I admit...I might like this more than TWD...

I've just played through Episode 2 of GOT and, I have to admit, I think I'm liking this series more than TWD so far. The game is very, very well made, your choices certainly seem to matter more and, importantly, there isn't a character that regularly appears who is annoying. There are characters I hate, but they're aren't any who just make me annoyed for no apparent reason, unlike TWD.

There is also so much going on that it is more engaging than TWD, in my opinion: your playing more than one character and all of their storylines are really engrossing, especially Rodrik and Gared's. I loved playing TWD obviously, especially Season 1, but so far GOT has really won me over and I'm really enjoying the game. What do you people think?


  • I agree. I actually do like this more than TWD at the moment, and suspect it to surpass it in quality by the end of the season.

  • Same. I hope rest of the season will be as good as the first two episodes.

  • edited February 2015

    Couldn't have said it better. My thoughts exactly.

    Green613 posted: »

    I agree. I actually do like this more than TWD at the moment, and suspect it to surpass it in quality by the end of the season.

  • I definitely like it more than Season 2. Season 1 did drag on a bit, but the multiple POVs in GOT make sure it's clear and concise.

  • I cant decide until its all done

  • Not to me, TWD got my emotions all stirred up which no game has done before. GoT is fun but nothing I'm going to remember for years.

  • Eh, currently I'm not a huge fan of this series though currently it's good, so it will all depend on how the rest of the episodes go. For me TFTB looks like it could be my favorite Telltale series, although that will depend on how the rest of the episodes go as well.

  • It's a little early to say for me, but it definitely looks like it could surpass The Walking Dead. I just hope there isn't a decrease in quality like in TWDS2.

  • after episode 2...it surpassed TWAU.

  • edited February 2015

    I completely agree. This game is very good so far and the story, characters, and (obviously) setting is amazing. If by the quality doesn't decrease by the end of the season, this could easily be my favorite Telltale series.

  • I really like it however I will wait a bit first series usually have dips in them and I'd like to see it all as a finished product

  • You just like the wiiiiener, wiener wiiiiener, floppy wieners, wiener wiiiiener!

  • For me this is a great game but TWD is my favorite game and i couldn't compare with anything beause i got emotionally attached to it.

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