Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • I'll take this over spoilers any day of the week.

    Here's something for all of you to feast your eyes on, instead of seeing comments about the supposed leaked episodes. This adorable picture has been made by KR0NPR1NZ on Deviantart.

  • edited February 2015

    I honestly doubt I will prefer Life is Strange to any Telltale Game, no matter how much cleaner it might be in the environment or whatever. The writing, characters, and I guess overall story/experience will always be what matters to me at the end and so far this game hasn't captured me like that. Its still good, don't get me wrong.

    ualexen92 posted: »

    Brief Introduction   For: Life is Strange is a masterpiece, the atmosphere is amazing, artstyle quite nice, the soundtrack is beaut

  • Well to be fair, thats what Telltale is known for. You can't fault them with that.

    They do have more potential. At least DONTNOD isn't relying on pre established universes.

  • I know what you mean. This game certainly doesn't beat the likes of TWD season 1 and TWAU. Those are masterpieces.

    I honestly doubt I will prefer Life is Strange to any Telltale Game, no matter how much cleaner it might be in the environment or whatever.

  • Yeah, I have just had a more memorable experience with every Telltale Game (even with just the first episode) than this game. May be too early to really say for so though.

    I know what you mean. This game certainly doesn't beat the likes of TWD season 1 and TWAU. Those are masterpieces.

  • Saw this on Twitter. I think her face is prettier, and it is so well done. Some people are so damn talented.

    Here's something for all of you to feast your eyes on, instead of seeing comments about the supposed leaked episodes. This adorable picture has been made by KR0NPR1NZ on Deviantart.

  • It's just simply one of the best things to enjoy in life, dude.

    Saw this on Twitter. I think her face is prettier, and it is so well done. Some people are so damn talented.

  • Thank goodness for photo-realistic artistry.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I'll take this over spoilers any day of the week.

  • Im debating wether i should watch a episode 2 playthrough or not :I. how many more weeks until the release?

  • edited February 2015

    About 3 weeks left.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Im debating wether i should watch a episode 2 playthrough or not :I. how many more weeks until the release?

  • The concept art of Max

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    has got to be based on Katya Lischina

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    or maybe I'm seeing things

  • Hmmmm, its certainly very similar....

    The concept art of Max has got to be based on Katya Lischina or maybe I'm seeing things

  • OMG you fond easter egg there, that is mirror image

    100% base on Katya Lischina she is lovely.

    The concept art of Max has got to be based on Katya Lischina or maybe I'm seeing things

  • Hmmm... misfit skull? I guess they didnt get permission to use the crimson skull then

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I think some of you might like this. The Life is Strange twitter account tweeted some nice looking concept art of Max and Chloe.

  • Nah max is just a generic plain jane its her design she looks like so many people it was intentional someone whos generic is easy to relate to because she probably looks like someone most people know it makes her believable

    ualexen92 posted: »

    OMG you fond easter egg there, that is mirror image 100% base on Katya Lischina she is lovely.

  • Her shirt's design also literally translates to "Jane Doe". Meaning, an unknown or unidentified female, commonly used as an anonymous placeholder.

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    Nah max is just a generic plain jane its her design she looks like so many people it was intentional someone whos generic is easy to relate to because she probably looks like someone most people know it makes her believable

  • Usually a dead female... the plot thickens

    dfh15 posted: »

    Her shirt's design also literally translates to "Jane Doe". Meaning, an unknown or unidentified female, commonly used as an anonymous placeholder.

  • I'm pretty sure that Max doesn't know what a Skate Betty is:

    Skateboard Betty - A girl usually of a teenage age , that hangs out at skateparks and dresses like a skater but doesnt actually do anything but watch and giggle and genrally act like promiscuous little hussy fukker , which is good. i guess.

    Skate Betty - an intense chick that is all over skateboarders' nutz

  • Well.....that's good to know lol

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm pretty sure that Max doesn't know what a Skate Betty is: Skateboard Betty - A girl usually of a teenage age , that hangs out at skate

  • Well if anybody is offended by it or uncomfortable with my post, I'll just edit the text out. Can't say I was that comfortable posting it, since I kept asking myself if it was good idea.

