I think this has a shot of being GOTY
I know 2015 is still young but from what I've seen this game is absolutely beautiful. I think with making the episodes longer and not blowing the later half of the Season it could work.
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I dont know about game of the year but I think it has the potential to be the best telltale game so far
I still think Walking Dead Season 1 is better, no i dont think it'll win GOTY (in any of the main awards shows/articles) but it can be your GOTY right?
Its still an awesome game but i dont think its GOTY material.
I don't know about that, I think TFTB has more of a chance than this. Not saying this game is bad(still can't play episode 2),but it's not game of the year material.....yet.
Let's wait and see how TFTBL does, while I enjoy GOT, in my opinion, the first episode of TFTBL was better than the 2 GOT episodes.
They still haven't fixed that, damn James, I feel sorry for you. What's it been, 4 days now.
It's possible, however it'll all depend on how the rest of the episodes go, same with TFTB.
They're certainly not holding back on this project. If they can keep up the momentum and build on this episode, it can be one of their best works to date. Long way to go though.
What about TFTB? The great thing about doing these games at the same time is that they are just great on their own. They don't really compete with each other because they are entirely different.
Actually more than 4 days, it's technically been 2 months because the problem stems from episode 1 I think, where there is no choice tab and that still hasn't been fixed or addressed after 2 months. It's kind of irritating because it feels like telltale is ignoring us Xbox one users.
2015 has way too many good titles coming out. I don't think GoT stands a chance against Halo 5, Witcher 3, The Division, Metal Gear Solid 5, Arkham Knight and many others.
Well, GOTY may be a stretch, it's not Telltale's best release. Yes, it has a great story, it's very enjoyable, but it lacks that little something so far, TWD had, especially season 1 had the most emotional story by far, TWAU had a totally OP main character and it was fun trying to decide between the Big Bad Wolf or Reformed Tamed Wolf and TFTB is just hilarious, I fell in love with that game, great, amusing characters and awesome story so far.
Well, it's only Ep. 2 so I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Damn, never realized how bad the Xbox One problems were, I just hope that it eventually gets fixed for your sake as well as anyone else who plays it on Xbox.
I don't think it's that important whether or not it becomes Game of the Year. All that matters is the enjoyment you (and many other Game of Thrones fans) get out of it. Telltale gave the GoT fans a worthy game series and told yet another fantastic tale. It certainly won't appeal to all gamers out there, so it probably won't win mainstream awards. But that's okay. If it made you, me and all the other fans happy, it did a good job
TFTB is really good but is it just me or does it not seem to get much attention? I havent read or seen much of anything about it other than on here.
Let's hope it continues to fascinate us so that it earns it.
If it continues the way it's started off, it'll definitely be my game of the year. The only games I can see kicking it off of the award shows and review site GOTYs would be TFTBL (in terms of Telltale) or Uncharted 4.
I have been checking Metal Gear Solid 5, it looks damn awesome. I wonder if the open-world aspect will be handled well.
That's true. I feel like it must have not sold very well
Maybe with improved physics, animation, and mechanics. But not right now
While I don't think it will become GOTY, bacause it doesn't appeal to mainstream gamers, It certainly will be my GOTY if the rest of episodes will be as awesome as 1 and 2. I just worry that what happened with TWD season two will happen to GoT ;/
I thought the same, and still do to an extent, but I think based on these first two episodes the writing has been much stronger. Even though the episodes have been written by different people the atmosphere has stayed the same across both. Not to mention the characters exist for more than to just die to elicit a reaction from another character or the player.
GOT has definitely been planned with a goal in mind, whereas it seems TWDG2 was relatively aimless.
But wouldn't the best Telltale Game be GOTY. I mean TWD dominated GOTY in 2012 if its better than that it should be
I like the story in the game. But like Walking Dead S2 and The wolf Among Us, it has no game play. Its just quick time events, no goals other than clicking through dialogue and QTEs. And the dialogue doesn't seem to shape your relationships with people. There's a lot of long segments where you just watch and maybe click a couple dialogue options or walk forward a little bit.
I have to disagree. It has funny moments through dialogue and Talia's song in E2 has been the most emotionally touching scene since Lee's death in No Time Left
I really hope you're right.
I think Telltale has learned from it's mistakes and know to fix the errors wrong with S2. Like I said I hope it doesn't completely lose it's spark in the later half of the season
it has no chance of being GOTY with the games that are coming up this year .. but it can win some rewards and TTG could be proud of this game , i'm loving it so far.
No Chance? That's bleak
nop , it's the true . this year is one of the most hard to pick GOTY
batman , witcher 3, uncharted 4, metal gear solid 5 , quantum break , etc etc etc
honestly as much as i love this it doesn't stand a chance against games like the witcher 3, batman arkham knight or metal gear solid 5
2014 has a ton of big games that are coming out, 2012 didnt have as many.
It doesn't have any new mechanics for being GotY.
Maybe a couple of nominations or so but its likely not gonna win because it doesn't appeal to mainstream gamers (like said before). But it certainly could be my Game of the Year and favorite Telltale series.
I agree, I am blown away with this game so far and enjoying it a lot more than Tales from the Borderlands and I think its a lot better (wholly opinion though). If they continue with this, this could be my favorite Telltale series so far.
While I personally think Game of Thrones is the better series, you are right about Tales likely having the better chance because it appeals more to mainstream gamers.
In terms of reviews, I can see that (though all 3 did fairly well, Zer0 Sum and Lost Lords doing the best I think). But not whether it was cut and dry better in general, thats a matter of opinion.
Maybe but Uncharted has never been my thing neither has MGS not to mention the drought 2014 had almost every game was a disappointment fuck up
Same, that sucks bro
. I hope Telltale fixes it soon or gives you a refund and gives you a code to buy the game on another device or something.
You mean 2015. And TWD winning was no fluke. Far Cry 3 and Dishonored could have been GOTY any other year
Far Cry and Dishonored did win some GOTY, so i dont know what youre talking about? There isnt just one GOTY award
No shit there isn't but TWD won the majority on the web and the two major ones