Rodrik Forrester

It was always going to seem pretty far-fetched that Rodrik managed to survive, especially being unconscious in a corpse cart for as long as it would have been. You can survive having a horse fall on you, but I feel like the severity of his wounds should have been a lot worse. For starters, he would probably have had a number of broken ribs and as a result it would hurt to breath. I don't know what his armour would have done to protect him, but probably not much under a constant crushing force like that. The broken arm seems like an afterthought, and as for the scar on his face, it's unclear how he even got that. Hitting his face on the ground, I think is the suggestion, but that seems kind of odd. As for the untreated sword wound to the back of his leg, even if the Maester managed to save Gared's leg, I doubt he would have been able to save Rodrik's after the infection had set in for that long. He must be a master surgeon if he can remove all the dead and infected tissue that would be there after weeks without treatment, and still leave Rodrik with fairly good use of the limb, even if it doesn't ever heal properly. It may have made the animation process more complicated, but I think actually losing the leg would have had much more of an impact.

Hell, he could have had an Ironwood prosthetic leg made. That would have been kind of cool.


  • Honestly I feel his character makes up for any extra injuries he was supposed to get, if he were to be more fucked up however there would be no point in making him a character since he wouldn't be able to do anything (which I definitely love Rodriks character too much to risk that for some extra injuries just to make the game seem more realistic)

  • Might want to change the title to be less spoilery.

  • ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Green613 posted: »

    Honestly I feel his character makes up for any extra injuries he was supposed to get, if he were to be more fucked up however there would be

  • I believe that the wound on his face was caused by his face smacking against the ground so hard when the horse fell upon him, BUT became much worse since it was not treated properly immediately and it was exposed to al sorts of nasty stuff as Rodirk was around dead things for a bit.

    It looks as though the stab wound on the back of his leg was not as bad as it looked or Telltale simply thinks getting stabbed in the leg can be simply healed since Gared suffered the same thing and look at him now.

    As long as he remains fucked up, I will continue to have a suspension of disbelief about Rodrik's return.

  • Ok I admit that when all those "Roderick is Alive" "Roderick Will Be In Episode 2!" etc threads were popping up left right and centre, I was sceptical. So when Roderick did turn up in the back of that cart I was surprised. I wasn't angry or bothered by the fact it didn't seem realistic, I was intrigued to see where things would go from there. Needless to say I quickly became fond of his character and for the sake of the Forester family I'm glad he's back.

  • I was really sure that Rodrick was just a character to kill in the beginning of the season, like the policeman in the walking dead, so when I saw him in the cart, I couldn't believe it.

  • Can't you read Telltale's hidden message? Striking resemblance, coming back from dead, has to save his house from the forces of evil.

    It's Him!

    Alt text

  • lol

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Can't you read Telltale's hidden message? Striking resemblance, coming back from dead, has to save his house from the forces of evil. It's Him!

  • Nah, Roderick is much better looking =p

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Can't you read Telltale's hidden message? Striking resemblance, coming back from dead, has to save his house from the forces of evil. It's Him!

  • Another thing. Jesus and his adopted father Joseph were carpenters. Forrester's craftsmen have mastered the art of working with the trees. Coincidence?

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Can't you read Telltale's hidden message? Striking resemblance, coming back from dead, has to save his house from the forces of evil. It's Him!

  • Yeah I got scared that Rodrick was just going to be in the bed forever

    Green613 posted: »

    Honestly I feel his character makes up for any extra injuries he was supposed to get, if he were to be more fucked up however there would be

  • Omid's cat posted: »

    Another thing. Jesus and his adopted father Joseph were carpenters. Forrester's craftsmen have mastered the art of working with the trees. Coincidence?

  • Rodrik and Jesus both received scars from their 'deaths'.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Another thing. Jesus and his adopted father Joseph were carpenters. Forrester's craftsmen have mastered the art of working with the trees. Coincidence?

  • edited February 2015

    This is a fictional video game you have to suspend your sense of realism with some things.Like living through what Rodrick did and his Wolverine like healing ability and I like him way more than Ethan so I have no problem getting past it.

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