Game of Thrones choice-bug

This is a time for joy my fellow xbox players
"We have submitted a patch to Microsoft to resolve the issue some customers have experienced where Episode One choices did not carry over into Episode Two. We expect the patch to be released in the next 7-10 days and will update this thread as soon as it is available. We really appreciate everyone’s patience and hope to have you playing with your choices very soon."
That is from a post telltalemike made, we will get our choices within the week.


  • I'm not even interested much anymore. I'd rather get a refund, but I know that ain't gonna happen.

  • edited February 2015

    Seems a bit harsh though. I know the wait was frustrating for you guys but by know you should now Telltale has some of the worst customer service. Figure you might as well enjoy the episode now lol, its a great one.

    I'm not even interested much anymore. I'd rather get a refund, but I know that ain't gonna happen.

  • Nobody's perfect. Telltale will learn from this and improve. I'm just glad they're making a quality, and rather cheap, game for my favorite TV show.

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