Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - Release Dates "Starting March 17th", Official Trailer In Thread



  • edited February 2015

    Psst I hear that there is a 20 year old australian girl in these forums acting as HJ

    Hmm, I wouldn't know, I don't usually talk to the guy. I think he's pretty cool though.

  • Oh yeah, I remember this one. I was quite young when I first watched it, so I didn't really understood the humor and find it rather scary. Today, it is still scary, but at least I can see the humor. :)

    HE'S COMING xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y

  • edited February 2015

    She also does a damn good job at it 10/10 would speak to again.

    Psst I hear that there is a 20 year old australian girl in these forums acting as HJ

  • I've actually never seen this before. Amazing.

    HE'S COMING xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y

  • Me neither. I must say it's pretty harrowing...

    Dapnee posted: »

    I've actually never seen this before. Amazing.

  • Attention, people of Pandora! Handsome Jack here, offering a million bucks to whomever brings me the Tales from the Borderlands Episode 2 which just arrived in Liar’s Berg. Oh, and I’m still offering a reward for Roland, the mass-murdering leader of the Crimson Raiders. Good hunting, bandits!
    Come on telltale i'm losing my mind when the hell will episode 2 come out just tell us and then we will w8!

  • You know how funny it is that we already have a Handsome Jack here.

    Attention, people of Pandora! Handsome Jack here, offering a million bucks to whomever brings me the Tales from the Borderlands Episode 2 wh

  • Someone will come and duel you for the right of the name.

    Attention, people of Pandora! Handsome Jack here, offering a million bucks to whomever brings me the Tales from the Borderlands Episode 2 wh

  • This is a message to all the phony Jack's out there, (mockingly) “the so called wannabe Jacks.” Pandora as you knew it -- the chaos, the bandits -- that time has passed. If you let it, this could be an era of order -- of peace! Just turn yourselves in, and I promise: your deaths will be quick.
    Oh and one more thing You’re bandits. You’re the bad guys. And I...am the goddamn HERO. Just play n' with y'all kiddos! LOL!

  • this article says it will be released feb 17th Further delays notwithstanding http://www.videogamesblogger.com/2014/11/26/tales-from-the-borderlands-episode-2-release-date.htm

  • Don't trust it if it's not Telltale.

    SkyeRenee posted: »

    this article says it will be released feb 17th Further delays notwithstanding http://www.videogamesblogger.com/2014/11/26/tales-from-the-borderlands-episode-2-release-date.htm

  • Yeah, I wouldn't trust that shit. I'd like to be able to, but they have a link on that page to The Wolf Among Us season 2 release date (which TT have not even confirmed is happening yet) so...

    SkyeRenee posted: »

    this article says it will be released feb 17th Further delays notwithstanding http://www.videogamesblogger.com/2014/11/26/tales-from-the-borderlands-episode-2-release-date.htm

  • edited February 2015

    The Wolf Among Us season 2 release date (which TT have not even confirmed is happening yet)

    Stahp :(

    Yeah, I wouldn't trust that shit. I'd like to be able to, but they have a link on that page to The Wolf Among Us season 2 release date (which TT have not even confirmed is happening yet) so...

  • edited February 2015

    Telltale just love to fuck with our feels don't they? I'm thinking they probably get some kinda twisted kick out of witnessing our pain and sorrow.

    The Wolf Among Us season 2 release date (which TT have not even confirmed is happening yet) Stahp

  • I would not be surprised if it did not come out until March. We had GoT this month already.

  • Well I didn't really notice any difference from the plotline episode 1 was going and the rest of the season of TWAU. What was the original plot of TWAU?

    I honestly think it probably is. I don't mind that much though, Wolf Among Us was rewritten and its one of my favorite games ever/

  • I like how right after that date, which is now crossed out... it states that it's been postponed for another full month. I wonder what's going on.

    SkyeRenee posted: »

    this article says it will be released feb 17th Further delays notwithstanding http://www.videogamesblogger.com/2014/11/26/tales-from-the-borderlands-episode-2-release-date.htm

  • The original plot was an actual serial killer and the NYPD discovering the existence of Fabletown, and Snow was supposed to remain dead until episode 5. However, that was scrapped after the first episode due to the fact that it went against canon. During the gap between Episode 1 and 2, it was re-written to the Crooked Man plot.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Well I didn't really notice any difference from the plotline episode 1 was going and the rest of the season of TWAU. What was the original plot of TWAU?

