Are you okay with **** returning?



  • Despite their lower level of beauty, these characters you mentioned are still easy on the eyes as they fit with their respected universe and they come off as quite interesting at first glance.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Lord whitehill? His merchants? In the wolf among us, tweedles? Crooked Man? Georgie? None of them are generically unattractive. Wherea

  • edited February 2015

    There are far more generaically attractive female NPCs than generically attractive male NPCs.

    ....then isnt that sexist to men..."sigh" Or if not why dont these "different reasons" apply to the male characters (which they clearly do have you seen how much people fanboy luke and bigby) I dont really have a problem with it its part of the selling point for characters

    Flog61 posted: »

    That's for different reasons, though. There are far more generaically attractive female NPCs than generically attractive male NPCs.

  • No, my main complaint about Rodrik complaining has always been that a recovery from how he died is impossible. In this thread I was just focusing on the gender issue as it was raised by a reviewer. In my first thread about the issue a month ago it was entirely because of how he died.

    I think it's uncreative because it would have been nice to play as a character who isn't noble. One who is set apart from the three noble characters we've already played. I always wanted to play as 3 members of the ruling family and 2 members outside it, I was disappointed we're just playing the eldest son.

    Umm, that's not true. There are as many female commoners in Game of Thrones as male commoners, otherwise society just falls apart.
    Men are just shown more, which is the point I was raising.

    It's boring for reasons given above, it's illogical because horses weight 900kg and if they fall where the horse fell on rodrik your pelvis and legs aren't broken, they're crushed.

    My comment about female villagers in Ironrath is about episode 1. I have no problem with all the soldiers being male, thats the GoT lore.
    But female villagers do, I believe, exist in GoT lore.

    Basically the whole army was wiped out. There aren't many forces left which is why there's such an emphasis on being unable to fight another house and finding allies to help against the Whitehills.

    Um, I don't understand your point about Beskha. I'm saying they might make her a lesbian because she fights. You seem to be saying 'because she fucks whores' which is part of their writing? They wrote that she fucks whores, so that would be them 'making her a lesbian'. Sorry for that confusion, though I thought it was clear.

    Yes, but its clearly about the ego when the vast mahority of non playable male characters are unnatractive, unlike the female ones.

    So just because the fifth playable character isn't a girl you aren't happy with his return? Because otherwise, none of your other arguments

  • Wait, I'm genuinely confused.

    Social Justice is a bad thing? How is any form of justice bad?

    Drbg posted: »

    Oh god.

  • Right but there could have been female characters like that within the same universe? But there aren't, which is my point.

    There are far more ugly men than women in video games.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Despite their lower level of beauty, these characters you mentioned are still easy on the eyes as they fit with their respected universe and they come off as quite interesting at first glance.

  • edited February 2015

    Yes, but its clearly about the ego when the vast mahority of non playable male characters are unnatractive, unlike the female ones.

    How on earth did you get to the branching all inclusive conclusion that one sex is different to another on this? Yet your saying the game is the thing thats sexist?

    i like to think both men and women all vary on the amount of importance they put on there ego and the attractiveness of game characters, personally I dont mind a few of the characters looking nice but its not an even minor concern to me

    I think it's uncreative because it would have been nice to play as a character who isn't noble.

    We play as Gared and to be honest hes one of my least favourite characters and certainly least favourite playable

    Flog61 posted: »

    No, my main complaint about Rodrik complaining has always been that a recovery from how he died is impossible. In this thread I was just foc

  • ...Wait...So...

    the fact that every male we play as is traditionally good looking to increase the ego of the men playing (although this is hardly new).


    There are far more ugly men than women in video games.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Right but there could have been female characters like that within the same universe? But there aren't, which is my point. There are far more ugly men than women in video games.

  • edited February 2015

    This game is about House Forrester. It's advertised as being about House Forrester. Telltale has said that this game is about House Forrester, and only those from House Forrester will be playable characters. You're overthinking a video game.

    Flog61 posted: »

    No, my main complaint about Rodrik complaining has always been that a recovery from how he died is impossible. In this thread I was just foc

  • edited February 2015

    If I hate men why would I have married one though? And why would my best friend be a man?

    And yes, Malcolm is noble, I forgot he was the kings brother. But that doesn't change anything really, just replace his name with duncan's.

    Wait, that's how westeros is?

    I must confess I don't know that much about game of thrones, I thought female commoners who wouldnt be able to afford makeup and fancy dresses existed as well? If they dont thats actually extremely interesting and subversive :D

    Isn't beskha evidence that the women don't have to fit into the tropes?

    Youre absolutely right about the personalities, but women are underrepresented and are made out as more attractive than men. In medieval era women didn't have perfectly painted faces like they do in GoT.

    Malcolm isn't noble Uh... Yeah he is... and for the others you cant count these one liners as characters at least I hope you dont

  • edited February 2015

    Again, if I debate with them I'm really not 'shrugging it off'.

    Obviously I think mine is right: they think theirs is right and you think what you're saying now is right.

    I'm most certainly not always right - studying literature proved that extremely quickly.

