Are you okay with **** returning?

As we all know by now, in episode 2 Rodrik is back from the dead. Now to help refresh your memory he was stabbed in the back of the knee and then crushed by a horse. When I saw him come out of his near death state I was a bit in shock that he lived. Part of me thinks that he should be defiantly dead no question, but the other half thinks that he got that sweet intro struggle to earn his life back and it's acceptable as long as he stays handicapped. What do you think? Was it some bullshite or is it fine?

I realize the game showed his silhouette in the title screen so it's not that much of a surprise that he is in the game, but I expected something different. BTW I loved this episode and this thread is not to hate on the game.



  • Yes definitely, his character is easily my favorite in the game so far. I think that makes up for his return, which I wasn't even questioning anyway :P

  • I just wish they held off his introduction for a later episode.

  • Agreed. I never believed the theory as well, but in the end I'm glad they brought him back and he became a great character.

    At first I had a mixed reaction of him returning because I never believed the theories of him being alive and I never examined the shadowy s

  • At first I had a mixed reaction of him returning because I never believed the theories of him being alive and I never examined the shadowy silhouette further. But I quickly got into his character due to the relationship he have his with family. The scenes where he interacts with Talia, Ellissa and Ryon was so touching. Also, his return felt like the spark of hope that the Forresters desperately needed to survive their current ordeal.

  • Lets be honest his survival makes no sense, the horse should have killed him and if that didnt the several days minimum he was laid up should have. Even if he survived that are we supposed to believe they picked up a lord without being sure he was dead?

    That said if they were bringing him back they did it in the best way,there was no massive surprise about it that waited till later episodes or a final moment, he's wounded real bad and is making a slow recovery. I'm fine with it now based around how they did it

  • edited February 2015

    Mod edit: I am leaving this post up, but please drop the discussion about the attractive/unattractive characters and keep discussion on topic. Thanks! - Blind Sniper

    I think it's an intensely dull, predictable and unimaginative move, as well as being nonsensical, and have come to expect better from Telltale, but for what it is it's just about 'fine'. Eye-roll inducing, boring, illogical, but 'fine'.

    It's clear that the writers for this telltale game aren't the most creative lot; all female characters except for one so far are either noble or spend their entire time dealing with nobles, and there's not one single female commoner in Ironrath (despite the fact that after the entire army was wiped out there should be far more female villagers than male ones), as well as the boring 'men are northern, women are southern' trope in eglish accents (with one lone exception again), the 4-1 gender ratio, the fact that every male we play as is traditionally good looking to increase the ego of the men playing (although this is hardly new).

    Beskha might save it. Depends if they may her a lesbian to please those addicts of lesbian relationships and those that think if a woman doesnt wear dresses and perfume she must also want to fuck girls.

    Maybe later episodes will be better. Maybe Mira will be the only protagonist who survives the whole season, who knows. We;ll have to wait and see, but for now, character design wise I'm extremely unimpressed with this game unfortunately.

    Sorry that sort of went into a rant, haven't been able to post for a month.

  • Wait a minute. Didn't you make an entire thread about him being alive? XD

    Flog61 posted: »

    Mod edit: I am leaving this post up, but please drop the discussion about the attractive/unattractive characters and keep discussion on topi

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah, I was very annoyed when I found out.

    What's your point?

    Wait a minute. Didn't you make an entire thread about him being alive? XD

  • the fact that every male we play as is traditionally good looking to increase the ego of the men playing (although this is hardly new).


    Flog61 posted: »

    Mod edit: I am leaving this post up, but please drop the discussion about the attractive/unattractive characters and keep discussion on topi

  • The Perfect Rob Stark expy for this game
    hopefully he doesn't end up as bad off

  • Ever noticed that the men we play as in games are generally more attractive than all the other male characters in the story?

    It's so the guys playing it don't feel threatened. For example: Bigby, Rico Rodriguez, Ezio, Edward, Altair, Connor, Desmond, Joel from the Last Of Us, Alan Wake, Nathan Drake, whoever the guy in RDR was, all three Bioshock protagonists, George Stobbart from Broken Sword...I could go on but I think you've got my point.