  • I keep hearing that Athena will make an appearance in the series; has that been confirmed anywhere?

    and what is now?Thursday it should get a screenshot of Athena saying the trailer comes out tomorrow #BELIVE IN 24 FEBRUARY

  • edited February 2015

    Handsome Jack will be the first one I'll get.Alt text

    Dapnee posted: »

    The Pop! Vinyls for Borderlands are up for pre-order at gamestop. (I totally didn't sink too much money over Borderlands this year hahahahaha.)

  • I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't even come out in March. Telltale dropped the ball.

    I would not be surprised if it did not come out until March. We had GoT this month already.

  • Are you joking?

    Don't over react. It'll come out in either February or March.

    Gomlet X posted: »

    I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't even come out in March. Telltale dropped the ball.

  • edited February 2015

    "I have a number of questions that would take only a moment to answer."

    "No time to explain bye!"

    Suddenly remembered this line. Seems relevant.

  • edited February 2015

    It's almost F17 (even though that probably means nothing at this point) and you know what that means! Episode 2 info is...... coming soon.

  • well thank telltale for that..

    The original plot was an actual serial killer and the NYPD discovering the existence of Fabletown, and Snow was supposed to remain dead unti

  • Not really.

    Willingham forced them to change it because canon.

    stevean2 posted: »

    well thank telltale for that..

  • Just one of my body doubles, Kiddo - I can never be too careful...

    @HandsomeJack Someone is coming for your name. :P

  • Like Timothy?

    Just one of my body doubles, Kiddo - I can never be too careful...

  • Alt text

    Psst I hear that there is a 20 year old australian girl in these forums acting as HJ

  • Yeah, I don't actually know their names, Pumpkin.

    As soon as they sign that contract they're just another handsome face/bullet magnet.

    Like Timothy?

  • Bullet magnet, sounds like you treat them with the highest respect. :P

    Yeah, I don't actually know their names, Pumpkin. As soon as they sign that contract they're just another handsome face/bullet magnet.

  • Great job, other Jack - you're really throwing them off my trail - might want to update your intel about Roland, though...

    Attention, people of Pandora! Handsome Jack here, offering a million bucks to whomever brings me the Tales from the Borderlands Episode 2 wh

  • Okay Kiddo, you've gone three posts without mentioning my... I mean your abs. They don't call us Handsome Jack for nothing, right Pumpkin?

    This is a message to all the phony Jack's out there, (mockingly) “the so called wannabe Jacks.” Pandora as you knew it -- the chaos, the ban

  • They're hardcore sadists, which makes us all masochists for sticking around!

    Telltale just love to fuck with our feels don't they? I'm thinking they probably get some kinda twisted kick out of witnessing our pain and sorrow.

  • *Praise Willingham

    Not really. Willingham forced them to change it because canon.

  • Yes, he is an awesome God.

    stevean2 posted: »

    *Praise Willingham

  • See, this guy's technique is completely off. It's all in the wrist - and not going for they eyes? What is this, amateur hour?

    I can sever a bandit's optic nerve in 30 seconds, tops - it's like scooping into a grapefruit. But there's also a certain finesse that is needed, a level of sophistication that ensures you're able pop his pupils without causing a cerebral haemorrhage. He's gotta live so he can take care of his screaming brats - because that's what heroes do - they show mercy.

    HE'S COMING xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VDvgL58h_Y

  • AAAAaaaaa you said the s-word!!! (wow that word is pretty meaningless now.)

    Alt text

    nickyzhere posted: »

    It's almost F17 (even though that probably means nothing at this point) and you know what that means! Episode 2 info is...... coming soon.

  • it's not a matter of the time being short that i was getting at, but that they actually gave a date. no "soon" crap, but a real date. if they keep setting a date and holding to it throughout their episodic release... well, it's something i (and i'm sure MANY others) would REALLY like to see from TTG. already made or not, that's alot more than we get here for weeks on end.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Yet they can afford big named actors well scott porter isn't exactly a huge actor but he would have cost them a bit, michael madsen

  • You know...One of the user posted the video of Spoon killer. It got me thinking. Now every time I hear the word "Soon." it is going to feel like getting a spoon slapped at my face.

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    AAAAaaaaa you said the s-word!!! (wow that word is pretty meaningless now.)

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