Glitchy gameplay

Not sure if this was posted before, but parts of ep 2 are almost unplayable. I got killed at beginning, and every time it restarts, I'm instantly killed because of framerates. Very frustrating. I have to go and delete the save file and start over. I even lowered quality. Not sure if this just on XB, but it really sux. Am I the only one?


  • Yup. Bad animation and an engine running terribly. The episode was good, but the engine and animation was appalling in this episode. Not acceptable at all.

  • edited February 2015

    Sorry, I can't give you any advice on your problem but I do now Tellale are having severe problems with Game of Thrones on Xbox consoles right now, there are tons of complaints but it just seems these bug are not getting fixed... hope they fix them soon. You can do it Telltale! :3

  • Yeah alot of teleporting going on this episode XD

    Revec posted: »

    Yup. Bad animation and an engine running terribly. The episode was good, but the engine and animation was appalling in this episode. Not acceptable at all.

  • I'm using the PC version as well lol.

    Ashers uncle just appearing doesn't bother me mind. We're not sure how long he's been looking and we don't know how he found him. He might of been told by someone where he was heading etc.

    Yeah alot of teleporting going on this episode XD

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