Is it too much to ask for a working game?

I know that Telltale is a smaller group. But after so many years and games under their belt, is it so much to expect a bug free, fully working game? Here we are in 2015, still waiting more than two months at a time for episodes "borderlands," giving telltale ample time to work on their games, and still I have game crashing bugs in GOT (choices don't carry over and game freezes every time at the end of episode 2 on XBONE), as well as many minor glitches in both GOT and Borderlands. I mean I thought that with the new generation of consoles, more money from increasing sales, and apparently even longer wait times, TT would be able to finally start releasing big free games, it's not like they are pushing the technical aspects of the new generation systems to the limit with their beautiful yet low key graphical games. Do they not play test? Do they have too many games on their plate, or do they simply not care that their games are a buggy mess seeing as how the issues continue? I have always payed for the season pass on release date, but it has gotten to the point where I feel as though I'm practically paying to beta test for games that simply will never be glitch free. Am I alone in this sentiment. Are any others out there sick of paying full price for glitchy but decent games? I feel we are near the point of false avertisment and robbery.


  • edited February 2015

    I've just literally turned on episode 2 on the PS3 and the bugs remain, the graphics look almost ps2 generation, it's a slap in the face when your paying for a product

  • edited February 2015

    You are definitely not alone here. You expect bugs in big complex open world game etc, but this is nothing short of ridiculous from Telltale. The type of games they are making just don't warrant the issues we're seeing. Fair enough on the first time attempt in this genre (TWDS1), but there's no excuse for it anymore.

    Telltale are clearly staying in this direction for a while now and it's about damn time they got the tools working to support it. There are only two things that really annoy me about Telltale. The time between episodes and the nearly broken engine they use.

    The first issue is a direct result of splitting the work force onto multiple projects and not working to a decent schedule. We shouldn't be waiting any longer then a month or so between episodes as it's too great of a gap.

    My second issue is just so dumb it's difficult to comprehend the thought process at the studio. GET THE ENGINE WORKING. This is the fundamentals of any company in games or not.

    I don't understand how reviews play their games and don't make a bigger deal of these facts. They're glaring and it's about time Telltale were called out for it. As it stands, it seems yet again we're going to see another 2 series (Got and TftB) taking an age to be released. If so, this will sadly be my last purchase till the entire season is actually out for their future projects.

  • I agree. It's very sad. It is possible they dont care because they are making so much money anyway. I like the game companies that actually read forums and adjust their software based on people. I'm not saying they should listen to anything, but this is not trival or biased stuff. I don't want to wait three months for something that essentially should be 80 to 90 percent premade. (Should be if they can show trailers of the next ep). Doesn't make sense. Last time I buy episodically. At most I'll just wait for full game seeing as they are disorganised.

    Revec posted: »

    You are definitely not alone here. You expect bugs in big complex open world game etc, but this is nothing short of ridiculous from Telltale

  • I'm very sorry for the Xbox-players who obviously keep experiencing all those issues. I'm just wondering why the PS4-versions of GoT and TWD work flawlessly. It could very well be possible that Telltale's game engine is far less compatible with the Xbox than Playstation and PC/Mac. Makes you wonder if Telltale is doing a poor job, or if the Xbox is just a bitch to develop for...

  • There might be a problem with XONE but there are no problems at all with my X360 version, choices are carried and there are only very limited bugs relating to characters' animations.

    Rogarth posted: »

    I'm very sorry for the Xbox-players who obviously keep experiencing all those issues. I'm just wondering why the PS4-versions of GoT and TWD

  • Xbox one might be having more issues, but none of them are working amazing anyway. It's the same old choppy experience we always get from Telltale games.

    Rogarth posted: »

    I'm very sorry for the Xbox-players who obviously keep experiencing all those issues. I'm just wondering why the PS4-versions of GoT and TWD

  • Well, I can only speak for my own PS4, but I haven't experienced anything annoying while playing Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead. I haven't tried out the other games yet, but as far as I'm concerned... so far, so good.

    Revec posted: »

    Xbox one might be having more issues, but none of them are working amazing anyway. It's the same old choppy experience we always get from Telltale games.

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