    Green613 posted: »

    the fact that every male we play as is traditionally good looking to increase the ego of the men playing (although this is hardly new). huh

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator
    edited February 2015

    Because women would prefer to play ugly looking guys like the protagonists of Gears of War?

    Edit: Also, Bigby was designed in the comic series the game came from.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Ever noticed that the men we play as in games are generally more attractive than all the other male characters in the story? It's so the

  • I think it's an intensely dull, predictable and unimaginative move, as well as being nonsensical, and have come to expect better from Telltale, but for what it is it's just about 'fine'. Eye-roll inducing, boring, illogical, but 'fine'.

    I agree with you on it being a bit daft; but Kenny,Snow etc its not exactly unexpected from them

    It's clear that the writers for this telltale game aren't the most creative lot; all female characters except for one so far are either noble or spend their entire time dealing with nobles

    Everyone is noble.... unless you count Gared and the nights watch is exclusively male anyway.Though Sera isnt male either. Why does this make them not creative?

    , and there's not one single female commoner in Ironrath (despite the fact that after the entire army was wiped out there should be far more female villagers than male ones)

    There reusing models, yes they should maybe make a female model but still its not the biggest issue either, we saw several women in essos.

    as well as the boring 'men are northern, women are southern' trope, the 4-1 gender ratio, the fact that every male we play as is traditionally good looking to increase the ego of the men playing (although this is hardly new).

    There are plenty of northern women and southern men.... Also where are the ugly women? All the nobles look pretty attractive. The world is male dominated, women wouldnt work in the roles or ideas they have for the characters in this setting.

    Beskha might save it. Depends if they may her a lesbian to please those addicts of lesbian relationships and those that think if a woman doesnt wear dresses and perfume she must also want to fuck girls.

    So this one character might save it why exactly? Shes okay but just a sellsword nothing is especially interesting about her so far. Shes female to show how essos while pretty horrible as it condones slavery among other horrid things is a lot more gender equal.

    Maybe later episodes will be better. Maybe Mira will be the only protagonist who survives the whole season, who knows. We;ll have to wait and see, but for now, character design wise I'm extremely unimpressed with this game unfortunately.

    ...Why do you hate men? Seriously it pretty horrible sometimes.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Mod edit: I am leaving this post up, but please drop the discussion about the attractive/unattractive characters and keep discussion on topi

  • Flog likes to think this stuff about video games, just ignore it.

    Green613 posted: »

    the fact that every male we play as is traditionally good looking to increase the ego of the men playing (although this is hardly new). huh

  • You need to find a better hobby, friend.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Yeah, I was very annoyed when I found out. What's your point?

  • Uh, what?

    HiroVoid posted: »

    Because women would prefer to play ugly looking guys like the protagonists of Gears of War? Edit: Also, Bigby was designed in the comic series the game came from.

  • Care to form a genuine argument as to why I'm wrong instead of just assuming I am? :)

    Flog likes to think this stuff about video games, just ignore it.

  • Pretty much every single female game character is attractive too..... Particularly protagonists

    Flog61 posted: »

    Ever noticed that the men we play as in games are generally more attractive than all the other male characters in the story? It's so the

  • Naw, I won't bother. Others have formed good arguments in the past and you shrug it off.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Care to form a genuine argument as to why I'm wrong instead of just assuming I am?

  • edited February 2015

    So just because the fifth playable character isn't a girl you aren't happy with his return? Because otherwise, none of your other arguments make sense IMO.

