Who should kill Lord Whitehill?

I know A LOT of people want to kill Whitehill. Some have even suggested ways to do it. But theyre forgetting one thing.......Who should do it?

Rodrik? Asher? Duncan? Royland? WHO?

So tell me who do you think deserves the honor?



  • <------


    TheFurryOne posted: »


  • He should suicide?

    Lingvort posted: »

    <------ Ahem.

  • Nah, it was just a response to TheFurryOne.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    He should suicide?

  • edited February 2015

    Kill him, then revive him, and kill him again ad nauseam.

    Everyone gets a chance to participate.

  • You know he actually deserves just that.

    Byakuren posted: »

    Kill him, then revive him, and kill him again ad nauseam. Everyone gets a chance to participate.

  • He should die by the hands of Rodrik.

  • Asher beats the ever-loving shit out of him, Talia kicks him in the balls and Rodrik beheads him.

  • edited February 2015

    Alt text
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    I think Lady Forrester is a likely option too, though its more likely she might snap and kill Gryff IMO

  • edited February 2015

    I don't care as long as we get some "Fucking bread and salt."

  • All the surviving Forresters cut down an ironwood tree that crushes him. Eh? Telltale? Eh?

  • Nobody.

  • Asher is gonna end up having to decide between killing or sparing him, in front of Gwyn.

  • Rodrik, and I hope we get to say, "You brought this on yourself," to him as he dies.

  • I think that line would be better coming from Lady Forrester, considering he said it to her when Ethan was killed.

    Rodrik, and I hope we get to say, "You brought this on yourself," to him as he dies.

  • I frankly don't care who it is as long as someone says it.

    I think that line would be better coming from Lady Forrester, considering he said it to her when Ethan was killed.

  • That would be BIG.

    Pride posted: »

    Asher is gonna end up having to decide between killing or sparing him, in front of Gwyn.

  • Rodrik, because

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  • Talia.



  • Came in here to say this. Would be a great choice.

    Sweet revenge, or waifu?

    Pride posted: »

    Asher is gonna end up having to decide between killing or sparing him, in front of Gwyn.

  • There aren't many Forresters around, so it'd be practical to spare Lord Whitehill if it gets Asher and Gwyn to marry.

    You know what I'm sayin'.

    Pride posted: »

    Asher is gonna end up having to decide between killing or sparing him, in front of Gwyn.

  • I hope Talia or Rodrik, but I'm calling it now:

    Ramsay will kill him for his disobedience.

  • Infinite and constant death like Bowser

    Byakuren posted: »

    Kill him, then revive him, and kill him again ad nauseam. Everyone gets a chance to participate.

  • Rodrik because foreshadowing

  • With this merger of Elaena's family with House Forrester's men we'll have enough to overpower the Garrison. Considering White Hill fucked himself by not listening to Bolton and taking half when he slips up because of the drunken incompetence of his men and doesn't deliver all of it he's going to be another head on his wall

  • Who will kill he? Don't matter!

    But making he eat his own cock could be a incredible death! MAUAHHAHAHHAHZHAZ >:)

  • It was only a pork sausage :P

    VectorXP posted: »

    Who will kill he? Don't matter! But making he eat his own cock could be a incredible death! MAUAHHAHAHHAHZHAZ

  • No one. Lord Whitehill must survive:

  • Let me take the barbecue! xD

    Clemenem posted: »

    It was only a pork sausage :P

  • Hm... Makes sense.

    My big issue is that we KNOW we can't kill Ramsay, because canon.

    I hope Talia or Rodrik, but I'm calling it now: Ramsay will kill him for his disobedience.

  • edited February 2015

    It should happen in the Dreadfort dungeon. Asher, Lady Forrester, Gwyn and Ludd have been locked up and betrayed by the Boltons. Ludd suddenly has a heart attack and, as Asher, you have to decide whether to help Gwyn resuscitate him or help Lady Forrester drop a salt lick on his head. Regardless of what you choose, Lady Forrester will salt lick him anyway and preach some rubbish about how she did it for her family.

    Edit: This was supposed to be a tongue-in-cheek response, not a serious reply.

  • Man that is so original how did you ever come up with it?

    MrHazer posted: »

    It should happen in the Dreadfort dungeon. Asher, Lady Forrester, Gwyn and Ludd have been locked up and betrayed by the Boltons. Ludd sudden

  • It was a stroke of genius really! I was just sat here, reading this thread, and the idea just came to me. With my original ideas, do you think I could make it as an author? Perhaps a playwright?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Man that is so original how did you ever come up with it?

  • Who knows, I wouldn't mind if the game went downhill about the Show Cannon.

    Hm... Makes sense. My big issue is that we KNOW we can't kill Ramsay, because canon.

  • My good sir you would make one of the great litterary gods. This idea is decades ahead of our mere minds.

    MrHazer posted: »

    It was a stroke of genius really! I was just sat here, reading this thread, and the idea just came to me. With my original ideas, do you think I could make it as an author? Perhaps a playwright?

  • only shit.........my favorite part!!!!!!!!!!!! ty for posting!!

    Pipas posted: »

    Rodrik, because

  • Rodrick has more of a right, but I think because Asher seems to be the only abled Body to go agents him at the moment, Id think Asher will be the one to end him

  • edited February 2015

    Well, Rodrick should kill him, but in the GoT world, it's hardly easy to predict the fate of any character, good or bad.

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