Xbox one Telltale

Hello everyone
I want to ask how you connect to your tell tale account to you xbox one account?
It says on my tell tale account that I have bought no games when I have bought game of thrones and the problem a lot of Xbox one user's where your choices are not registered .
Also is there any way you can check to see if your account is connected to your Xbox live account ?
Any help will be appreciated?
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The main benefits of syncing your Telltale account across platforms is access to cloud saves tied to your Telltale Games account and the ability to see extra choice stats outside of the main five choices that are presented upon completion of an episode.
The Telltale Games Account linking feature is not meant to share games across different platforms, and the website's My Games feature only shows what titles you have purchased for PC/Mac directly from the Telltale Games online store on the website.
It's just broken, for most people at least. On my end it keeps saying that it's linked, I even unlinked and linked it again, but still the site shows that I only made choices ever with FFB, and that I never played Game of Thrones and/or made any choices there.
The whole thing of the stats being on here, and having to link, isn't even to show the games you have, that only counts for the games you purcheased through this same AMAZINGLY functional site for PC and Mac, not for other platforms apparently.
My official advise is at this point, DO NOT BUY ANY TELLTALE GAMES on XBOX ONE, EVER, AGAIN.
It's getting more and more obvious that they're writing that console off and only care about the others, because for months now this site and Xbox haven't been able to properly link and communicate, which now in my opnion as a result has that tons of people can't use their choices with GOT.
I absolutely don't understand what the whole thought and reasoning behind the linking bs is about to begin with, but if it says you're linked, supposedly you are, but like I said and been trying to say, it's just broken, and they know it, and haven't been able to fix it for months.
The fact that they didn't warn people about this, and that now bunches of people are stuck with season pass's, while they knew that nothing worked on the console, is really the most dissapointing thing I ever thought would come from telltale.
For PC and stuff, I get that you had this, but forcing this onto consoles, so that on one of them the game is just useless now,and in the process forcing this site on us, was just a really greedy and desperate decision.
Okay . Thanks for your help .
Ah , I see . This helped a lot . I am disappointed in Telltale , if they fix it soon then fair play but I don't know if that is going to happen .
I mean , seriously Telltale , what are you playing at ?
Anyway thanks for the help . I appreciate it , I wont be buying anything else from telltale at all unless they sort this out soon . It's really disappointing, I was enjoying the got series a lot .
So was I, REALLY a lot, even with the ending that shocked me at first.
But I'm not saying you shouldn't buy anything from them, just probably not Xbox One, since that seems to be the one with this issue that I was talking about.
But just like you, I am a really big fan of telltale, and how long this is taking, is exactly why this is bothering me so much.
Do you think Telltale will fix it soon ?
It is quite annoying , if this was intentional it just shows a complete lack of respect from Telltale for its customers . Ubisoft did this with Assassins creed Unity , however , to be fair to them at least they worked hard to fix the problem and gave us free dlc. Having said that , Tell tale haven't been given much time since the release of episode 2 to fix it. But , people are saying they have known about this for ages which is annoying .
Do you think they knew about this or it was a accident ?
The game is unplayable so if they do not fix I think everyone who has xbox one should get a refund for a start. On the other hand,if they do fox it soon , then still 1 third of the game was unplayable as choices didn't matter which is the whole point of the game . So by that Logic , when season 2 of game of thrones comes out I think xbox one owners who bought the season one season pass should all get a 30 to 40 percent discount since one third of season one was unplayable . This is fair , I think .
Hopefully we are wrong and Telltale was unaware of the issue and are actually trying to fix it.
I hope I'm right in saying this, and that Telltale reads it too, but I do NOT believe that it was intentional, I just think that they hoped that it was just a simple error with choices not showing up, and that it would fix itself with episode two, instead of making it even worse. The problem is just so random, differently with almost everyone, on that front, I can imagine that thus, it is a really difficult issue to solve.
BUT, like you said, if they aren't able to fix it, PLEASE telltale, be honest about it, everybody makes mistakes, so just let us get a partial refund, or let us play on PC, or PS4, because even now, I'm REALLY tempted to buy it on my PS4, because I want to play it SO badly!
So, I do not know, I really HOPE they fix it soon, but honestly... I am afraid it is a really tricky problem.
I see what you mean . I don't think it was intentional and hopefully they will fix it soon . Though I would not buy it on PS4 just yet in case they fix it . Thanks for your help , I appreciate it.
I know, but the longer it takes, the harder it gets to, you know, actually wait.
But you're welcome, glad I could help.
Too be fair it's far from fair that we xbox one players should get a 30 - 40% discount on the next season because of this. Now don't get me wrong, I find this extremely annoying since every random choice they gave me is the EXACT opposite to what I chose, but to call it unplayable is not right, you can play it, just not with your episode 1 choices (yet), I'm sure they're trying to fix this bug and when they do, just play it again but with your choices carried over...
And I know for a fact that episode 2's choices gets saved.
So do I have this straight? If we are playing Telltale games on an xbox (360 or One) our games and their subsequent choices will not show up here? I ask because after I completed the episodes available for GoT and TftB I synced my accounts (apparently successfully) and got a message to visit this site and view my choices. The only place I see where I may view this info would be the "My Games" tab which says I have no games. Same with the "receipts" tab. Am I just looking in the wrong place or is it true that Telltale is just flipping the middle finger to xbox owners?
If you go to "games" (not in your profile) and choose for example GoT you can scroll down to find your choices, episode for episode. Sorry if the explanation wasn't very clear I couldn't really find a good way to explain.
Ah , I see . I thought no choices would get registered for any episode at all. And since , the whole game is about choice that would make it unplayable. However , having listened to what you said i now fully understand what the problem is and I agree that the discount would be far from fair . I thought the whole season was ruined .
Thanks for the info.
Thanks, you explained it quite well actually. The system seems a bit wonky, lots of scrolling, but I eventually found it.
Luckily that's not the case since I've seen my episode 2 choices get saved... Or well one of them since I stopped playing because I don't want to spoil it without my real choices.
Telltale, please fix the choices bug! We've had no confirmation that you're actually trying to fix this. Loads of xbox one players (including myself) are frustrated at having to wait for an update that may never come. Yes you can still play with default choices but, the choices are a huge part of the game, in fact it's pretty much the whole game! It's been a few days since release and I hope you fix this very soon or at least tell us that you're working on it! -_-
I just finished episode 2 and none of my choices were saved . So I think it's every episode not just episode 1.
I'm thinking of contacting Trading Standards. The game is advertised as being tailored to/by the choices you make. If that isnt possible, then it is false advertising. I could live with there being a bug if satisfactory communications were given to the paying customer base - but they are not.
When Assassins Creed was broken, Ubisoft gave constant updates and even made the DLC free. When Master Chief Collection was broken at launch, they gave constant updates and will be giving future DLC away for free to affected customers. Telltale have said nothing, except retweeted positive reviews and have ignore the issue faced by a large majority of Xbox One users.
someone please call telltale and let them know that every xbox one player is getting screwed over
Telltale are aware of this issue, hopefully they find what is causing it.
That's way too extreme man.
And they have given acknowledgment of the issue.
Lol they still haven't fixed the game.
has anyone gone successfully on getting all of their choices carried over because this is just bull crap