    I get things wrong a hell of a lot of the time. It'd just be nice for people to explain how, if I am wrong, why that is the case,, instead of what you're dong which is simply mocking my personality.

    Although you shrug off their argument as you think yours is always right.

  • Sure Flog...Sure.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Again, if I debate with them I'm really not 'shrugging it off'. Obviously I think mine is right: they think theirs is right and you think

  • edited February 2015

    Yes it definitely is sexist to men!

    Its sexist to both! Sexism hurts both men and women.

    There are far more generaically attractive female NPCs than generically attractive male NPCs. ....then isnt that sexist to men..."si

  • In reference to the Bioshock protagonists - in the first one, we don't even see Jack's face, from what I remember, and in the second one, you play as Subject Delta. Pretty sure Delta isn't attractive underneath that suit. But Booker DeWitt...yes please.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Ever noticed that the men we play as in games are generally more attractive than all the other male characters in the story? It's so the

  • edited February 2015

    Stop being childish. You know the pejorative behind what i'm saying, surely you're not as oblivious as I believe you to be? Seriously, you're a grown man arguing with a fifteen year old on the internet.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Wait, I'm genuinely confused. Social Justice is a bad thing? How is any form of justice bad?

  • edited February 2015

    Is the fact that you're shrugging me off supposed to be ironic?

    What do you even mean 'sure flog...sure.'? So you're saying you don't believe that I'm often wrong? Like wut

    Sure Flog...Sure.

  • It's whatever you want to be. :P

    Flog61 posted: »

    Is the fact that you're shrugging me off supposed to be ironic? What do you even mean 'sure flog...sure.'? So you're saying you don't believe that I'm often wrong? Like wut

  • Yeah?

    The first point refers only to men we play as.

    The second point is about all characters, NPCs and PCs alike.

    ...Wait...So... the fact that every male we play as is traditionally good looking to increase the ego of the men playing (although this is hardly new). But... There are far more ugly men than women in video games.

  • It's infuriating, but I get what you're saying.

    Green613 posted: »

    Please try to avoid insulting others, it's against the rules to do so. We can all be mature about this and debate with others on this forum without name calling.

  • I don't mind a few characters looking nice either. I just think it'd be cool if there were ugly guys and ugly girls and hot guys and hot guys in equal measure. Like..real life.

    That's a perfectly fine opinion to have. But gared isn't a bad character just because he isn't a noble.

    Yes, but its clearly about the ego when the vast mahority of non playable male characters are unnatractive, unlike the female ones.

  • Please try to avoid insulting others, it's against the rules to do so. We can all be mature about this and debate with others on this forum without name calling.

    Drbg posted: »

    This game is about House Forrester. It's advertised as being about House Forrester. Telltale has said that this game is about House Forrester, and only those from House Forrester will be playable characters. You're overthinking a video game.

  • Um, but Gared isn't a noble and he's a playable character?

    I was just asking for a female character like that. A female member of house forrester who isn't part of its ruling class.

    Drbg posted: »

    This game is about House Forrester. It's advertised as being about House Forrester. Telltale has said that this game is about House Forrester, and only those from House Forrester will be playable characters. You're overthinking a video game.

  • Isn't beskha evidence that the women don't have to fit into the tropes?

    We've already covered essos and dorne etc are a lot more gender equal, In westeroes there is occasionally the odd character like Brienne or Arya but there behaviour is not encouraged even though due to them breaking this they are fan favourites. On that not though the fact Beskha is female means little to me, so far she is a fairly bland side character with some potential. I dont tend to judge a character based on gender to be honest.

    I thought female commoners who wouldnt be able to afford makeup and fancy dresses existed as well?

    They dont... thought to be honest we havn't seen any commoners aside from soldiers. None of the characters are wearing makeup, I doubt make-up exists in the time period. Yes everyone should be all grubbish bar the people in kings landing

    Wait, that's how westeros is?

    Wait you've been arguing about something you dont even know anything about, yes thats how the world is I dont think anyone is claiming westeroes is a nice place to live its brutal for many reasons though one thing the world has is many strong male and female characters.

    Have you played episode 2 by the way? Or just heard about it

    Flog61 posted: »

    If I hate men why would I have married one though? And why would my best friend be a man? And yes, Malcolm is noble, I forgot he was the

  • edited February 2015

    I genuinely don't know why social justice is regarded as being bad though?

    Lots of people on the internet go on about how fighting for social justice is bad but I genuinely never understood why? If you explain why it's bad then maybe I'll stop.

    Also, I'm a man, not a woman.

    Drbg posted: »

    Stop being childish. You know the pejorative behind what i'm saying, surely you're not as oblivious as I believe you to be? Seriously, you're a grown man arguing with a fifteen year old on the internet.

  • edited February 2015

    But in this case one gender isnt being affected differently whatsoever, so there is no sexism due to character attractiveness

    Flog61 posted: »

    Yes it definitely is sexist to men! Its sexist to both! Sexism hurts both men and women.

  • edited February 2015

    It's fine, either he takes care of the insults or the mods will, I've flagged them.

