Do you think Margaery even asked?

So I have a high suspicion that Margaery didn't even bother asking Joffrey to help the Forresters. For one she knows he is a huge ass and would not help. So asking him was pointless however by telling Mira she did she has Mira at a disadvantage and Mira owes her. For doing nothing.


  • I think that her reaction was more genuine than not, but it's not far-fetched at all. I think she doesn't want to be asked for any more favors, which would definitely be motivation for her to say it happened when it didn't. It seems like she's kind of just trying to keep herself afloat. I don't know if asking her for help in the first place is even worth it because whether you ask or not, she really can't do anything about your situation. It's really up to you to choose whether or not to use the tools you have around you.

  • Well she for sure overplayed how serious the incident was. You got your dress ripped, big fuckin deal, lady. You're rich, get a new one.

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah, that probably happened from her fiance shooting his crossbow at it from across the room, with her still in it. You can get a new dress, but a new head is more difficult.

    Well she for sure overplayed how serious the incident was. You got your dress ripped, big fuckin deal, lady. You're rich, get a new one.

  • Oh come one now, you don't think Margary Tyrell is fragile or something do you? She's playing the game. She probably ripped her dress herself.

    maimed_dan posted: »

    Yeah, that probably happened from her fiance shooting his crossbow at it from across the room, with her still in it. You can get a new dress, but a new head is more difficult.

  • What asking the fair lady for help does is give you access to her seal. This lets you send the letter to the family in episode two about the marriage betrothal making it much easier to successfully marry rodrick.

  • Meh,she probably wouldn't even asked for her grandmother's help.

  • I think it would be beneath Margaery to promise to relay Mira's request to Joffrey and then fake his angry response. She can just tell Mira to shut up about it, because she's not in a position to ask. In fact, that's exactly what she says if you ask her to write a letter to Elaena Glenmore. Margaery is not above lying, but only if it serves a real purpose. I think she does care for Mira, especially after Mira goes out of her way to please Cersei as by Margaery's request.

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