variety since Gared isn´t doing much fighting in this episode.
Yeah I felt like they were really hyping up Asher and then he was really in it much
The only thing I didn't like about the episode is that it ended.
I don't think Rodrik's return was that ridiculous, I just thought he'd wake up on the battlefield after the whole thing was over, and Norren or someone would nurse him back to health before returning, because he probably would have bled out in that time.
Agreed. If anything, because this is Game of Thrones, his survival is less ridiculous than it would be in real life - a good number of people come back from near-certain or actually certain death in this series - brutal, disfiguring injury in many ways improves your chances of survival, from a meta-narrative perspective (was that even a word?).
I didn't like that I can't play it....
I'd agree that Rodrik perhaps should have shown up at the end of the episode as a cliffhanger, but the problem would then be that there wouldn't be a playable character in Ironrath for episode 2. Also Asher would definitely have benefited from more screentime even if it was just more hiding from/fighting the Lost Legion, but I don't think Malcolm should have shown up until the end of the episode or perhaps episode 3.
I liked Rodrik's return. Telltale played it pretty nicely and though it would have more of an effect as a cliffhanger I still enjoyed his return and he now is my favorite character ATM.
Though I do agree about Asher, the episode was hyped to be a lot about him yet he had less screen time than any of the other characters I believe. He will probably have more time in Ep.3 based on the title screen and everything.
2 things I didn't like:
1) Not enough Asher.
2) We still don't know how did Ramsay manage to teleport Whitehill's soldiers to the Great Hall.
I think the Episode was fine, but the animation was really wonky at times.
2 things I didn't like:
1) We didn't get to see very much of Asher when it looked like he was going to be the main character.
2) The animation is absolutely terrible on iOS
Honestly, the sometimes wonky animation actually gives it a bit of a charm in my opinion but I can see why it would put off the majority of people.
I can see it as charming, but it really took me out of this Episode in particular.