Multi season planning

I know I'm unlikely to get an answer but I know staff sometimes go on the forums so I'm just checking the validity in that the team hope to release multiple seasons of the game? I know its hard to confirm anything just hopes etc.

And if it is the case I just hope the whole cast isnt slaughtered this season walking dead style and leaves some avenue for season 2 with the forresters, much like the show. To have a multi seasonal game you have to have a few recurring characters as you add new ones to keep the flow of the series.

Sorry if the post is a bit random its just a hope I have, the walking dead's approach is really flawed when it comes to multiple seasons and I hope they handle game of thrones better.


  • Game of thrones = $$$

    So yeah, probably.

  • I get what you're saying about a slaughtered cast. I feel Season 2 of TWD really suffered from that at some parts, but I guess it was necessary for the story they had planned out. It's Game of Thrones, though, anything could happen. But if there's going to be multiple seasons, I hope there are recurring characters, even if they aren't main characters.

  • edited February 2015

    Hopefully. If they don't think there's enough content for the Forrester storyline on its own they could broaden it to more characters or maybe a second house.

    The Forresters might remain their 'core house' like the Starks in the TV show, where it all begins, but they'll probably branch out.

  • I reckon they might continue it as a series focusing on a different house each time.

    Or rather, I think that'd be cool.

  • edited February 2015

    Don't expect any confirmation from a Telltale staff member, but considering Telltale has signed for multi-seasons from the start I hope the writing has been planned better so that not every season starts with just one character from the previous season and the rest is a brand new cast.

    I also don't think it will. Even though its weird, it can pass by in Walking Dead but not for Game of Thrones IMO if they plan on keeping the whole series on House Forrester.

  • I know they had a multi season deal, but for some reason I think it will still only be 1

  • edited February 2015

    I'm curious, why do you think so? I think there will likely be at least one more because there's a shit ton of story that can be told and the game is doing pretty well IMO.

    I also doubt Telltale would go through the trouble of getting a multi-season deal if they weren't planning on making more (based on my assumption that getting a multi-season deal is a lot harder than just getting a single title deal which I figure it is).

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I know they had a multi season deal, but for some reason I think it will still only be 1

  • I somewhat doubt they will keep it Forrester-centric if it's multiple seasons. Currently we have 4 active protagonists, one in Essos, one on the Wall, one in King's Landing, and the other in Ironrath.

    With this, I can almost guarantee that another will perish. With that the case, there are 3 active sons that have a possibly of becoming lord. Two daughters, one sworn to Margeary, the other the currently second-youngest in House Forrester.

    If we were to continue as House Forrester, we'd have to assume we'd be playing as the remaining protagonists, Rodrik, Gared, and Mira I'd imagine. I don't see Asher living, but him and Rodrik switching is certainly a possibly. Assuming the assumption I just with 5 protagonists, maybe we get new ones, or the same ensemble cast. Here's some interesting possibly for other protagonists:

    -Soldier. Erik? I think that be kinda cool.



    I don't really know what else.

    This post is really all over the place. XDDD

  • I dont know why, I just feel like it wont

    I'm curious, why do you think so? I think there will likely be at least one more because there's a shit ton of story that can be told and th

  • The current reviews are pretty good...

    Rob_K posted: »

    Critic rating could throw a spanner in the works unfortunately, which is partly why the current reviews are a bit disappointing for me. That

  • Critic rating could throw a spanner in the works unfortunately, which is partly why the current reviews are a bit disappointing for me. That said, I could be wrong. Sales would definitely impact it though, but I think they're okay so far? Fingers crossed anyway.

    One thing though, they've definitely signed a multi year\title deal according to the press. As to whether that's multi GoT seasons or just HBO properties in general, I don't know.

    I'm curious, why do you think so? I think there will likely be at least one more because there's a shit ton of story that can be told and th

  • I think he's referring to the reviews compared to other TellTale Games.

    TellTale are the masters, all of their games excellent, some more then others.

    The current reviews are pretty good...

