No... No, Liam, stop. It's paranoia. The mind of people like him won't allow them to believe the good things. It takes time. You can't blame them. They're trying to believe you, but it's hard.. It takes more than just some words to convince someone to stop believing what their own mind is telling them. It's much more complex than you think.
You think the past is as easy to throw away?
it is if you're a newborn.
Well...You don't really have a past so...Yeah.
I'm no stranger to depression. If you want to talk to me, you can.
Baba Yetu
I'm sorry to hear that bro I remember I seen a quote in my boxing club earlier in training ^ this
We manifest taughts and feelings into reality so best way to beat this is simple believe and positive thinking you CAN DOET
She doesn't like you. Go away.
I see fire
@Markd4547 @Dont_Look_Back
i know XD
Thumbs up YES!! 11 likes to go to 20,000 likes
looks around arkwardly sry
not u :c
XDD nice
No... No, Liam, stop. It's paranoia. The mind of people like him won't allow them to believe the good things. It takes time. You can't blame them. They're trying to believe you, but it's hard.. It takes more than just some words to convince someone to stop believing what their own mind is telling them. It's much more complex than you think.
Get rid of that comment and PM me.
PM me is you'd like. I may not provide much help, but I will try.
Great song
Cool song!
Heh, why'd you tag me? Just wondering...
Why NOT?
That is the real question.
@blueneon @allthatremains @ sweetpeaclem
Now theres the tag I promised
We need some happy feels to cheer everyone up enjoy
Dat Episode..... Loved the Hallucinations though.
sry u have to see it that way
Jow pls
Idk wats goin on
Wut? xD
Some people haven't seen the episode.
it's ok, liam -hug-'s ok...
but hoo doesnt like mi ;-;
Jus tel us wats hapenin Jow ;-;
y doesnt she like mi ;-;
Like Mark..... Cough, Cough I WILL NEVER put a Spoiler Tag Up! Muahaha! Wait a sec....