Episode 2 Kissing Whitehill's Ring

Do you have to kiss Whitehill's Ring in order for Ryon to join the funeral? I found myself wincing while doing it.


  • Yea you do. It sucks but if you really want to see Ryon you have to do it. I didn't because even though I felt bad for him there was no way I was giving Lord Whitehill that satisfaction.

  • unfortunately yes...ive played it 2 times and never kissed it!!

  • I didn't kiss Whitehill's ring on my playthough, but I did it on my second playthough just to see Ryon at the funeral. I think it is worth it at least to see the scene where Rodrik and Ryon interacts.

    [Hug option]

    Yea you do. It sucks but if you really want to see Ryon you have to do it. I didn't because even though I felt bad for him there was no way I was giving Lord Whitehill that satisfaction.

  • Damn... Another thing.. Does the Lannister guard attack you no matter what?

  • Yep to that as well.

    maidallica posted: »

    Damn... Another thing.. Does the Lannister guard attack you no matter what?

  • I didn't do it in my second save file either. I was planning on but when it came to that moment again I was like "fuck it, there's no way I'm doing it." Kudos to Telltale for that xD

    I didn't kiss Whitehill's ring on my playthough, but I did it on my second playthough just to see Ryon at the funeral. I think it is worth it at least to see the scene where Rodrik and Ryon interacts. [Hug option]

  • Kiss your ring? How about you kiss my ass!?

  • I originally chose to kiss the ring, but my game didn't save and I had to play through it again. I chose not to the second time. I kind of regret not doing it because I didn't get to see Ryon, but I'm trying to prove to the Whitehills that they don't have as much power as they think they do or that the Forresters don't tolerate blindly bullying someone just because they can. Overall, I think it depends on whether you really want to make a good impression or if you want to stand up for yourself.

  • I kiss the ring by Ryon, Elaena may don't like it but knows I made it by the family and she will be in the family soon.

  • I didn't kiss the ring. It would be nice to see Ryon, but I don't need to see Ryon for a few moments at a funeral so badly that I would make Whitehill think I'm subservient to him. I can see Ryon all I want after I march on Highpoint and murder the whole band of Whitehills.

  • I did it for Ryon on m first playthrough but I'm going to refuse for my second.

    I was wincing the entire scene.

  • I did it so things wouldn't be worse with the Whitehills, plus Ryon had a right to be at that funeral. I honestly don't see what the big deal about it was. Like Lady Forrester said, it meant nothing and it would give the Forresters even more reason to want the Whitehills out of Ironrath.

  • I felt bad about my brother but no way in hell was I bowing down to that fat creep. I'm just waiting for Asher to come back and sort him out.

  • edited February 2015

    It means something to your betrothed. She seems to lose respect for you.

    I did it so things wouldn't be worse with the Whitehills, plus Ryon had a right to be at that funeral. I honestly don't see what the big dea

  • Then that's her problem. If she couldn't respect why I did it, then she's not worth loving.

    KCohere posted: »

    It means something to your betrothed. She seems to lose respect for you.

  • I refused but in my next playthrough, I will do it because Ryon hasn't even seen Rodrik :(

  • I really wanted to see Ryan at the funeral but i couldn't risk myself looking weak in front of everyone and i wasn't gonna let lord whitehill think I'm weak and that i can do whatever he wants.

  • Bowing to Ramsay wasn't such a big deal because he is, in fact, the representative of your liege. Whitehill is a peer, and if you kiss his ring it's pretty much submitting to his authority.

    I did it so things wouldn't be worse with the Whitehills, plus Ryon had a right to be at that funeral. I honestly don't see what the big dea

  • But it's only temporary. If anything, making Whitehill think you're submissive will make kicking his ass all the sweeter when it's time. At least that's how I see it.

    Bowing to Ramsay wasn't such a big deal because he is, in fact, the representative of your liege. Whitehill is a peer, and if you kiss his ring it's pretty much submitting to his authority.

  • I didn't kiss his fucking ring, I have tried to be a obedient lord with Ramsay and he killed me anyway, so now I will be Rodrik the Lord who only obey himself.

  • Those choices are pretty much [Pride] or [Family].

  • It's not even all about pride. I didn't even trust that Whitehill would allow Ryon to the funeral anyways.

  • Shut up Larry ur dead.

    Jayroen posted: »

    Kiss your ring? How about you kiss my ass!?

  • It's not about love, it's about preserving tha alliance.

    Then that's her problem. If she couldn't respect why I did it, then she's not worth loving.

  • I refused as it wasn't in line with House hierarchy. If the King or Lord Bolton had made the suggestion, then to not to do so would be an act of defiance they would have to punish. But the Whitehills are simply a favored House and it's pretty much my job to a) try to get along with them and b) be just a touch too much trouble than it's worth in order to get them out of my House affairs. To bend the knee would be showing far, far too much weakness.

    When making my pledge to my mother, I told her I would kill anyone who threatened the House. I know some measure of revenge is necessary, but Lord Rodrick isn't so blood-thirsty to take it too far. He knows he still has to deal with the Boltons and the King.

  • Yes, but she already either agreed or declined to the betrothal when Ludd enters the hall. I don't think Elaena would break the alliance over something like that. If anything, it should show her how desperate the Forresters are, whether or not your kissed the ring.

    KCohere posted: »

    It's not about love, it's about preserving tha alliance.

  • I have chosen the option to kiss it in different save files (not my primary on though) yet I find myself turning my head to the actual action, because it is so degrading.

  • Saltlick will remember that...

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