  • The reviews still aren't bad enough where a second season doesn't seem logical. Plus we're only 1/3 of the way through the series.

    I think he's referring to the reviews compared to other TellTale Games. TellTale are the masters, all of their games excellent, some more then others.

  • I dont need to play as all foresters what I mean is dont kill every damn person in season 1 bar maybe 1 and then start over again in season 2, keep a select few and continue with them and add a few new characters as well. The Forrester's are essentially the games starks, it starts with them and branches out.

    I somewhat doubt they will keep it Forrester-centric if it's multiple seasons. Currently we have 4 active protagonists, one in Essos, one on

  • And then they are all massacred at a wedding.....

    Rodrik and Eleana's wedding....

    I dont need to play as all foresters what I mean is dont kill every damn person in season 1 bar maybe 1 and then start over again in season

  • The reviews don't mean a thing as long as the sales are right, and I think less and less people actually look at reviews or let it influence their decision.

    I would imagine many Telltale fans just decided to buy it/preorder it. The ratings for Episode 1 were pretty good, so even if someone who actually cared about that saw them, he would still buy the Season Pass maybe.

    btw I think the lowest rating for Episode 2 is from IGN (alongside some others), and noone takes IGN seriously, so that would be a reason to buy the game, because IGN doesn't like it.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Critic rating could throw a spanner in the works unfortunately, which is partly why the current reviews are a bit disappointing for me. That

  • All right, just curious. This could easily be a multi-season project, and a damn good one at that IMO

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I dont know why, I just feel like it wont

  • Nooooo, not again!

    And then they are all massacred at a wedding..... Rodrik and Eleana's wedding....

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah like @shellturtleguy and @EpicMustacheGuy said, the reviews have actually been pretty good, all 7/10 or higher (I just check their Twitter, most of the reviews are actually 8/10 or higher, hardly any 7's and nothing less than that I believe).

    Plus, most people don't look at reviews as like a good chunk of them are bullshit and just look at the sales.

    And oh yeah, they've definitely signed for a multi-year/title deal, which relates to multi-GoT seasons. Its the same thing they signed with Skybound for TWDG, which is another key reason why I believe this can easily be a multi-season project among the fact of how much story they can implant in this series.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Critic rating could throw a spanner in the works unfortunately, which is partly why the current reviews are a bit disappointing for me. That

  • edited February 2015

    Replying to everyone who replied to me here, rather than using multiple posts:

    I wasn't really referring to the reviews being lower than normal for Telltale's games. I can say the rating is lower on Steam, but as I haven't studied the ratings for GoT and other episodes extensively on Metacritic, I don't know. It just feels like they are low for Telltale ever since TWD S1, with the exception of Tales from the Borderlands, and that critics are quite harsh on them. Again, I haven't extensively checked things though. I guess what matters most is the overall score for the season. And really, the main reason I thought it could have an impact, aside from possibly affecting sales, is I remember that Fallout New Vegas fiasco where the developers weren't paid a bonus because they missed out on the target by a point or two.

    But I'm glad to know that you think review scores won't impact their plans for a second season. I was in no shape or form sure of that anyway. I don't know how the business works. All I do know, when I talk on here, is how interactive stories work and what goes into them. ;)

    What I was meaning though, and I don't want to come across as being argumentative here or not being able to admit when I'm wrong, but by and large, the vast majority of games don't score lower than a 6 or 7 from what I've seen. Hence my comment about the review scores being disappointing. It's common for adventure games in general really, unfortunately. I mean, just look at the metacritic score for Tesla Effect. (Daedalic's titles probably average a 70 - 80 score as well.)


    Glad to hear that. I just wasn't sure if the deal was signed with GoT in specific in mind.

    Myself, if we do get a season 2 and I hope we do as things can always change I guess, I don't think all of the playable characters will be killed off this season. So, some should be left over for next season. At least that's how I'd handle it if I was writing the story.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Critic rating could throw a spanner in the works unfortunately, which is partly why the current reviews are a bit disappointing for me. That

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