Do you think there will be dragon involved in the later episodes?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Judging from the tweet about "scaley models" and the 3rd episode teaser,I can't stop imagining Asher return to Ironrath leading an army of sellswords while flying a dragon.


  • Yup, you can also see a dragon in the artwork of the 3rd episode.

  • Riding a dragon won't happen. But it seems he will meet one.

  • Also the quote is "Dracarys!" which is Daenerys' command for making her dragons breathe fire.

    AlfMusic posted: »

    Yup, you can also see a dragon in the artwork of the 3rd episode.

  • In the Episode 3 preview, the sound in the Cave with Asher and Co is a dragon, so I'd imagine so. But we definitley
    won't ride a dragon to Ironrath, the game is canon and I doubt the presence of a giant army with dragons would go unnoticed, and it was never mentioned in the show ^^

  • Don't worry the dragons are coming.

  • Episode 6 is titled "The Ice Dragon". Ice Dragons are real things in the GOT mythos.

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