    It's clear that the writers for this telltale game aren't the most creative lot

    Just because the playable character gender ratio is 4:1 for males you are saying they aren't creative?! How about you actually look at the story and make a conclusion based off of that.

    all female characters except for one so far are either noble or spend their entire time dealing with nobles, a

    Thats how it is in Westeros for the most part Flog, hate to break it to you.

    boring, illogical,

    How the hell is it boring? If anything, its a very interesting twist and I'm personally excited to see how Rodrik will develop. And its certainly not illogical, people can survive horses falling on them.

    not one single female commoner in Ironrath (despite the fact that after the entire army was wiped out there should be far more female villagers than male ones),

    I'm sure there are, but this episode focused mainly on the Whitehill soliders in Ironrath, and there aren't any women soldiers. Also, the entire army wasn't wiped out

    that think if a woman doesnt wear dresses and perfume she must also want to fuck girls.

    Or maybe it was because she was talking about sleeping with whores? Though guy whores are a thing in Westeros its not the first thing that comes to people's mind when talking about whores.

    the fact that every male we play as is traditionally good looking to increase the ego of the men playing (although this is hardly new).

    Hardly anyone wants to play a game where the designated playable character isn't appealing to the eye. It can be sad, but its the truth. Its not a thing to "increase the ego of the men playing"

    I'm sorry Flog but just because Rodrik's return delayed a 5th female playable protagonist in this series and in your eyes Telltale is "discriminating" females (though they are just staying true to the universe imo) doesn't mean that this game is now "unimpressive" and not "creative"

    Flog61 posted: »

    Mod edit: I am leaving this post up, but please drop the discussion about the attractive/unattractive characters and keep discussion on topi

  • Hmm.. not really sure how to respond to the dick to vagina ratio on screen complaint (maybe lack of female character models that relate to the point of story?). But I did expect something different from Rodrik's return and hey at least he's in no fine shape.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Mod edit: I am leaving this post up, but please drop the discussion about the attractive/unattractive characters and keep discussion on topi

  • It's so the guys playing it don't feel threatened.

    I really don't think that has anything to do with anything :p

    Most characters are attractive in games male or female just for the sake of being well, attractive. I'm pretty sure it's more about trying to grab a player towards a game rather than being an actual gender issue.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Ever noticed that the men we play as in games are generally more attractive than all the other male characters in the story? It's so the

  • [removed]

    So just because the fifth playable character isn't a girl you aren't happy with his return? Because otherwise, none of your other arguments

  • edited February 2015

    I think the opposite pretty much everyone is very attractive. To be honest given the time period everyone should be ugly as fuck, same with the walking dead to be honst

    This isnt a criticism, its just like TV people are more attractive than the norm of people

  • edited February 2015

    Nah, they're not all noble. The two stewards aren't noble, Malcolm isn't noble. The soldiers at the beginning arent noble including the first guy you talk to. The thief isn't noble.

    To clarify by noble I meant someone who has the potential to become ruler of the House. Rodrik, Talia, Ryon, Lady Forrester etc.. It's unimaginitive because making all female characters noble so you can have them wearing pretty dresses with pretty hair and pretty makeup is a fiction trope. As I say Beskha can save us there.

    Nah it's not the biggest issue, I never said it was. I noticed the women in Essos and appreciated it warmly. It's just, if there were only going to make one model for all villagers that model should have been female anyway because there should currently be more women than men at Ironrath due to the army being wiped out.

    There's literally one northern woman? All the female members of Ironrath have southern accents for no apparent reason.

    The world being male dominated is surely more of a reason why the men wouldnt look attractive, as they wouldnt have to worry about their appearance due to women having to marry and be subdued by them anyway. Who're the ugly women? Do they compare to the ugliness of say Lord Whitehill and his merchants?

    WOmen clearly can work for the roles they have in the setting. In a pinch a woman can be the head of a noble house: we could easily have played as Lady Forrester following the death of her husband, 2 of her sons, being apart from 3 others of her children, and trying to manage without him. That would have been possible and interesting.

    Because Beskha's the only woman so far who doesn't fit into the established tropes? So she's a good example of a woman just doing what she wants, not with some preoccupation for either her family or for men. She's as independant as you get really, which is a good thing.

    The fact that there's nothing special about her so far is precisely why she might save it. Often women in games are 'special snowflakes' (hence more female nobles than commoners): Beskha is just a common woman living her life, and that's cool.

