Ethan and Talia

Even though they are twins,telltale never told us their age so what's your guess?(it would help us to know what age was Ethan when he was lord).I'm thinking 16.(In the books George R.R. Martin always told the age of main characters)



  • I think he is 13 years old. If he was 16, then they wouldn't see him as a boy.

  • In the books Jon Snow is 14 and he is still considered a child by his uncle Benjen so what's 2 years?

    I think he is 13 years old. If he was 16, then they wouldn't see him as a boy.

  • I thought Ethan was about 13 or 14, and Talia was about 15 or 16.

  • They are twins.

    bloop posted: »

    I thought Ethan was about 13 or 14, and Talia was about 15 or 16.

  • When he had his conversation with Benjen on the first book, he said to uncle Benjen that he is almost 15 years and by then he is considered an adult.

    Geoor posted: »

    In the books Jon Snow is 14 and he is still considered a child by his uncle Benjen so what's 2 years?

  • edited February 2015

    To be honest I know nothing of twins. so I guess that means they're the same age?

    They are twins.

  • “The Wall is a hard place for a boy, Jon.” and “You are a boy of fourteen,” so he's not considered an adult at least by his uncle.(P.S. about his age "I will turn fifteen on my next name day, and Maester Luwin says bastards grow up faster than other children.”)

    When he had his conversation with Benjen on the first book, he said to uncle Benjen that he is almost 15 years and by then he is considered an adult.

  • i'd say 13 - 14 judging by their voices and features

  • You don't know what it means when people are twins?

    bloop posted: »

    To be honest I know nothing of twins. so I guess that means they're the same age?

  • You're not considered a man grown in Westeros until you're 16. So Ethan is younger than 16.

    Geoor posted: »

    In the books Jon Snow is 14 and he is still considered a child by his uncle Benjen so what's 2 years?

  • edited February 2015

    It was told that Asher is fighting together with Beskha for about 4 years. We know that Asher was exiled to Essos after his affair with Gwyn, I assume his age during his best days in Westeros was around 17-18. So it makes him around 21-22. I don't think Rodrik is much older, probably around 24-25. Mira is 18-19 or even younger - she can't be older than 20 since she's still not married (though in the North the common practice to marry teens is not that popular as in the Southern regions). In my opinion, Ethan and Talia are about 15. I don't think they are 13 or 14, they simply don't look and behave like children. And Ryon is 8.

    Interesting fact: In Telltale Game of Thrones Codex it is said: "In the aftermath of that [Targaryen's] defeat (it's 283 AC), Lady Elissa was married off to Lord Gregor." It means that the eldest child, Rodrik, is only 16 years old in 299, which is impossible - he definitely looks like an adult. This discrepancy was fixed in the game - In-game Codex says that Elissa had been married to Gregor for many years prior Robert's Rebellion.

  • edited February 2015

    I don't have one nor have I met someone who has one. It never really crossed my mind how old twins are.

    You don't know what it means when people are twins?

  • how do you know?

    You're not considered a man grown in Westeros until you're 16. So Ethan is younger than 16.

  • I think Ethan was like 16

  • Twins are born to the same mother at the same time. Well, nearly. One is born a few minutes/hours earlier.

    bloop posted: »

    I don't have one nor have I met someone who has one. It never really crossed my mind how old twins are.

  • Twins are born on the same day, and they are the same age.

    bloop posted: »

    I don't have one nor have I met someone who has one. It never really crossed my mind how old twins are.

  • Because it's said in the books. When Joffrey turned 13, it's said he has three more years to go until he's able to rule by himself and not under the guidance of a Regent.

    Geoor posted: »

    how do you know?

  • Not always. One twin could be born at 11:58 p.m. And the other 12:58 a.m.

    Twins are born on the same day, and they are the same age.

  • well i guess we are not going to find if Ethan was 16 anytime soon so...

    Because it's said in the books. When Joffrey turned 13, it's said he has three more years to go until he's able to rule by himself and not under the guidance of a Regent.

  • I'm gonna say he was 14 or 15. I'd say that his voice sounded like it wasn't completely done changing, but apparently his voice actor is a grown adult.

    Geoor posted: »

    well i guess we are not going to find if Ethan was 16 anytime soon so...

  • He can't be 16 or people would consider him a man not a child, in the books it's mentioned many times becasue most of the main characters are under 16 and actually even 15 is "almost man" so he must be about 12-13 even though he doens't look or sound like one

  • I can understand that maybe he's not 16 but seriously 12?

