Eleana was quite the beauty, like a lot of people said. She'd be really wasted if she had to marry into those Whitehills pigs' House, my boy Rodrick's gonna win her in the end ! (crosses fingers)
Gwyn, she actually seems like a decent person, or maybe she's trying to make Rodrick give in to help her father's ambition. But since she was kind of attracted to Asher I guess she's not that bad. Wonder how everything'll play out for her.
As for the guys:
Rodrick x10^31, said it before, I'm definitely loving the hell out of him. His voice, determination, love for his family and fortitude... I'm definitely admiring him and I do understand why everyone talked so highly of him in the first Episode and in the Codex.
Gared's always been one of my faves, and he looks great in Black, I like him, hope he'll get far.
Asher, nothing much to say, he's just badass.
Honorable mention for that Lannister Assassin, he's what people call man-pretty, but gosh, what an asshole. He deserved every inch of that blade I stuck in his throat.
I would have liked Asher more if he wasn't pissing up a wall... first impressions and all that. In E1 I expected he'd be very rugged and attractive but the baby face threw me off too.
Ummm. Looks wise I guess Luke but even he is a bit tame.
I agree! I mean she's a handmaiden, she kind of has to be.
You don't want Bertha Lovejoy the tollbooth cashier running around King's Landing washing and caring for a future Queen, especially from a house like Tyrell.
Of non-show characters - Elaena is pretty. She's like the Game of Thrones equivalent of the high school sweetheart/girl-next-door. But, with a good sense for impending familial peril! I hope her and Rodrik invert the GoT wedding trope, though that may be player determined...
The Forresters in general are attractive but for me Asher is the most
More attractive: Men- Rodrik, Gared, The guard who tryed to kill mira (can't remember his name), probably more but i don't remember
Women- Mira, Eleana, Gwyn, sera
To be fair it is not like I asked you a difficult question , just being friendly , and you respond in quite a dickish way . No need for it , You seem very up yourself to be honest.
To be fair it is not like I asked you a difficult question , just being friendly , and you respond in quite a dickish way . No need for it , You seem very up yourself to be honest.
You post here saying they are all beautiful like the ones on wolf among us and you can't choose between them. And so I asked you who you prefer over a charachter from got and TWAu , I was just trying to get you thinking , being friendly , and you were rude which I found offensive and out of order.
I didn't know that I would be receiving such a reply since I specifically said "I can't choose." I thought that people would understand that and that if I was asked a question about it I wouldn't answer it because I stay to my word. I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't think it was that hard to comprehend. I'll stop now.
Even so , that is no excuse for being a dick .
You post here saying they are all beautiful like the ones on wolf among us and you can't c… morehoose between them. And so I asked you who you prefer over a charachter from got and TWAu , I was just trying to get you thinking , being friendly , and you were rude which I found offensive and out of order.
Gared ^_^
Am I really the only one that finds Asher to be the most attractive?
No, I do.
For the girls:
As for the guys:
Honorable mention for that Lannister Assassin, he's what people call man-pretty, but gosh, what an asshole. He deserved every inch of that blade I stuck in his throat.
Ludd, such a handsome and nice fellow isn't he?
Damien and Asher
I would have liked Asher more if he wasn't pissing up a wall... first impressions and all that. In E1 I expected he'd be very rugged and attractive but the baby face threw me off too.
Ummm. Looks wise I guess Luke but even he is a bit tame.
Lord Whitehill forever
Just look at that treble chin
It's enough to dismantle a house
Elaena by far.
Margaery Tyrell also deserves a mention, though of course it doesn't hurt that she is modeled on a real person who is quite attractive.
Is it strange that I think Mira is more attractive than Elaena and Gwyn?
I personally don't see the attraction of Gwyn, so yes I think Mira and Elaena are definitely the most attractive of the girls.
I agree! I mean she's a handmaiden, she kind of has to be.
You don't want Bertha Lovejoy the tollbooth cashier running around King's Landing washing and caring for a future Queen, especially from a house like Tyrell.
Mira is the most attractive to me, Elaena is a close second.
I like Gared. He is very cute. I want pull his cheeks !!!!!!!!
You fuck potatoes?
I agree with you , Mira is most attractive to me as well.
How are farmers supposed to look like, then?
Some farmers are good-looking as fuck, and I say this as a straight guy.
Beskha definitely
Women: Eleana, Gwyn, Mira, Sera and Beshka
But I also find Rodrik to be pretty attractive.
Men: I've got a weird crush on Gared
Cersei. >=3
Of non-show characters - Elaena is pretty. She's like the Game of Thrones equivalent of the high school sweetheart/girl-next-door. But, with a good sense for impending familial peril! I hope her and Rodrik invert the GoT wedding trope, though that may be player determined...
Mira of course, not only her looks but her trying everything to save her family and she just has a great personality
Gared first, then Asher, then Rodrik for me.
I put a vote down for Asher. He is rockin it.
Talia(No I'm not trying to be a perv)
Elaena( Probably the hottest girl in the game)
Beshka(call me crazy, but I think she's hot)
Asher( best looking guy and the coolest.)
eleana eleana
Gared, Rodrik and Asher.
ᵗʰʳᵉᵉˢᵒᵐᵉ ᵖᶫˢ⋅ ˣ
And Elaena... I guess.
I think that Sera is the brunette version of Dany so...! http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150128033520/gameofthrones/images/e/e1/IFI_Sera_Happy.png "Optional title")
The Forresters in general are attractive but for me Asher is the most
More attractive: Men- Rodrik, Gared, The guard who tryed to kill mira (can't remember his name), probably more but i don't remember
Women- Mira, Eleana, Gwyn, sera
It's like The Wolf Among Us. All the characters are beautiful. I can't choose. ;-;
Ignore this please.
To be fair it is not like I asked you a difficult question , just being friendly , and you respond in quite a dickish way . No need for it , You seem very up yourself to be honest.
I never asked for you to keep on asking when I obviously didn't want to answer the question.
Even so , that is no excuse for being a dick .
You post here saying they are all beautiful like the ones on wolf among us and you can't choose between them. And so I asked you who you prefer over a charachter from got and TWAu , I was just trying to get you thinking , being friendly , and you were rude which I found offensive and out of order.
Cersei - she is a total MILF. I love MILFs. End of story.
I didn't know that I would be receiving such a reply since I specifically said "I can't choose." I thought that people would understand that and that if I was asked a question about it I wouldn't answer it because I stay to my word. I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't think it was that hard to comprehend. I'll stop now.