    Well.....that's good to know lol

  • Its fine. I actually thought it was quite funny.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well if anybody is offended by it or uncomfortable with my post, I'll just edit the text out. Can't say I was that comfortable posting it, since I kept asking myself if it was good idea.

  • edited February 2015

    Betty is such an old lady name the should have used a slut name like cherise

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'm pretty sure that Max doesn't know what a Skate Betty is: Skateboard Betty - A girl usually of a teenage age , that hangs out at skate

  • Without spoilers if possible but does the story get more intense and science fictiony its just because I liked the first ep bit ot was a little boring

    Exactly. I got badly spoiled about Episode 2 and 5. (shudders)

  • edited February 2015

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    Anonymer posted: »

    What about Chloe? will she die? or maybe she's been dead already? i can't help but connect the butterfly with Chloe.

  • edited February 2015

    "regarding choice it's already doing better than Telltale"

    How? So far we have not seen the repercussions of the choices we made. Hell, choosing to report Nathan or not does nothing. the scene where Nathan confronts you is mostly the same and has the same outcome. The only difference is that Nathan will make a quick mention of it. The principal just eventually accuse it as false claim and thats it.

    Flog61 posted: »

    To be fair, regarding choice it's already doing better than Telltale, and choice is what Telltale prides themselves upon.

  • And whats wrong with that? Especially if they can tell good stories within those per-established universes.

    They do have more potential. At least DONTNOD isn't relying on pre established universes.

  • "Regardless, we already have more consequence than Telltale gives."

    No we don't.

    Flog61 posted: »

    The point of the rewind mechanic is that you can only see short-term, not long-term, effects of actions. We'll have to wait until future episodes to judge how poignant they may be. Regardless, we already have more consequence than Telltale gives.

  • Exactly, people sometimes throw that around likes it a bad thing. I think it can take as much creativity to tell a brand new story in a pre established universe than it can be to make one up entirely

    snyderman posted: »

    And whats wrong with that? Especially if they can tell good stories within those per-established universes.

  • I personally think and hope than every choice no matter how small will have a relatively big impact on the story. This game is all about the butterfly effect after all: when you do somethingt that'll have consequences a butterfly appears, the butterfly Max took a photo of and the storm reffering to the saying that a butterfly fluttering its wings in China can cause a storm at the otherb side of the world, and I'm pretty sure I missed some other hints. There are some choices which seem to be totally useless like watering the plant or drawing on the car's dusty window but could be really important towards the end giving your ability to rewind extremely useful.

    I hope they will really exploit this aspect of the game and suceed where Telltales failed. Don't get me wrong, I love Telltales butthey could have done better withimpact of the choices. And lastly, I agree with Flog, the little details changing depending on what you are really neat, it just makes me happy to be rewarded by a little bonus scene for my choices.

    Really?I've yet to see anything matter at all so far. I have hopes it will but we'll have to wait and see

  • Max's mom also sends a different text, but yeah it's basically the same as Telltale currently, small changes of dialog and details to the environment.

  • edited February 2015

    So... What do you think happenned to Rachel and who do you suspect? What is this storm at the end and what is its link with Max's power? Will Warren get out of friendzone? And no spoilers from the leaked episodes please.

    In my opinion, Chloe is meant to die and by saving her (maybe once in every episode), Max is messing with the right flow of time eventually causing catastrophes like the storm. Maybe what appears to be pretty meaningless choices like drawing on the dirty window, for example, will have horrible consequences. Towards the end of EP1 Chloe says that she would like to destroy the city for all it has taken from her, is it forseshadowing the fact that she will cause the destruction of the city by living? Another thing I noticed is that the storm is coming in 4 days like Max mentionned and there are 4 episodes left.

