Does the mouse lag issue still exist?

This existed in TFTB EP1, and also GoT EP1. Did TTG fix it for the 2nd episode of GoT, or is it still there?



  • Unfortunately it is still there. If you have a Xbox or Playstation controller you can plug into your PC, I'd recommend doing that.

  • I am absolutely gutted by this. I expected Telltale to hotfix it after TFTB EP1, then I realized it was still there in GoT EP1. And now months later, so fix, let alone any kind of acknowledgement.

    Why are people not even voicing out about these issues? I recall a few more controls issues with TFTB EP1 as well that are not yet fixed.

    Unfortunately it is still there. If you have a Xbox or Playstation controller you can plug into your PC, I'd recommend doing that.

  • I figure people are getting mad about it but at the end of the day you can bear through it and its not that big of a problem tbh. I'd rather have Telltale focusing on making sure the rest of the game is perfect as well as the choice glitch for the poor Xbone users.

    himmatsj posted: »

    I am absolutely gutted by this. I expected Telltale to hotfix it after TFTB EP1, then I realized it was still there in GoT EP1. And now mont

  • I have to agree with shubbalubbadingdong, using a controller is much better than a mouse, you're better off getting that.

    himmatsj posted: »

    I am absolutely gutted by this. I expected Telltale to hotfix it after TFTB EP1, then I realized it was still there in GoT EP1. And now mont

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