    We all get carried away sometimes.

    Green613 posted: »

    Please try to avoid insulting others, it's against the rules to do so. We can all be mature about this and debate with others on this forum without name calling.

  • Yeah arguments can be that way most of the time :p I appreciate you being understanding about it though, most people don't care and end up being banned for it.

    Drbg posted: »

    It's infuriating, but I get what you're saying.

  • edited February 2015

    If there are far more attractive women than men, then one gender is being affected differently though?

    Because it makes it that if you're a male character you're more likely to be ugly and unappealing, which is horrible to guys.

    But in this case one gender isnt being affected differently whatsoever, so there is no sexism due to character attractiveness

  • I seem to remember a scene in the first one where you look in a mirror or a pool or water or something? Myabe I'm remembering incorrectly.

    Delta used to be attractive as I recall seeing.

    KatieDid posted: »

    In reference to the Bioshock protagonists - in the first one, we don't even see Jack's face, from what I remember, and in the second one, yo

  • Yep, unlike Kenny I feel like there's actually a reason and consequences to his return. I thought I'd be salty that one of the other Forresters wasn't upgraded to a POV character but I like Rodrik enough that it doesn't make me sour about it.

  • So you are shrugging me off ironically :P

    It's whatever you want to be. :P

  • Maybe... ;P

    Flog61 posted: »

    So you are shrugging me off ironically :P

  • edited February 2015

    I don't judge a character based on gender either, but gender, like race, can sometimes be interesting to consider. It really affects how we're rbought up in the world and does the same in most video games.

    I was being facetious. Obviously women who can't afford makeup and fancy dressed exist in the universe: it's acapitalism and capitalism always has more poor people than rich people.

    The women definitely are wearing makeup haha, but I can forgive you for not realising because we rarely see girls without makeup in the modern world.

    Again, I'm being facetious. Westeros has to have female commoners.

    I've played episode 2 twice.

    Isn't beskha evidence that the women don't have to fit into the tropes? We've already covered essos and dorne etc are a lot more gen

  • I always make a point of reporting people when they do it too, so it's best not to insult me when arguing with me.

    Green613 posted: »

    Yeah arguments can be that way most of the time I appreciate you being understanding about it though, most people don't care and end up being banned for it.

  • This is definitely true. I think a big part of evidence for that is that Kenny's return was advertised and built up to, whereas Rodrik's just happened.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Yep, unlike Kenny I feel like there's actually a reason and consequences to his return. I thought I'd be salty that one of the other Forresters wasn't upgraded to a POV character but I like Rodrik enough that it doesn't make me sour about it.

  • edited February 2015

    Okay fine

    Social justice warriors are not liked due to that they are not fighting for social justice. 99.99%of the population does not care about this issue as it isnt an issue, having a few less of one gender in a game is not sexist no matter which gender it is.

    SJW much like western feminism are annoying as they act like superior people who act like they speak for all while there are so many huge real world issues that need addressing while they whittle on about some minor thing that has "offended" them.

    Take real issues like modern slavery, starving children or how women are treated in the middle east if you want a sexism issue. While SJW's scream on about ramdom minor stuff like games and tv shows claiming anyone who criticised them is a racist,sexist etc.

    In summary SJW are annoying aggressive people who ironically are the thing they claim to hate people who cannot and will not accept other peoples opinions. they are one of those things that is good in concept but are just awful

    Understand that I'm not directing this at you but this is why in summary people cant stand internet social justice warriors as you asked

    EDIT: Also social justice warriors are particularly bad as they bring up there vendettas constantly even when the issue is often completely irrelevant

    Flog61 posted: »

    I genuinely don't know why social justice is regarded as being bad though? Lots of people on the internet go on about how fighting for so

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah not going to lie, Subject Delta was really attractive in Bioshock 2, besides the part that we never see him at all

    Flog61 posted: »

    Ever noticed that the men we play as in games are generally more attractive than all the other male characters in the story? It's so the

  • edited February 2015

    Actually, I did remove a few insults.

    Flog61 posted: »

    It's fine, either he takes care of the insults or the mods will, I've flagged them. We all get carried away sometimes.

  • Ask a doctor or someone that work with horses or similar animals and they will tell you that you can survive a horse falling on you.

  • edited February 2015

    Gared is apart of House Forrester. Not a direct member, but he's apart of their household.

    Also He has a last name, and is a member of a very minor house.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I don't mind a few characters looking nice either. I just think it'd be cool if there were ugly guys and ugly girls and hot guys and hot guy

  • edited February 2015

    I apologize for calling you a woman. I just assumed that you were, because you are married.

    Equality and social justice are noble ideals to strive for, but social justice warriors literally find a problem with everything that doesn't fit what they believe. And hypocrisy is a common theme from this subset. You can usually find them on Tumblr.

    I also think that you are perhaps correct in that Telltale can make a better effort on the female department in Ironrath, because it's been mentioned that many of their warriors have left, and many have died fighting in the red wedding.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I genuinely don't know why social justice is regarded as being bad though? Lots of people on the internet go on about how fighting for so

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