The game is set to be released later this year although an exact date hasn't been set yet. Despite the confusing title, Minecraft: Story Mode will be a standalone episodic game that won't need Minecraft to play, so you'll need to purchase it separately from Minecraft. No price point has been set yet, but most Telltale games are 5 episodes at $5 USD a piece, although it's possible the price point may differ for this series. The price also varies between regions.
Please, speak on english
If my rusty russian is correct, he seems to think that the game is already playable.
Hmm, how do I say this...
Uhh..Дата релиза пока не объявлена?
I Google translated it and it translated to "How do you play?" so yeah I think we need someone to inform him that the game isn't out yet :P
I know russian :Р
Извините, но эпизодическая игра "Minecraft: Story Mode" от Telltale пока еще не вышла. Ожидайте релиз позже в 2015 году
That's correct, well done. :P
Да, игра класс, вон с пацанами уже 15-й раз играем.
game isnt out yet
Wow, really? I totally didn't know. What was I playing, then?
u were playin normal minecraft
Funny enough, I actually never played Minecraft. Like, ever.
ok than i rly have no idea what were u playin if not minecraft
I wish i did, then i could actually know where the hell i was going when i would play DayZ.
Okay, I can help you
ЧЕРНАЯ ПОЛЯНА - Black field
НОВОДМИТРОВСК - Novodmitrovsk
СМИРНОВО - Smirnovo
It's Russia.
whats this dude on
< Speaking Russian >
The game is set to be released later this year although an exact date hasn't been set yet. Despite the confusing title, Minecraft: Story Mode will be a standalone episodic game that won't need Minecraft to play, so you'll need to purchase it separately from Minecraft. No price point has been set yet, but most Telltale games are 5 episodes at $5 USD a piece, although it's possible the price point may differ for this series. The price also varies between regions.
< Repeating an unfunny joke that has become outdated back in September >
< I laughed tho >
Me. No. Obla. Espanjol.
it was sarcasm, actually.
Lord Lingvort, you bellow like a wounded boar!
Oh, Lord Gustav. Nice to meet you here... again.
Condolences about your soldiers. It was a shame...
...That I wasn't there to see them suffer.