    Yeah it is more gender neutral: that's exactly while having a female character from there is good: it drastically broadens the representation of women so far, having one who fights strongly.

    I don't hate men, I am one and I'm married to one.

    I think it's an intensely dull, predictable and unimaginative move, as well as being nonsensical, and have come to expect better from Tellta

  • edited February 2015

    They are. Gared and Ethan seem pretty average to me tho.

    Well I'm straight, but to be fair Rodrik and Asher are quite good looking.

  • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Green613 posted: »

    Yes definitely, his character is easily my favorite in the game so far. I think that makes up for his return, which I wasn't even questioning anyway :P

  • Alt text

    Green613 posted: »

    Yes definitely, his character is easily my favorite in the game so far. I think that makes up for his return, which I wasn't even questioning anyway :P

  • Well I'm straight, but to be fair Rodrik and Asher are quite good looking.

  • I literally haven't posted on this forum for a month..

    Drbg posted: »

    You need to find a better hobby, friend.

  • That's for different reasons, though. There are far more generaically attractive female NPCs than generically attractive male NPCs.

    Pretty much every single female game character is attractive too..... Particularly protagonists

  • This isn't based on our history so the people of GOT world are always born me.

    I think the opposite pretty much everyone is very attractive. To be honest given the time period everyone should be ugly as fuck, same with

  • edited February 2015

    Um, but there are far more unnatractive males in this series so far than unattractive females?

    It was hugely the case in wolf among us, with the only non-elderly female who didn't look like a supermodel being Holly.

    Green613 posted: »

    It's so the guys playing it don't feel threatened. I really don't think that has anything to do with anything Most characters ar

  • I don't though. I always reply with counter arguments. If I was just shurgging it off I'd just comment saying 'No i'm not listening, I know you're wrong' (as you essentially did above.).

    As I've shown below, I do give reasons for my views. I don't run away or ignore people when they're challenged.

    Naw, I won't bother. Others have formed good arguments in the past and you shrug it off.

  • Of course I'm a social justice warrior! Why wouldn't you want justice socially?

  • edited February 2015

    Malcolm isn't noble

    Uh... Yeah he is... and for the others you cant count these one liners as characters at least I hope you dont

    It's unimaginitive because making all female characters noble so you can have them wearing pretty dresses with pretty hair and pretty makeup is a fiction trope.

    But thats how westeroes is and thats how noble women in the time dress, this isnt modern day western society.

    For the rest of the post again, dont you realise the women have to fit into these tropes; they dont have a choice and to be honest the male characters dont either its how it in this world. It is sexist to both men and women and game of thrones examines the flaws in all this that and other aspects like one ruling monarch making all the decisions, the comparing of noble and common life. But this isnt modern day western society its a medieval world with medieval rules and like it or not this is how women were treated back then. However the writing shows how unsexist the writers are, the women are given just as complex personalities as the men etc.

    I don't hate men

    It really comes across like you do, the gender you are is irrelevant

    Flog61 posted: »

    Nah, they're not all noble. The two stewards aren't noble, Malcolm isn't noble. The soldiers at the beginning arent noble including the firs

  • edited February 2015

    Gared is very good looking: he was in fact the first name mentioned in a recent thread asking which character was most attractive and the comment got like ten likes.

    Ethan is underage.

    Drbg posted: »

    They are. Gared and Ethan seem pretty average to me tho.

  • Although you shrug off their argument as you think yours is always right.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I don't though. I always reply with counter arguments. If I was just shurgging it off I'd just comment saying 'No i'm not listening, I know

  • Lord whitehill? His merchants?

    In the wolf among us, tweedles? Crooked Man? Georgie? None of them are generically unattractive.

    Whereas the only women who arent generically attractive in Wolf Among Us are Auntie Greenleaf and...that's basically it. Maybe Holly.

    I think the opposite pretty much everyone is very attractive. To be honest given the time period everyone should be ugly as fuck, same with

  • edited February 2015

    Oh god.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Of course I'm a social justice warrior! Why wouldn't you want justice socially?

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