    Upshaw posted: »

    He can't be 16 or people would consider him a man not a child, in the books it's mentioned many times becasue most of the main characters ar

  • 14-15 is my guess.

  • edited February 2015

    It's not so far fetched actually. When titles passes down by laws of inheritance a 3 years old baby can be crowned king, Robb was only 14 when he called his bannermen. The game is based on show cannon so all actors are twice their age so Robb and Jon looks like they're in their mid 20s..would you belive Sansa Stark(actress) to be 13 when she married Tyrion? well she is,it's the only time the show mentions someone's age(I think) when Tyrion ask her how old she is.

    Geoor posted: »

    I can understand that maybe he's not 16 but seriously 12?

  • Or in the books when Daenerys marries Khal Drogo she is only 13.Can you believe that she was rapped by that giant?Anyway what I was trying to say is that even through Ethan doesn't sound like a 12 year old boy and doesn't look like one he is certainly not thinking like one

    Upshaw posted: »

    It's not so far fetched actually. When titles passes down by laws of inheritance a 3 years old baby can be crowned king, Robb was only 14 wh

  • I guess I should have explained myself better..what I meant was that the actress that plays Sansa is like 18-19 and she's playing a 13 year old girl and she even says she's 13 in one episdoe so it's not that weird that Ethan would be 12-13 or younger and look older like the rest of the characters on the show. main point was that based on the ASOIF universe he must be much younger than 16 to be considerd such and young boy and not almost a man no matter how he looks or sounds in the game

    Geoor posted: »

    Or in the books when Daenerys marries Khal Drogo she is only 13.Can you believe that she was rapped by that giant?Anyway what I was trying t

  • I've always felt that the twins are 13. I also think that Mira is about 15 nearing 16. I think Asher might be 18 - if he's been fighting side by side with Beska for 4 years, then that would put him at 14 when he was exiled after his love affair with Gwynn. I put Roderick at early 20s.

  • well I think they hired these actors because they could made some scenes that they couldn't with 14 year old kids(sex scenes)and probably it would've been funny to see some kids playing

    Upshaw posted: »

    I guess I should have explained myself better..what I meant was that the actress that plays Sansa is like 18-19 and she's playing a 13 year

  • edited February 2015

    my personal impression:

    • Rodrik - 25
    • Asher - 22
    • Mira - 16
    • Ethan & Talia - 14
    • Ryon - 7

    telltale should really give us age confirmation for all the characters.

  • Mira said to Margeary that her brother (Ryon) has 7 years-old. Rodrik, Mira and Asher are adults so they must be older than 16. And Ethan and Talia must probably have like 13-14.

  • A very strong guess. :)

    Choombi posted: »

    my personal impression: * Rodrik - 25 * Asher - 22 * Mira - 16 * Ethan & Talia - 14 * Ryon - 7 telltale should really give us age confirmation for all the characters.

  • In my opinion

    Rodrik: 23
    Asher: 22
    Mira: 18
    Ethan & Talia: 13
    Ryon: 7

  • Whe you get married do you always have children immediately in Game of Thrones?

    JohnKersky posted: »

    It was told that Asher is fighting together with Beskha for about 4 years. We know that Asher was exiled to Essos after his affair with Gwyn

  • In most of the cases. It's an important to produce an heir in Westeros. For example, Catelyn Stark became pregnant right after her wedding, as well as Roslin Frey - she became pregnant after her first and last night spent together with Edmure Tully.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Whe you get married do you always have children immediately in Game of Thrones?

  • Well sort of, it's common for that time period to have children very early.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Whe you get married do you always have children immediately in Game of Thrones?

  • edited February 2015

    But would that make them twins or just siblings?

    Alt text

    Not always. One twin could be born at 11:58 p.m. And the other 12:58 a.m.

  • I think Mira is alteast 20

    Choombi posted: »

    my personal impression: * Rodrik - 25 * Asher - 22 * Mira - 16 * Ethan & Talia - 14 * Ryon - 7 telltale should really give us age confirmation for all the characters.

  • I think Mira is 18, but all the other guesses seem correct

    Choombi posted: »

    my personal impression: * Rodrik - 25 * Asher - 22 * Mira - 16 * Ethan & Talia - 14 * Ryon - 7 telltale should really give us age confirmation for all the characters.

  • My guesses:

    Rodrick: 25
    Asher: 22
    Mira: 18
    Ethan & Talia: 14
    Ryon: 7

    Walker99 posted: »

    In my opinion Rodrik: 23 Asher: 22 Mira: 18 Ethan & Talia: 13 Ryon: 7

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