How do I betroth Eleana?

How do I actually "betroth" Eleana? Is convincing her enough? I didn't get the option to give half of the forest to House Glenmore. Also I gave her the option of marriage saying: "No, you can do what you want." when being forced to marry from a letter from Margaery. Would I still be able to be betrothed to her with this option? Also how can I lead the Forrester army? Apparently I didn't choose to. I don't remember this option. How can I give half the ironwood? Should I forge Margaery's letter or not?


  • I'm sorry but I found your description to be really confusing. If you wanna betroth her, you have to offer her half the Ironwood, which is a dialogue option during your talk with her. You can also forge the letter to her but say that she can make up her own mind or something like ( I didn't forge it) so I'm not sure.

    Hope this helps.

  • ^ this

    I'm sorry but I found your description to be really confusing. If you wanna betroth her, you have to offer her half the Ironwood, which is a

  • Okay, and sorry for the confusion. It's kind of hard to describe my scenario. I forged the letter and I can't remember the option to give half of the Ironwood. If I didn't forge the letter would I have been able to give the Ironwood?

    I'm sorry but I found your description to be really confusing. If you wanna betroth her, you have to offer her half the Ironwood, which is a

  • Yes, you will be able to offer her the Ironwood nevertheless. Keep an eye out, it should come right after she says she isn't sure she wants to drag her family into a war.

    Okay, and sorry for the confusion. It's kind of hard to describe my scenario. I forged the letter and I can't remember the option to give half of the Ironwood. If I didn't forge the letter would I have been able to give the Ironwood?

  • Okay, thanks a lot. I never noticed. I just got it yesterday and did my first playthrough. I'll definitely reconsider my options next playthrough.

    Yes, you will be able to offer her the Ironwood nevertheless. Keep an eye out, it should come right after she says she isn't sure she wants to drag her family into a war.

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