What Exactly Is An Ice Dragon?

Title says it all; here's what I dug up about them:

Episode Six's Title - The Ice Dragon

If you tell Jon Snow you're looking for North Grove, he'll say something like 'stories of ice dragons and trees as tall as the sky.'

George R. R. Martin wrote a novel called 'The Ice Dragon' that is set in The GOT universe.

Anyone know anything else?


  • It's a mythical creature from the ASOIAF universe, and is said to have ice cold breath. There has been no ice dragon in the books nor the show, and in the books, it was mostly to describe the weather (if that makes sense).

    e.g. 'The Wind was as cold as the breath of a Ice Dragon.' (not an actual quote, rather an example)

    'Trees as tall as the sky' is probably refering to the North Grove, so maybe the Ice Dragon is the guardian of the North Grove.

  • It's a mythical creature from the ASOIAF universe, and is said to have ice cold breath. There has been no ice dragon in the books nor the sh

  • It is a dragon of the element ice/snow. :P

  • Alt text

    It is a dragon of the element ice/snow. :P

  • Yeah, sorry, 'with in the books' I meant 'in the ASOIAF main story'.

    I'm aware that this book exists.

    http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ice_Dragon Wikipedia never lies.

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