    Concerning the main mystery of the game, I think Rachel was murdered and I strongly suspect that she is the butterfly and possibly the deer guiding Max. For what reasons? Maybe to help her save Chloe? Will each time where Chloe is supposed to die, a butterfly will guide Max to save her? I suspect only two people of hiding something and possibly being the cause of Rachel's disapearance: Mr Jefferson and Kate.

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    Mr Jefferson apparently knew pretty intimately Rachel and he might be that person who "changed her life" or whatever Chloe said. Did he tell Rachel that she'll become a star thanks to his photos? Anyways, it would be pretty cool to see the nice teacher becoming the vilain.

    As for Kate, I just don't know about her. She IS hiding something and that's what she is depressed about. But she doesn't seem to the type of people who directly hurt someone else as she doesn't seem to have a motive yet. She could be used by one of her religious group to bring them students for some creepy agenda but is conflicted about it and regretting it. I am pretty sure that stepdouche aka the security guard is in fact investigating Rachel's disappearance and is suspecting Kate.

    Last but not least, if we get the option to get poor Warren out of friendzone, I'll chose it in a heartbeat.

    Edit: I restructured a little the text and added a theory that makes more sense to me. Added some pictures too.

  • Nice avatar!

    Personally I think mr Jefferson is a cultist and Rachel was a sacrifice, and I think kate is the next in line

    CatySky posted: »

    So... What do you think happenned to Rachel and who do you suspect? What is this storm at the end and what is its link with Max's power? Wil

  • 'The only difference is that Nathan will make a quick mention of it'

    Thats exactly the effects of all minor choices in Telltale games. Life is strange, however, has minor chocies which have more effort put into them.

  • edited February 2015

    Nice avatar!

    Hehehe, thank you. Here's the full picture if you want:

    Personally I think mr Jefferson is a cultist and Rachel was a sacrifice, and I think kate is the next in line

    One thing for sure, something is not right with this guy... If he ends up being good, I will be honestly surprised.

    Nice avatar! Personally I think mr Jefferson is a cultist and Rachel was a sacrifice, and I think kate is the next in line

  • Thats exactly the effects of all minor choices in Telltale games. Life is strange, however, has minor chocies which have more effort put into them.

    Yes but I'm still not seeing an example of more effort in the game yet or any actual effect of choices, I hope they do but so far nothing has mattered. Telltale had optional characters living longer so far in life is strange there has been slightly different dialogue.

    Flog61 posted: »

    'The only difference is that Nathan will make a quick mention of it' Thats exactly the effects of all minor choices in Telltale games. Life is strange, however, has minor chocies which have more effort put into them.

  • edited February 2015

    For example, whether you take a picture of Victoria or not. If you do, not only do you get a more hostile reaction, but she puts up the picture of you on the internet, texts you being rude, and you can show the picture of her to Warren. Three things, and that's just in one episode.

    Also, when characters optionally survive in Telltale, they do absolutely nothing until they always die. That's not reflection of choice, that's terrible writing.

    Thats exactly the effects of all minor choices in Telltale games. Life is strange, however, has minor chocies which have more effort put int

  • Good find...

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    Anonymer posted: »

    Somehow, my theory on the Disappearance of Rachel is beginning to take shape

  • edited February 2015

    This was one of my idea too! Each time Max messes with time there are consequences, maybe the insignifiant stuff like watering the plant or drawing on the car's window will result in something horrible, who knows?

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Judging by the teaser trailer for Episode 2, I predict that Max will have to deal with Chloe dying per episode, with each death getting more

  • edited February 2015

    Yes, I am complaining about trope stuff.

    I don't think tropes are good, I just think they're not as bad as stereotypes.

    And, as I've said, the entire POINT is that the characters are tropes.

    Its just your always complaining about trope stuff, game of thrones heck even on that other life is strange thread about magic needing an ex

  • Watering the plant should result in birthing this monstrosity in the next episode:

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    CatySky posted: »

    This was one of my idea too! Each time Max messes with time there are consequences, maybe the insignifiant stuff like watering the plant or drawing on the car's window will result in something horrible, who knows?

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