Is there anyone with an Xbox One...

...who isn't experiencing the "Previously On" bug? Meaning, All your decisions from episode one have successfully transferred to episode two. If so, what is your secret?
I ask because I have yet to see, hear or read anything to suggest that Telltale is going to fix this on their end. And if anyone has seen, heard or read otherwise, please share. I would also like to know if I should hold off on starting episode two until they fix it (if they fix it) or if I should just play along as if the default choices aren't really as lame as they actually are and just live with it.


  • The only decision I noticed was totally wrong was who I picked to be Ser or whatever. I picked the beard dude, but they gave it to the old warrior dude in episode two. Then they get in a fight and beard dude is like 'Ethan chose not to stand with me' and I was going 'GAH! I DID CHOOSE YOU!'

    So... no?

  • I'm gonna wait for them to fix it then buy it and play.

  • edited February 2015

    I've purchased this game for Xbox ONE and I didn't experience any "Previously On..." bugs. All the choices I made carried over no trouble. I dunno why it's happening to everyone else.

  • I guess it depends if your choices matched the default? Or are the default carried on choices random meaning some might get lucky?

    Perhaps if it's random we could reply the ending of e1 until we get lucky? I thought I'd fixed it but then the last choice in the preview was wrong.

    I've uninstalled the whole thing and if I'm desperately bored will replay the beginning - One. Last. Time. I haven't decided if I should be logged into ttg or not though.

  • The default choices, so far as I can tell, seem to be:

    • Royland as sentinel

    • No allegiance with Tyrion

    • Sending Malcom to get Asher

    • Ethan not defending Talia from Ramsey.

    There may be more, though. The main one that upsets me is the last one because in my story, I don't want Ethan to die a coward, especially when it comes to his sister. The others I can live with.

    Anyway, apparently they have finally acknowledged the problem:

    Lou153 posted: »

    I guess it depends if your choices matched the default? Or are the default carried on choices random meaning some might get lucky? Perhap

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