Who's the most unlikable character?

I think this is going to vary between people, but for me it's currently Lady Forrester. It seems like if she really wanted to defend her family, she'd do more than bark at her children to do it for her. I get that she just lost her husband and Ethan, but she gets all high and mighty while physically not doing much to help the family at all. The weight is really on her children's shoulders and she often makes it very clear that she doesn't approve of their decisions regardless of what they do. The only thing she's really done to help is send their Uncle to find Asher and bring him home. Even then, the Uncle is doing all of the dirty work (although at that point, who else would she send?) What other opinions are out there?


  • Ludd Whitehill.

  • I don't really dislike any of the characters. I even find Ludd Whitehill somewhat likable because his attitude and voice are smashing.

  • Mira Forrester.

  • Lard Whitefuck

  • edited February 2015

    Ethan Forrester

    Lord Whitehill

  • Ludd Whitehill. The guy is a bitter asshole with no redeeming qualities.

  • Well be careful what you wish for. Lady Forrester might not do anything but it's still better then Catelyn Stark who did things but just made everything worse since she was an idiot.

    And for me my least likable character so far is Duncan Tuttle. He is supposed to be so wise but all he dose is undermine Ethan and whine at me since I don't want to just roll over for the Whithills.

  • edited February 2015

    Lord Whitehill easily. Likeable? All he does is bluster and demand people bow down to him. Hes disrespectful and cruel and doesn't even have Ramsey's twisted humor. He's detestable.

  • I don't see how it could be anyone other than Lord Whitehill.

  • Ethan was for me. His voice was annoying, and he was just too good. Characters that are all good and kind annoy the hell out of me, especially in GOT. Was so happy he died honestly.

  • ludd whitehill and ramsay snow the bastard

  • Why do people keep calling him Ludd? Is that his name?

    Carley44 posted: »

    ludd whitehill and ramsay snow the bastard

  • You must have really hated Ned Stark. Most of the characters in the GOT universe are such horrible people, I cherish the ones with a good heart.

    Mariana238 posted: »

    Ethan was for me. His voice was annoying, and he was just too good. Characters that are all good and kind annoy the hell out of me, especially in GOT. Was so happy he died honestly.

  • Yes it is.

    KCohere posted: »

    Why do people keep calling him Ludd? Is that his name?

  • Ahh okay, I missed that. I just makes me hate him more. Ludd the Dud.

    unseenclass posted: »

    Yes it is.

  • They tried so hard to make him the center of hate that they forgot to give Whitehill a brain. He's not interesting, he's not intelligent obviously and he doesn't feel like a villain just a cunt that Telltale wants us to loathe

  • Lord Whitehill. BUT I got to give props to his voice actor, that dude's voice certainly fits the character to a T and delivers his lines with the full aggression and smugness of a great villain.

  • His voice sounds a rough as Madsen's

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Lord Whitehill. BUT I got to give props to his voice actor, that dude's voice certainly fits the character to a T and delivers his lines with the full aggression and smugness of a great villain.

  • The bread and salt line gets me every time...so good.

    Clemenem posted: »

    His voice sounds a rough as Madsen's

  • I agree

    ElJacko posted: »

    I don't see how it could be anyone other than Lord Whitehill.

  • I have to go with Sera, that other handmaiden of Margaery. Oh, how I hate her! Let me count the ways.

    1. She tries to butt in when Mira wants to talk to Margaery about her family. Look, Sera... I know you want to play the "trust card", but how about a little dose of "it's none of your goddarned business!"?
    2. She tries to talk Margaery out of helping Mira. Sera... you already have enough trouble thinking for yourself, so don't try to think for Margaery, will you?!
    3. She messes with Margaery's game plan. What are you? Six?! As her handmaiden, you should know that Margaery doesn't f**k around if it comes to political planning, even if YOU do!
    4. She steals Cersei's wine. As Tyrion mentions: you have to know what risks are worth taking. Although in Sera's case, I can't help but think that her getting out of bed in the morning is a risk to the whole realm in itself!
    5. She tries to use Mira to gain Margaery's favor so she can get married to some important dude. Sera, what have you ever done to help Mira out? Exactly... nothing! You only got Mira in trouble, TWICE. So don't be a parasite!

    Of course, Whitehill is an annoying twat too, but at least he's clearly evil. In Sera's case, we're supposed to like her even though she's been nothing but a pain in the ass!

  • Ramsay Snow.

    Whitehalls are annoying, but if it wasn't for the Boltons protections we all know Lord Whitehall wouldn't have such a spine as he does currently.

  • Tazal because not only he tried to trick you with his rocks and forks to sound like gold dragons but he tried to kill you and Beskha so he can get the bounty.

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