The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



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    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD in the comment section for this get rekt

  • They are awesome :D

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Found a few cool Walking Dead pics:

  • Agreed, it's sick and really shows what's wrong in this girl's head.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    This woman is as radical as ISIS as about her goals, to murder a human being because he's male...

    edited February 2015

    Well, since a fetus is human by virtue of their human genome, every abortion is factual murder, so I find every abortion sickening and downright inhuman. But to kill someone because of their sex... That's crazy.

    It's kinda funny how everyone would ignore daily and planned destruction of the incapable, but when one of them is aborted for being male, that's only when they are ticked off.. Please...

    Agreed, it's sick and really shows what's wrong in this girl's head.


    ComingSoon posted: »

    Found a few cool Walking Dead pics:


    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • It's the strongest muscle in my body, and i'm flexing it for you




    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Penis

    papai46 posted: »

    It's the strongest muscle in my body, and i'm flexing it for you @ComingSoon

  • edited February 2015

    This happened about 20 minutes ago

    I was walking down the road and I checked my pockets hundreds of times and 85 euro was missing(97 dollars, 122 mooses)

    I searched the streets for about 40 minutes and retraced my steps over and over again I honestly could not believe it I was pissed someone must of took it when it dropped out of my pocket which I couldn't blame them in the middle of an Irish recession finding free money floating around of course someone would take that at the drop of a hat

    I messed up and it dropped out of my pocket I deserved it I sort of accepted that XD

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    But then an old women shouted at me from across the street after me searching for ages, I went over and she told me how she ran after the money blowing in the wind, took it all and was about about to bring it to the police station and was it mine

    SHE FOUND 85 CASH and immediately went to return it to the police station not keep it I wouldn't blame her if she did I was in shock

    Me: Your just like an angel thank you so much you really just made my day(after she explained)

    Old women: Just make sure you say a pray for me later.

    Then gave me back the money with a smile and left days like this makes me proud to be Irish

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    Faith in humanity restored

  • Maddi enjoys blood and guts don't ya know

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @blueneon @allthatremains

  • When the teacher forgets to correct the homework you didn't do the feel

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    I know Maddi longer then u m8 she likes cuteness and disney way more believe me ;P

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Maddi enjoys blood and guts don't ya know

  • W8 wait weit, no lenny face?

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • Lol, you know nothing Jon Snow.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I know Maddi longer then u m8 she likes cuteness and disney way more believe me ;P

  • Nop

    papai46 posted: »

    W8 wait weit, no lenny face?

  • Hahahahah

    Maddi is a monster

    Blood and guts reign in her mind m7

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I know Maddi longer then u m8 she likes cuteness and disney way more believe me ;P

  • Hahahahah

    Maddi is a monster

    Blood and guts reign in her mind m7

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I know Maddi longer then u m8 she likes cuteness and disney way more believe me ;P

    edited February 2015

    No doubt what she did was fantastic, but I feel like if we got to the point people should be praised for doing something as trivial as helping another person out... Sigh.

    I wish something like this would be so common that it wouldn't have to be pointed out every time it happens.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    This happened about 20 minutes ago I was walking down the road and I checked my pockets hundreds of times and 85 euro was missing(97 doll

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    ComingSoon posted: »

    Grass is gren

  • Thanks guys! @Markd4547

    Yo, @Deceptio!

  • Today marks a year of me being registered on the forum!

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  • k

    Deceptio posted: »

    Today marks a year of me being registered on the forum!

  • The HTTYD movies are excellent.

    the last news we heard about was March 2014. the original annorcement was in 2004: well shit the wait is going more, here is what I suggest: go and watch how to train your dragon and its sequel

  • Hory shet. I survived the night! I cheated death! FUCK YOU GOD!!!!

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    Markd4547 posted: » Modern day feminism has also supercharged this strange idea th

  • Pffff hahahahah that made me laugh.

  • Gah dayum

    Hory shet. I survived the night! I cheated death! FUCK YOU GOD!!!!

  • Am I the only person that never gave or will give a fuck about that basic shit?

    Deceptio posted: »

    Today marks a year of me being registered on the forum!

    edited February 2015

    dun cray ;-;

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    ComingSoon posted: »

    Alt text ;-;

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    XD Maddi is no monster she allows you to think what you want to think everyone loves blood and guts >:D but she is a disney expert who seen every disney film hundeds of times and can answer any question about it, the cuteness she asked me herself to tag her in she loves cuteness even has many cats at home and always talks about defending animals at all costs she loves animals.

    Maddi acts tough but deep down she would pick cuteness and disney over anything :P

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Hahahahah Maddi is a monster Blood and guts reign in her mind m7


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    dun cray ;-;

  • As Cornpopper finishes his sentence a lightining bolt strikes him, burning his whole body and killing him instantly. :)

    Hory shet. I survived the night! I cheated death! FUCK YOU GOD!!!!

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