WTF...No E02 on Amazon

What's the deal with episode 2 not being released on the Amazon store yet? It's been released for almost 2 weeks, but I still cannot play it on my kindle, I purchased the season pass on here but if each episode is going to be a month behind every other system then I want my money back. I'm about sick of TellTale with their BS over this game. Between this and the crap between the Xbox 360/One systems. I am likely to never buy another game from these guys again.


  • Wait so you own it on three systems?

  • I'm in an open dispute with them now about the Xbox issues. I only purchased it again because I was tired of waiting around to play the next damn episode, since there is a problem with the Amazon release, episode 2 still says "coming soon"

  • I was able to download Episode 2 on my Kindle Fire HDX early in the evening on February 17th. Hope you have too before you see this post!

    Harvickgm posted: »

    I'm in an open dispute with them now about the Xbox issues. I only purchased it again because I was tired of waiting around to play the next damn episode, since there is a problem with the Amazon release, episode 2 still says "coming soon"

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